Colleen Breuning


South Florida

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
My first book of poetry, "Shadows of My Father" was released on November 2, 2011. This has been dedicated to the memory of my father, Philip Thomas Keller, who died in 2003 from lung cancer. You can purchase it online at:

In addition to writing poetry, short stories and lyrics, I am also an avid nature photographer, and have been published online at various ezines and journals. I have been published in print with SP Quill and Phosphorescence Magazine. Check out the following links to view my poetry and photography:

Comment Wall:

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  • Charlotte McPherson

    Glad you enjoyed it. It is exciting here-rarely a dull moment. Definitely a fascinating city. I will be watching your links.
  • William Butler

    Hello Colleen:

    I'm happy to be invited as a friend. While not a cat person (I don't dislike cats but I've always thought they were too smart to really be pets--they simply allow us to care for them and keep us thinking they're our pets) I must say they carry a built-in cute factor. I honestly think they only things that comes close are teddy bears. And of course, being inanimate, they're a bit limited as pets.

    Again, thank you for inviting me as a friend,
  • William Butler

    Thanks Colleen for the comments on my site. I spent most of this afternoon lining up coverage for the book signing scheduled for Saturday of next week (Sept. 8th). It looks promising but I'll still keep my fingers crossed. I tend to be one of these people who holds his breath until the event has proven to be successful. Too many times I've gotten my hopes up, only to have some monkey wrench thrown into the works at the last moment.

    Presently, it looks like two newspapers and one television station will cover it. Depending upon whether it conflicts with the re-air of the high school football game, we might even be able to have it broadcast live over the local access channel. But again, football is more important, so we'll have to wait and see on that.

    I was able to stop in at your Blue Turtle website. I love the photography. But, next to writing, photography was always a passion for me. Unfortunately, in the seventies, when I was pursuing that course, color photography of any merit meant you did your own darkroom work. With my impared color vision, it was something I simply couldn't do. Still, I enjoy beautiful photos and yours are quite wonderful. You are to commended.

    Be well,
  • Amber T. Kingston

    Thank you Colleen for your kind comments on my website. I'm glad you like it. I had fun coming up with the concept. I think it's wonderful that you can write poetry. I have tried for years--even at an early age--and I always found it so difficult! I really respect that poetry is a passion of yours. Best of luck to you!
  • Russ Heitz

    Hi Colleen,
    I enjoyed your beautiful photographs and beautifully colored website! Wonderful photos and wonderful poetry, too. Wow! Such talent! Thanks for being my friend.
  • Mark David Gerson

    Congratulations on the new edition of your e-zine. If you're ever open to photography submissions, let me know.

    Mark David

    P.S. All the photos on my web site are mine
  • Tom LaLumiere

    Hi Collen! Thanks for leaving a comment on my wall. Loudoun County is a very nice place to live and I hope you and your husband find what you are looking for out here. I also grew up in MD. P.G. County. In fact, that is where my novel is set.

    Your photographs are beautiful.
  • AJ Rodriguez

    Thanks for your kind comments. I appreciate your taking the time to visit my site.

    I will be coming to Ft Myers and Tampa next week for a seminar at the Ft Myers library on the 6 then it is off to Tampa for a conference and storytelling. If you live in these areas stop by and say hi.

    Teddy Baer Hugs and Magical Wishes to you and yours. May your lives be filled with Teddy Baer Hugs and Magical Moments.

    Good luck on your poetry. Your pictures are awesome.

  • Mark David Gerson

    I haven't written poetry in more than a decade! I'd have to look at it again to see if I'd still want to attach my name to it!! But I'd have no hesitation in contributing photos.


    Please check out my new visionary fantasy novel, The MoonQuest.
  • Mark David Gerson

    I'll watch for your December submissions notice....
  • Susan Haley

    Hello Colleen

    I understand from Dahris Clair that you are a fellow poet. It's nice to meet you and thank you for inviting me as a friend.
  • Michelle

    Hey Colleen,

    Anytime, lulu does a fine job!

  • Leighton Gage

    Hi Colleen,
    Hello from Brazil.
    I see you're in South Florida. My wife and I have a daughter in Miami. We're planning on going up there for Christmas. I'll try to work in a signing at Books and Books, it being one of my favorite shops.
    My stuff is anything but poetry, but I have a great love for it (and am inclined to start quoting too much of it when I've taken on too much wine.)
    Best Regards,
  • ElenaDB

    Hi, Colleen:

    Thanks for the invitation. I must admit, I don't write poetry, what I do write is science fiction, mystery, romance novels with a touch of the paranormal. My latest book has been released by Cambridge Books. It is the second book in the Legacy Series, The Gatekeeper's Realm, which is available on The first book in the series, the House On The Bluff, is also up on amazon. There is one other book in the series, which has only been published as an ebook with It is available from the publisher and from Other than that, I have nine book released as ebooks with

