
Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book: provides free and low-cost internet marketing venues primarily for authors and publishers of the written word, but also for writers and publishers of music and software. The focus of is to provide new authors with a means to promote their work within an easy-to-navigate, syndicated website.

My book, "WEALTH VIRTUES" is now available. Please visit or join the Network at


Comment Wall:

  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Hi! Are you James Ward who wants to be my friend? I tried to find out a little more about you and can't find anything on James Ward on the network, and there is a long string of numbers and letters which led me to BiblioScribe posts.

    I love friends and am curious as to what you see that we have in common so we can partner together on the network as opportunities present themselves.

    Have an encouraging day!

    Pastor Sharon Billington
    Transforming lives through developing balanced, emotionally healthy relationships wiht God, others and self
  • Sean Toh

    Hi James,

    It's my honor and pleasure being invited into your network. I believe we could learn a lot from each other and leverage on each other networks. Feel free to drop me a line and talk to me about your possible ideas to turn them into realization. Keep in touch and thanks for the invitation.

    Yours Sincerely
    Sean Toh
    Author of “4 Steps To Financial Freedom”
  • SusieSunshine

    Thank you, James, for inviting me to your circle of friends. I much enjoy your posts and information. Thank you for them!

    Blessings from my spirit to your spirit!
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Jim, thanks for the invitation. I look forward to networking with you and sharing as the opportunities arise. Thanks for your informative posts.

    Pastor Sharon Billington
    Transforming lives through developing balanced, emotionally healthy relationships with God, others and self
  • Brenda Wynn

    Thanks, James. I hope I can get the hang of this site. Looks good.
  • Jean A Sturgill

    Hi James,

    Thanks, I will definitely be taking a closer look at your site, I liked what I saw earlier.

  • Marilyn Meredith

    Thanks, I'll take a peek.

  • Paul H. Kogel

    James, on you website you give a per page price for your editing and reviewing services. My manuscript is double spaced because that is the way agents want it. Of course, if I single space it, it becomes half as many pages. Wouldn't a word count be a better measurement?
  • Enspiren Press

    Hi Jim.

    Thanks for your offer. We will take you up on that.

    Thank you.
  • ElenaDB

    Hi, All!

    My latest novel, The Odyssey has just been contracted for with Write Words, Inc., This is my tenth novel with Write Words, and I trust more will be in the offing.
    I don't know why I an having a problem signing in with Biblioscribe. I can access it through Book Marketing, but not through Biblio Scribe. Any suggestions?

  • Eliz Joyner

    Thanks. I will take a look at BiblioScribe. Love Renewed should be back from the printer in Jan. and marketing is my first priority right now.
  • Caridad Pineiro

    Thanks for the welcome, Jim! I'll be sure to check out all the wonderful things that are happening here!
  • Shelagh Watkins

    Hi Jim,

    Thanks for adding me as a friend!

  • Bob Selden

    Thanks Jim.
  • Philip Harris

    Thanks for the add-sounds interesting!
  • Author-Poet Aberjhani

    Thank you for the friendivite. I look forward to visiting

    Author-Poet Aberjhani
    author of The Bridge of Silver Wings
    and Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance
  • Spencer Dane

    Thanks for the add.
  • Diane

    Thanks James! I'm checking out your site right now.

    Diane Williams
    22nd Century Press
  • Ace Antonio Hall

    Thanks for the opportunity to share and explore our works! I look forward to it!
  • Roy Sannella

    Many thanks will get back to you in a week or so. family illness at present.

    Roy Sannella
  • Susan Cook-Jahme

    Hi Biblio Scribe,
    Just popping in to say “Hi” and see what you have been up to lately!
    Visit the storefront where I sell my books:

    Africa’s Amazing ABC (children’s)

    African Dust on the Soles Of my Feet (poetry)
  • C.F. Jackson

    Hi Biblio Scribe,

    Yes! Thank you for the adding me
    to your site.

    I updated my profile on last week. Can
    you see those updates?

    Continue to have an awesome weekend!

    Won't Be Denied,
    C.F. Jackson

    P.S. Free Download of Chapters 1-3
    of Won't Be Denied . . .

  • John E. Smethers, Ph.D.

    I registered and submitted a press release on your site, but I don't know what to do next. How do I see what happened to it or if you even got it. There's no 'contact' option or view option, or anything explaining what to do next. John
  • BiblioScribe


    Each submittal is reviewed by a human (prevents spammers). Your will be up this evening ( 6 August)
  • Faye

    I'm a freelance writer, editor and book-writing coach.

    Author's biggest concern is marketing. How can we support each other's biz? Let's talk!

  • My Diva Diet -- Christine Lakatos

    very cool my twitter is
  • My Diva Diet -- Christine Lakatos

    yeah! Nice to know you!