Donna Rogers

76, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
It was a very painful experience to relive all of the situations in my book, but I did it, in order to capture all of the elements, that my family and I went through. My daughter had manic/depression bipolar disorder, since the age of fifteen. My daughter held our family hostage to her suicidal threats, as her demons tormented her on a daily basis, until she took her own life on September 21, 2001.

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  • D. J. Stephens

    Thanks for the invite. I have taken the liberty of putting your cover and link on my site. Check it out on the "Other Authors" page 3.

    Good Luck,

  • Penni Lynn Smith Weston

    Hi Donna! thank you for stopping by and I would love to be added to your friends list. I have no picture I can add, however. That is still one thing I am unable to do at all my writing sites. Happy writing! Penni
  • Author-Poet Aberjhani

    Hello Donna,

    Glad to meet you here at Book Marketing Network.

    Your book and what I've read of your blog thus far sounds very powerful indeed. I'll have to read further. Peace and blessings to you,

  • Penni Lynn Smith Weston

    Hi Donna...what is photobucket?
  • William Butler

    Hello Donna,

    I have always believed we should do all we can for others. It's one of the things that gives our lives purpose and makes life worthwhile.

    I look forward to the days, weeks, months, and years ahead. Even the meek, with their voices unified, can do great things.

    Be well,
  • Charlotte McPherson

    Hi Donna! a book on the topic you have written is so needed. I am sure it will be a source of strength and comfort to many as you share from your heart. Blessings to you! I write as a columnist for Today s Zaman an English national and international newspaper printed in Turkey and on the web. You can read one of my articles if you go to: Hope you enjoy and are encouraged. Charlotte McPherson

    I write for a
  • Penni Lynn Smith Weston

    Hi Donna...I don't have any digital pictures of me to download, so it won't do me any good to try and use Photobucket. They won't accept avatars will they? I have several of those on my Yahoo email account. Penni
  • Pamela June Kimmell

    Hi Donna...thanks for inviting me to join your "Friends" list. I have a very good friend who went through losing a son as you have lost a daughter. A very painful thing - I'm sure writing about it has helped you and those who read it. All the best! Pam
  • Richard Neal Huffman

    Donna, thank you for the invite. I look forward to sharing thoughts on writing.

  • Kerul Kassel

    Wow - I'm sure it's a powerful book. How brave you are to have resurfaced those experiences so that others might be helped.

    Looking forward to learning more about you, and thanks for the invite,
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Hi Donna. Thanks for the friend request. Thanks for sharing your pain. I pray that this has helped you on your emotional recovery path. If you want to share privately, please do. I am a Chrisitan Counselor, and I am here to help in any way I can.

    I invite your visit to our site so that you and those you care about can have a safe place to find support, encouragement, information and gentle challenge.

    I look forward to getting to know you better and so we can support and partner with each other as the Lord leads.

    Pastor Sharon Billington
    Transforming lives through developing balaced, emotionally healthy relationships with God, others and self

    Thanks for the invite. My condolences to you and yours. We have that much in common: my step daughter has the same condition and it is a daily nightmare, espescially if she misses her meds!
    Thanks for sharing. I will add your book to my must-buy now list.
    God bless.
  • kendall R. Furlong

    Thanks for the invitation. Your story is poignant and tragic.

    Thank you, Donna. We need and appreciate all the encouragement.
    Stay blessed.
    Yours in Christ,
  • Jo Fulkerson

    Thanks for the invitation. It was great hearing from you.

    WOW! what a story. My heart goes out to you.

    If you have time sometime, check out my blog at
  • Ken Jensen

    Hi Donna,
    Thank you for the invitation. If you read my bio you saw that bipolar was my enemy too. Unbelievably devastating disease to fight against. We both know this.
    I made it out but I had some sort of quasi-suicide moment that left me in a two week coma before I did. Bipolar just devours souls; both the victim's and the family's.
    Get in touch with me if you'd like to know how to avoid this ever happening with your granddaughter. I have a son and I watch him closely too. He's got my genes so...
    But I have a tool to combat the illness before it even arrives. It gave me my life back and will make sure my son never even knows this kind of pain.
    Please go to my page again and watch my newest video entitled "You're bipolar and your meds have failed". I think it will be an eye opener for you.
    Take care,
  • Charlotte McPherson

    Donna, I did not mention this earlier but my mom struggled with depression after she was diagnosed with Lupus and already had some other serious health issues. It seemed she was in and out of ER and even attempted suicide. I flew home to be with her for a few months after that until Lupus went internal and her organs shut down. None of can ever understand the mind of a person who attempts suicide-like our friend wrote to you earlier, her daughter did not know why she attempted but she survived.

    I trust your book will receive wide distribution and be a source of strength and courage for many who walk the same path. Blessings.

    I hope to find encouragement from reading your book. as soon as I read it, I would like to share my thoughts about the book itself, and the issue of bipolar/manic depression, if it's fine by you.
    Stay strong and encouraged.
  • Hilda

    Hi Donna :)
    Thanks! For the invite to be friends.
    Hope your enjoying your day!
  • Kathleen Gage

    Thanks for the invitation.

