Deborah Shiels


blue ridge,ga.

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
"The Grant"
Follow the fast-paced life of the largest landowner in U.S. history as he builds civilization on the western frontier with a colorful cast of memorable characters, blood, and an iron-fisted determination!

Comment Wall:

  • John Kremer

    Welcome to the Book Marketing Network. Join in some discussions, post a blog or video, schedule an event, make some friends. I think you'll enjoy it here.

    John Kremer, book marketing expert

  • Paradise

    Hi Deborah, nice to meet you. There are five books in this series, but I have two more five book series pretty much finished. The second series is called The Little Eagle Series and consists of five book all written, but awaiting edit. The third series, it called the White Panther series and well underway. I have several books written prior to these just mentioned, my first in 1979, In Search Of Paradise which is now in the third edition. You can read the first twenty or so pages on under my name. Some of the books there are written by my son, also Dr Robert E McGinnis so we do get confused from time to time. I have a daughter who is a math professor and her books are bought up before she has them finished, her last book was a workbook titled, The Art And Mystery Of Math by Professor Cynthia L McGinnis. Yes, we are a writing family. I have a younger daughter who has written a documentary of her mother's (my wife) escape from Vietnam under a hail of bullets and several encounters with Thai pirates. My wife's brother was shot but fortunately lived. That book can 't be released yet due to sensitive family information. It is a story of a billionaire family forced out of their country and every possession taken away. Thankfully, they are all doing well, the father was the only one to sadly succumb to the battle with the communist. Writing for us is not about fame or money. We write to leave our footprints in the sand, on cave walls or in books for future generation. We want those who come behind us, and especially our own family, to know what we thought, how we lived, how much love we have for life and in general, who we were. Thanks for putting me on your friend list. Dr M
  • Glenn Stuart

    Hi Deborah! Nice to meet you. I like the look of your book. Who has published it?
    I'm British, but I live in Spain now. The sun has had a remarkable effect on me - I just can't stop writing. I always have written, but I've never had the time to actually put things together properly...well, now I have! And at last things are beginning to happen. It's been a long, uphill struggle, but I can just about see the crest in the far-off distance! Still a long way to go, mind you. Anyway, I see my publishers, Black Leaf, are one of your 'friends' and I hope you can add me too.
    You must tell me more about yourself.
    Until then, take care and thanks once again for getting in touch.
  • Stephen Rosenzweig

    Hello Deborah, It's good to meet you. Your book looks interesting. I hope to hear from you soon. What made you decide to write your book on this topic?
  • Charles Lightwalker

    Welcome to the group, Charles
  • Margie Hall

    Yes I am a new writer . I just finished my first book a few weeks ago. I am doing a pitch session at the Muse Conference so fingers crossed, but I understand the chances are slim :)
  • Donald James Parker

    Hi Deborah,
    Yep, I'm an author.
    Thanks for the friend invitation. I'd be honored if you'd check out my work at My website - click here
    You can download my ebooks for free there. They are all Christian novels.
    God bless!!
  • John Cmint

    Hi Deborah,

    Thanks for checking out my site. I'm working on becoming a published author :) I have a fiction novel I'm writing and its first draft is almost completed. Can't wait! :)
  • Stephen Rosenzweig

    If you would, tell me what you think of this excerpt from THE JOURNEY:
    One night at the end of the first month there, Josh had gone to bed early. He awoke to a terrible nightmare of bullets, rockets, mortars, helicopters, and jet fighters all around him at the kibbutz. He sat on the side of his bed thinking he had a nightmare of war. It was incredible; the sounds of battle were still all around him, it was no dream. It was real. The kibbutz was under attack by the Syrians and Palestinians from the Golan Heights. Israeli troop helicopters were streaming toward the Heights; Mirage jet fighters were strafing and shooting rockets into the mountainside. These guerilla battles were common all over Israel.
    The following morning a telephone worker from the kibbutz went up the hill to check the lines to see why the phones weren’t working. He didn’t return and a search party found his head stuck on a stake up the hill near the telephone wires. No one was allowed to go into the fields until the army swept them for mines. A friend of Josh’s from England broke the rules and went walking in the fields before the army swept them for mines. He stepped on one. They all heard the explosion and a medical team with an army patrol found him unconscious with his right leg blown off at the knee. They saved his life and he was flown by helicopter to the main hospital in Jerusalem. He sent Josh a post card from London a month later. He would be able to have a relatively normal life with a prosthetic leg.
    In the town of Shamir Josh met a girl who was very sweet but extremely unbalanced in her thinking and conversations. She had been in the children’s house with some kibbutz mothers at Kibbutz Tel Dan, 10 kilometers north from Shamir when there was a Palestinian or Syrian attack. A mortar shell came down through the roof blowing up all the children and two of the mothers. The girl was not in her right mind since witnessing that. She suffered from post traumatic shock syndrome. It was easy to see why Israel is so adamant about defending itself. The surrounding countries would like nothing better to destroy this small homeland for so many Israelis.
  • Shannette Slaughter

    Well I guess you can say it is philosophical in the true sense that philo meaning love. I would say it is more like the agape love the universal love that comes with universal consciousness. My book is about the journey within that frees us so that we are available to the love.

    Welcome to the sight and thanks for adding me to your network lists
  • Gary Val Tenuta

    Thanks, Deborah. :-)

    Your book looks like great movie material. Here's to seeing it on the big screen one day! Or, hey, even a TV movie wouldn't be bad, eh? I know I'd take either one. I'm not pickey. LOL
  • Teo Graca

    Yes, I am a writer. You can find my latest book on the eWorkshop Courses website.
  • Sonia Novick

    Namaste Deborah thanks for the Ad as a friend, Photobucket
    I am so glad you requested me as one of you’re friends here on BMN, thanks for the friends request!!!

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  • Stephen Rosenzweig

    Hi Debora. How are you doing? Are your books doing well?
  • Anthea Carson

    Hi, nice to meet you! How are your books doing? Any tips on how to promote?