


United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
I've actually got two books. The first, Revvellutionize Your Life in 30 Days ~ A Self-Empowering Playbook I originally wrote for me. When I realized that all the processes in the book were what I used to change my life I decided I needed to publish it and did so.

The second book is called Smoothies and Smoozies for Life. It is a compilation of smoothies, puddings and "ice cream" all made with raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. A really healthy way to get more of these items into one's food program thus creating and/or maintaining health.

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  • Eugene R. White

    Hello Revvell's, thank you so much for viewing my blog. Here is another on of my blogs I want you to check out.
  • Dr. Uche Akwuba, LCE

    Extraordinary! Are we getting a whiff of a vegetarian here? That's the way to go. As a true vegetarian, you recognize the cruelty in the killing and eating of animals. And that makes every meal you eat a Good Deed. And since what goes around comes around... Keep going, young lady. If you get a chance, see
  • Annie Lawrence

    Hi Revvell,
    I didn't know about the raw festival but I do know there is a very strong movement here for raw. There is a place in the Village of Oak creek that does some videos on raw check out Studio 3. Give me a call if you come out. And check out our Sedona video at . My book is more about how emotions and relationships affect our health. Keep in touch!
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    I am passing your URL for the podcast to a few people I know. Why not? That's what we're here for!

    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
  • Jack Elias

    Thanks for asking to be my friend! If you would like to receive my free ezine, Finding True Magic Hypno Tips, please go to my homepage,, and subscribe.

  • Stacey Kannenberg

    Thanks for the invite. Keep on keeping on!
    Smiles - Stacey
  • Michelle Cubas

    Your method appears to be a delicious way to be energized.
    How do we do this with vegetables!

    Coach Cubas
  • Donna Gunter

    Hi Revvell--

    Thanks for the invitation. I look forward to getting to know you better.

    Online Biz Resource Queen (TM)
  • Bruce Forciea

    Thanks for inviting me. Your books look very interesting.
  • Frances Hunter

    Thanks for the invitation! I look forward to networking with you.

    Liz Clare
    co-author, To the Ends of the Earth: The Last Journey of Lewis and Clark
    Silver Medalist, 2007 Independent Publisher Book Awards
    book trailer:
  • Alan Smith

    Thanks for the invite ... glad to see you're into natural health. Good luck!
  • Reecy Aresty

    Hello Revvell!

    Thanks for contacting me.

    I’m Reecy Aresty, a financial advisor since 1977, creator of The High School, The College, and author of How To Pay For College Without Going Broke, an invaluable, critically-acclaimed, parent/student manual. Presented in two parts (admissions & paying for college), it is the only book of its kind also available in Spanish.

    My e-books, reports, and consulting services offer students, parents and grandparents of high school and/or college students (a niche market in the10’s of millions), time-tested techniques to get into the college of their choice, and legal strategies to pay less than they ever dreamed possible.

    Unless your list is mainly the under 40 crowd, I definitely have something to offer you - commissions as high as 50%! Please visit my website, To sign-up as an Affiliate, go to, and we’d sure appreciate your passing this on to any of your affiliates you think may be interested. We pay overrides on two levels of commissions.

    Next week we will have the official launching of and

    Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to discussing this with you in greater detail.


    Reecy Aresty
  • Jo Fulkerson

    My problem is that I do not do well at speaking to groups. In fact, I would say that I do more "damage" than good in that area. But I am coming up with ideas for marketing every once in awhile and maybe I will hit on the right approach eventually.

    Thanks for your input.
  • WinningTheGameOfBusiness

    Hi Revvell--

    Thanks for the invitation. I look forward to getting to know you better.

    Steve Kennedy
  • Linda Alexander


    Thx for your friend invite. I hope to get to know you!

    BTW, you have BEAUTIFUL hair!

    Blessings -- Linda Alexander
    Books For The Thinking Reader
  • Maria Peagler

    Thanks for the invite. Your books sound great, and I love the cover photo for Smoothies and Smoozies. It looks great. I'm excited about being part of the Book Marketing Network and getting to know you and your work.
  • david b mclaughlin

    Please help me name my book (if you have not already)!

    Vote here:

    Thanks in advance,
    David B. McLaughlin
  • Paidra Delayno

    Thank you for the invite to be friends. Meeting new people is fun. I meet people through my work but they don't really share any of the same interests as I do.
  • PulpStar

    Hiya, Rev. Thanks for the invite. Here's pulp in your eye!
  • ladyewolfe69


    If you like to read romances, please visit my website and take my poll. Thanks
  • N.W. Smith

    Thanks for the invitation. God Bless
  • Elisa Mayo


    Love your name and your healthy ideas! Look forward to getting the hang of this thing with you.

