
124, Female

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I am a published science fiction, mystery, romance author, with a touch of the paranormal. Nine of my books have been published as ebooks with Write Words, Inc., imprint ebooksonthe.net; and two of them are now in print through Write Words, Inc., imprint Cambridge Books.

Personally, I wouldn't have called any of my books paranormal, but editors, reviewers and my publisher do.

Check out my blog at: elenadorothybowmansbooks.blogspot.com

Elena Dorothy Bowman
Journey to the Rim of Space and Beyond
e-mail: elenadb@comcast.net

Comment Wall:

  • ElenaDB

    Hi, Frank!

    Thanks for the invitation. Nice meeting you.

    Elena Dorothy Bowman
    Journey to the Rim of Space and Beyond
    e-mail: elenadb@comcast.net
  • Colleen Breuning

    Lovely photograph-did you take it? I am a poet & nature photographer and taking sunset shots are my passion.
    :) Colleen
  • ElenaDB

    HI, Coleen:

    Yes, I did take it. I have several more in my collection. I love to take sunset shots there is something mystical about a sunset and it shows up in the pictures.

    Thanks for asking.

    Elena Dorothy Bowman
    Journey to the Rim of Space and Beyond
    e-mail: elenadb@comcast.net
  • Kathleen Gage

    Hi Elena,
    I would like to invite you to join my Ning Book Marketing network. I have been a published author for many years and love to network with others who have a passion for writing and publishing.

    If you get a chance, please visit my blog to read my special feature called The Author’s Corner. This week’s featured author is Nikki Leigh. http://www.kathleengage.blogspot.com Nikki shared some excellent tips on how an author can market themselves.

    Have a great day.

    Kathleen Gage

    The Street Smarts Marketer and Author

  • ElenaDB

    Hi, Everyone!

    I'd like to invite you to view my new book video on YouTube. The link is:

    Thank you,

    Elena Dorothy Bowman
    Journey to the Rim of Space and Beyond
    e-mail: elenadb@comcast.net
  • Lynn C. Johnston

    I love the photo! It's gorgeous. Good luck to you.
  • ElenaDB

    Hi, Kathleen!

    Just dropped in to say Hi! Been reading your blogs.

    Have a wonderful day!

  • SusieSunshine

    Thank you, Elena, for the invite to your circle of friends! I look forward to talking more with you!

    Blessings from my spirit to your spirit!
  • ElenaDB

    HI, Susie:

    Thank you for your blessings. It is really appreciated.

  • Leeanne Marie Stephenson

    I invite you to visit my web site:
    and read all about my romance novel called, "A PRESCRIPTION FOR LOVE." It's a hard to put down read that you wish will never end! While you are at my web site, please view my TV interview on my book. Also please visit my guestbook and let me know what you think. Thank you, Leeanne
  • BiblioScribe

    Elena - just go to http://www.biblioscribe.com/members/home/login.cgi to log into your account.

    James Ward
  • ElenaDB

    Hi, James!

    Thank you.

  • Susan Cook-Jahme

    HI Elena,
    Look forward to knowing you better!
  • Martha Jette

    Hi Elena:

    Thanks so much for adding me as a friend.

    Take care,
  • David Bowman

    Such a pleasure meeting a fellow member of the Bowman clan dear Elena! Sadly I do not have any known immediate relatives living in Illinois. The is hope though if you are I are part of the Clan Farquharson too! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Farquharson has our Bowman as a Tartan mentioned so I imagine there are thousands who emigrated to the US and Canada.

  • ElenaDB

    HI, Everyone!

    Just dropping in to say Hello. Today it is a beautiful day here. The sun is shining so brightly and our neighbor across the street appears to remodeling his entire house. It is fascinating to watch the workers tear off the roof shingles and see them cascading down the front of the house as if it was a waterfall. They have already ripped off the siding on the entire two story house. When we first heard about it, it was supposed to be a only a garage being added on. Now it's a massive remodeling effort with a huge room being attached to the main house. That huge room is 2/3rds the size of the main house itself. Fascintating. Just thought I'd share something that was happening in our very quiet neighborhood. :-)
    Elena Dorothy Bowman
    Journey to the Rim of Space and Beyond
  • Chau Van Truong

    Congratulation on all your books Elena...

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    Fans can also read at http://www.novelmaker.com/ …. SECRETS KEPT script .. http://novelmaker.com/readCommentRate.php?m=295&s=0a13623de77a7051ccaadbfbc6e8e7cc , A KILLING STAR script.. http://novelmaker.com/readCommentRate.php?m=297&s=0a13623de77a7051ccaadbfbc6e8e7cc , THE NAISA MAFIA - 8 chapters.. http://novelmaker.com/readCommentRate.php?m=292&s=0a13623de77a7051ccaadbfbc6e8e7cc ..

    Listen to JUDYTH PIAZZA interviewed CHAU VAN TRUONG (author/filmmaker).. link at Interview on the American Perspective Radio Program or http://thesop.org/article.php?id=7224 . THE NAISA MAFIA: Chronicle OF The Godfather can also buy it at http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0974793507/qid=1100292074/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/102-4638388-1864109?v=glance&s=books on http://www.amazon.com , on the recommended list at http://www.bookwire.com , http://www.tuluc.com , and other venues. The Naisa Mafia: Chronicle of the Godfather can also be requested at your local bookstore.
  • ElenaDB

    Hi, Everybody!

    Today is the 1st of March or The Ides of March as noted in Shakespeare. As I look out the window, I see softly falling snow. At first it appeared to be fluffy snow falling quietly on the lawns and roads. But now that it's coming straight down and the temperature has risen, it is a wet snow falling on these lawns and roads. The plow has been by twice already and the snow is destined to fall for several more hours. We're expected to get 6" to a foot of snow, and my poor husband's back can't take much more of this, even with the snow blower. Other than that, it is a pretty sight, seeing the white snow on the pine and evergreen trees, a perfect picture of a wintry New England Day. Guess that's about it for now. Have a great week-end everyone.

    Elena Dorothy Bowman
    Journey to the Rim of Space and Beyond