    Elena Dorothy Bowman
    Journey to the Rim of Space and Beyond
  • Susan Haley

    Thanks, Colleen. I'm spending time on your site too and it's beautiful. I'm also a photography nut and the Paul Wamhof collection on my site is wonderful. Paul is an Ansel Adams type that back packs the High Sierras. Most of the pictures on the Majesty of The Land trailer are his and his Wilderness Expressions are beautiful in 'real life'. I have the original print of "Star Trails" hanging on my livingroom wall and it's incredible, a 12 hour time lapsed shot. The perfect symetry of the Universe is magnificent. My little ramblings of poems are my own love, most of my work is on books and articles now. I am the Poetry Editor on Dahris Clair's Infinite Writer E-zine and looking forward to submissions from you.
    Most of the poems on are older, but do check out "The Circus Is Coming To Town". It's my favorite thing I've ever written.
    Mostly, I write poetic prose.
    Why don't you email me privately and tell me where in South Florida you are! We may be neighbors!
  • Curt Gibson

    Thanks, Colleen.
    I've so much to learn and the book isn't even out yet. One day at a time, I guess. Thanks for the welcome,
  • Aaron Paul Lazar

    Absolutely, Colleen!I would love to have a link from your site. Let me know what you need. You can email me offline if you like at aaron.lazar @ (minus the spaces).
  • Michelle

    Hi Colleen,

    Yes, you do have to upload your manuscript. It's pretty simple and there is information on their site on how to do this. You should be fine uploading your book. No, I didn't purchase any marketing service. John Kremer's book on marketing is a great book. I have been telling people about it for years. Pretty much when you publish your own book you become the marketer and promoter as well. When I first started out, I read many books written by people who have succeeded in the business. I can email you a book that I've written on book promotion; it's a short book with helpful, beginning advice. The royality checks are given every six months, I think. I am not sure though. You do get to set your own royality, but they do give you the starting point. You'll see what I mean when you set yours. I hope this helps, anymore questions feel free to ask.

  • CPMurphy

    Hi Colleen,
    Glad to be your friend as well. What part of South Florida are you from? I grew up in Naples.

  • Kerul Kassel

    Hi Colleen:

    Thanks for the invite. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

  • Donna Pampalone

    Hi Colleen,
    thank you for your comment, I will check out Blue Turtle. Blessings, Donna
  • Gene McVay

    I'm guessing that you didn't just pick up a box camera and start snapping pictures. Wow, what great pictures and such an eclectic collection. What kind of camera do you use? I took this picture with a Nikon CoolPix 8700 at 8 MP. I think I need a better camera:
  • Bea Vanni

    I know your chapbook dedicated to your father will bring you much delight in the future, if not already as you work on it. I feel the joy of so many writers that I work with especially when the book is done and in the hands of those who can appreciate it. Best wishes!
  • Douglas Quinn

    Thanks for inviting me as a friend. Was it really me, or my two dogs? Or, as my wife says, the old dog and the two girls. Snookie is a SPCA special--a mixed sheltie. Solstice, the tri-colored beagle, is a wander-by. Showed up at our house on the summer solstice, hence the name. Both sweet. Both spoiled. My best friends.

    I admir writers who can compose poetry. My writing style is more straight-forward, so don't infuse much poetic imagery into my prose. If you go to the ning siter site at Crimespace and find me there under the same obxwriter handle, you can read the excerpts from my novels and see what you think. Would love to hear your comments.

  • Douglas Quinn

    Hey Colleen: Oh, I have four cats, too (see the pics on my Crimespace site). Moustaki II we found on the road when she was only a handful. Swea' Pea was dropped off by the midnight skulker, pregnant with five kittens--we found homes for them all. The other two, Panthar and Funny Face were swamp kitties (we live in the Dismal Swamp Area of North Carolina) who wormed there way into our home and hearts. Re writing: why don't you just start out putting together a book of your short fiction. I wrote short fiction for years, building up to a novella before I tackled my first novel. Worked for me. Do you like Miami-based writer Carl Hiaasen? I like him and another Florida mystery/suspense writer Randy Wayne White--he lives on/around Captiva Island. Totally different writing styles but both entertaining to read. Personally, my favorite part of writing a story, short or novel length, is the development of interesting characters. Of course, in a full length novel it is more fun because you have more time to really development their personalities.

  • Karen Anne Webb

    Hi Colleen! Thanks for the friend invite. Oh, no, I've stumbled into a haven for people who adopt kitties! I also do nature photography (mainly wildlife and geysers) but am not as connected into that endeavor as I am in writing and editing and would love some advice on getting started. My genre is fantasy, but I do try to include a little poetry here and there. Nice to meet you!
  • Miriam Jacobs

    Thank you for the lovely comment left on my page!

    Embracing candace is a labor of love. It is reaching into the hearts and minds of many and for that I am grateful.

    One love,
  • Douglas Quinn

    When it comes to cats, they find us--and we're suckers, we can't turn them away. Writing toward manuscript page #400 on my fourth novel. Hope to finish the current chapter this weekend.

  • Ane Mulligan

    Thank you for your kind words, Colleen. That means a lot to me.
  • Bonnie Clark Weatherford

    Thanks for the invite! Good luck with your book of poetry. My own father passed away 1 year ago so I understand. I look forward to reading some of your work.
  • Lakishia Smith

    Hey Colleen

    Thanks for the comment. I look forward o checking out your site and learning more about your work.