    To God Be The Glory,

    Elisa Mayo (
  • Velda Brotherton

    Hi Revvell, A name to remember. Thanks for being a friend.
    Velda Brotherton
  • Joanne Victoria

    Hi Revvell..

    How did you get to interview all those people and who's next on your list?


  • The Voice

    Thanks for the invite Revvell.

    Interesting spelling by the way.

    Consider "The Voice" as a promotional tool.

    I look forward to networking and possibly working together with you someday. Aside from that though, I look forward to getting to know new friend.

    Eric H Hollaway Sr
  • Pamela Petruschke

    Love the visuals on your books! Hope they sell like crazy.

  • John Fielder

    Hi Revell,
    Your books sound quite fascinating. Thank you for inviting me to be your friend.
  • Roland Gehweiler

    Thanks for the invitation!

    Think about this:

    - Smile often
    - Laugh at surprises
    - Enjoy food
    - Put your whole self into learning
    - Reach for what you want
    - Frustration is only temporary
    - Love freely -
    - Forgive quickly
    - Let others know what you need

    Namaste and a happyday Roland
  • Raffa Predieri

    Hello Revvell, thank you for the invitation!
  • Peter Bowerman

    Thanks Revell, for the invite and congrats on your success! Beautiful covers... (you don't see that enough)

  • Linda L. Thompson

    Hi, Revell,
    Your books sound very interesting. I would like to let you know about an opportunity to display and market your books that you might not be aware of. We have a great book and author festival in San Luis Obispo on September 8 this year in beautiful Mission Plaza. (I took my book last year and really enjoyed it.) More information is available on our website, There is still time to rent a booth for this year's festival!
    Linda T.
  • Linda L. Thompson

    Actually, this year I am chairing the event, so I am up to my ears in preparation! It is fun... and a lot of work.
    Yes, you could give a talk if you take a half-booth or a booth. All you have to do is sign up for the booth using the form on the website, indicate you would like to do a reading or a workshop, and get it to us by August 1.
    Hope to see you here!
  • Jim Misko

    Hi Revvell
    Nice sounding books. Could have used them when I was younger. At my current age, I know all the answers but I can't find anybody who knows the questions to ask me. May it go well with you. Buffalo Jim
  • Jill Ronsley - SUN Editing and Book Design

    Hi Revvell,

    Thanks for the invitation.Your books look very uplifting and healthy. Best of luck with them.

    All the best,

    Jill Ronsley
    SUN Editing & Book Design
  • SusieSunshine

    Hello, Revvell. Thank you for inviting me to be a part of your friendship circle. Your first book sounds a lot like the one I am getting ready to publish now. I am looking forward to getting to know you.

    Blessings from my spirit to your spirit!
  • Patricia Dischler

    Thanks for the invite Revvell. Healthy Icecream? Now that's worth checking out! My family is known for being able to locate a Dairy Queen within 20 min. at any moment during a roadtrip!
    Check out my books at

    Best to you!
    Patricia Dischler
  • Mspiderman

    Hi Revvell. Thanks for the invite! I just joined this community so I'll be fascinated to see what it has to offer.
  • Kelly Komm

    Nice to meet you, Revvell!
  • Deborah W.

    Very nice to meet you Revvell.
  • Jeremy Twigg

    Hi Revvell,

    Thanks for the friend request. Best of luck with both of your books.
  • Hans Eric Melin

    Thanks for the invitation. I'd love to read especially your last book, I'm a smoothie addict.
  • maury brooks

    Hello Revvell,
    Your radio program sounds wonderful. I have spoken on a similar program here in Santa FE NM several times. It is about health and living world type issues.

    If you are interested, I would love to do an interview with you once my series of guides start coming out in the near future.

  • Joseph Frank Baraba


    Hi Revell..

    Your books sound very interesting. I wrote a pet lovers book, titled: " Dusty."......

  • Joseph Frank Baraba



    I have new Dusty pages.....

  • Author & Book Promotions

    I will thanks. You look familiar. I think you might be on my friend list on Shelfari. But I'm not certain.
  • Cindy Jost


    I will definitely be checking out your new network.

    thanks for the invite
  • Beppa66

    Hi are you the same Revvell from RFT??? ( :
  • Beppa66

    Ha-ha. Thought so! I only recently joined this forum. Someone mentioned it, so thought I'd check it out. Thanks for the nod on the book covers yet. ( ;
  • Beppa66

    Thanks. I think you're right. Cool peeps.
  • John Fielder

    HI Revvell,
    Was in Denmark(Copenhagen), in April. Was most impressed by the number of people riding bicycles, and also the number of children being transported this way.
    Loved the people and the country - too cold fo me though. I am a sun lover and live in the tropics.