    Thanks again
  • Sydney Stone

    HI Colleen, I am about 2 1/2 hours south of orlando, closer to tampa. I am looking forward to netwotking with you also and wish you much success!! God bless Sydney
  • Toni V. Lee

    Thanks for the invite.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Toni V. Lee
  • Lynn C. Johnston

    Hey Colleen, I tried to view your myspace page, but it wouldn't let me since your page is set to private. I tried to add you as a friend but it rejected your last name -- said it was wrong. I copied it from here. Anyway, maybe if you add me as a friend "angelsdancebook" I can get in. My page is public so you shouldn't have any problems. Thanks, Lynn
  • Kathleen Gage

    Hi Colleen,

    I would like to invite you to join my Ning Book Marketing network. I have been a published author for many years and love to network with others who have a passion for writing and publishing.

    If you get a chance, please visit my blog to read my special feature called The Author’s Corner. .

    Have a great day.

    Kathleen Gage
    The Street Smarts Marketer and Author
  • Jennarosa

    Thank you for the invite. Look forward to your updates.
  • Barbara Techel

    Thank you for the invite, Colleen! I read some of your poetry.... love the turtle poem!

  • Joel McGee

    Hello Colleen. thankyou for the invite. I look forward to speaking with you.

  • Barbara Techel

    Thank you, Colleen. My sweet little dog has taught me so many valuable lessons... she is just amazing in her tires! That is why I want to share her with little kids.
  • Karen Harrington

    Thank you for your kind comment! This is an exciting time.
  • Cheryl C. Malandrinos

    Hi Colleen,

    In addition to my book reviews, which you'll find at, I am also a Virtual Book Tour Coordinator for Pump Up Your Book Promotion -

    I noticed that you write poetry. You might be interested in a review I did of Meredith K. Laskow's poetry collection, "Cool Kids Ain't Us". You'll find it here:

    Best of luck!

  • KristaLyn A Vetovich

    Hi! Thanks for the comment and encouragement; I really appreciate it. I live in central Pennsylvania, about 2 hours above Harrisburg.
  • Leeanne Marie Stephenson

  • Tena Fanning

    Thank you for your interest in The Playdate Kids. I look forward to establishing new and creative relationships with fellow authors. If you would like to purchase any of my books at a discount please feel free to contact me:
    Have a great day!
  • Shara Smock

    Hi Colleen,

    I think you may be interested in FL Writers Assn.
    It's a wonderful group for learning, networking, and submitting work to the quarterly magazine. It's actually not only for Florida any more. We have national and even a few international members!

    If you'd like to check it out, please come to

    I also run the FL Authors online group at bookmarket. You can join it, regardless of your FWA affiliation.

    Have a good weekend,
  • Douglas Quinn

    I meant to respond to you earlier. Truly, I did. I've been caught up with book signings and promo work on my mystery novel, Blue Heron Marsh (did you ever get a chance to check out my Crimespace page?). Also, I just finished my fourth novel. It's a departure from mystery/suspense. A book I've been thinking about writing for years--Historial Fiction/Adventure, based on an ancestor. At any rate, you mentioned you had written two short stories. Care to share anything about them?

    Douglas Quinn
  • Barbara

  • Douglas Quinn

    Douglas Quinn
    Author, Editor, Book Reviewer

    12 January 2008

    Dear Family/Fans/Friends/Readers

    Please join me in the first week of my Virtual Book Tour. Beginning tomorrow, Sunday, January 13th, writer Brenda Kay Wynn will publish an interview with Douglas Quinn on her webblog site at

    You are invited to go to Brenda’s site, read the interview and comment and/or ask questions. I am looking forward to responding to your comments and queries.

    The interview will be posted throughout the four week tour. Weeks two, three and four will have different articles hosted by and posted at other webblog sites. Would love to interact with you along the way.

    In addition, each time during the four week tour you leave a comment and/or ask a question your name will be placed into a drawing for a Free Signed Copy of Blue Heron Marsh.. Hope to see you all there.

    Douglas Quinn

    P.S. Please feel free to forward this invitation to your email address list. The more people who participate the happier I will be.
  • Shara Smock

    Hi Colleen,

    I just stopped by to see what you're up to and to let you know about Florida Writers Assn.


    * Quarterly issue of The Florida Writer magazine.

    * Extra exposure for your writing by submission of articles and poems to the Florida Writer newsletter.

    * A link to your website on the FWA website.

    * The opportunity to interact with other writers by attending Writers Group meetings in your area.

    * The opportunity to attend and participate in the annual FWA Conferences.

    * Even more exposure for you as writer through participation in the annual Awards Program for published and unpublished writers.

    * Access to MEMBERS-ONLY e-group where members share publishing, writing, and marketing tips..

    * Special members-only rates on advertising in The Florida Writer magazine.

    * The opportunity to participate in FWA-sponsored book signing and promotional events held throughout the year.

    * Leadership opportunities as a Writers Group Leader, Regional Director or FWA officer.

    * SPEAKING Opportunities!

    Hope you check out the site and consider joining!

    FWA Secretary
  • Graham Odenyo