  • Brenda Blackburn

    Hi Donna, thanks so much for the invitation. Wow, what a heart-wrenching story, that must have taken much strength and courage to share with the world. It will help a great many people. I look forward to browsing your website and reading everything in depth. And I look forward to talking with you soon!

    To view my Sept. newsletter/podcast on inner faith see: .
  • E.J. Samadhi Whitehouse

    Hi Donna -- I just saw that you invited me into your friend network and I would be honoured. I popped into your site to see who you were and have only read a little to feel your sorrow...which I hope you are or have been finding little ways to release or cope or just to find a moment here and there of calm or peace. My name "Samadhi" means "being in the moment" -- that's why I chose it; Samadhi reminds me to "call my Spirit back" if I wander too far down a dark path. I look forward to sharing our journeys and I would like to ask my first favour of you....would you pop into my site and watch the video? May it give you a peace and strength in this moment to see all love around you...enjoy!!
  • Bren Yarbrough Bruhn

    Hi Donna,
    Thanks for the invite. I'm so sorry to learn about the circumstances surrounding your inspiration to write your book. I know it couldn't have been an easy process, but sometimes sorting through things actually does lend clarity. I hope you have found peace through your journey. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Many blessings,
  • Jim Potter

    Hello donna,
    I commend you for sharing your story, however difficult. Do you find that telling your story helps you keep your daughter alive? I know that is the case with speakers we have at our DUI Impact Panels. One one hand it's very hard but on the other hand it's so important.
    Peace out,
  • Hilda

    My pleasure Donna :)
  • Reason

    thanks for the invite, do you have anyone who handles your marketing and promotions?
  • Val D. Greenwood

    Dear Donna,

    I am pleased to be your friend. You are a very brave womanto face your daughter's suicide head on and deal with it the wayo you did.

  • Barbara

    Dear Donna,

    After reading your profile I struggled to find the right words to express just how much I respect and admire you. I hope you and your family will find some peace in knowing your book will undoubtedly serve as a tool for others to learn and grow. I'm proud to network with you and look forward to hearing more from you.
  • Allen Ketchersid


    Hope your book project continues to provide some healing for you and yours and is a blessing to others.
  • Dawnny Ruby Platinum Book PR

    Hi Donna,
    Thansk for the invite.
    Your book as painful as it is, is a wonderful gift to other families. My son has ADD and extreme panic. He was in bad way not too long ago. Even all my nursing experience , 17 years , this is a very painful experience.
    I wish you well, I wish you all healing.
    your book is much needed .

    all the best
  • Dennis Kelley

    Donna, thanks for the invite and for sharing your experience to help others. God bless.
  • Winona Rasheed

    Hello Donna, my new friend.

    God Bless and much success with your heartfelt book.

    It takes a strong woman to go through what you did and then write about it in order to help others. You are one of the special ones.
  • Sue Morber

    Hello Donna,
    Thank you for your friendship. As I read your profile, I was so moved. When I was ten, I saw my father shoot himself. It took me decades to heal because no one was there to help with the pain. I know that because of your courage, people will heal so much faster. You are a blessing!
  • Darlene Walker

    Hello Donna,
    Thank you for the invite.

    Darlene Walker
  • K.S.R. Kingworth

    I hope your book will be able to help others identify symptoms that will help them know how to respond before it's too late. God bless you in your life as grandparents to your grandson, in particular, as you raise him.
  • albertasequeira

    HI Donna,
    I'm introducing my first video on Book Marketing. I hope everyone gets to view it: A Healing Heart.
  • Lutishia Lovely

    Thank you for the friend request Donna. Though born of tragedy, your book sounds amazing. I hope it is a beacon of light for others who are experiencing a similar journey as the one you've travelled with your daughter. Know that her life had meaning, that she is now in the light, and that you and your husband are angels to her little boy.
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    HI Donna! Haven't heard from you in a while and thougt I'd check in. Did you know that I am a Jersey girl, too? I grew up in Englewood, and George is from Sayreville.

    Pastor Sharon Billington
    Transforming lives through developing balanced, emotionally healthy relationships with God, others and self
  • C. D. Williams

    Thanks Donna. Everyone needs friends
  • Kris Williams

    Hi, Donna. Thanks for the invite. I admire your courage. It is so healing to put down in words all the pent up emotions that one deals with when they live through trageties.
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Donna, I am here for you. If you need to share more, please do. I am here to help in any way I can. Also, please visit our site for daily updated encouraging words and other emotional recovery information from a Christian perspective.

    I also encourage you to join our group, Christian Emotional Recovery, which is a safe place to receive support, encouragement and gentle challenge. I'll send you the email invite and look forward to having you with us.

    Sharon Billington
    Transforming lives through developing balanced, emotionally healthy relationships with God, others and self
  • Lutishia Lovely

    You're so welcome, Donna. You have such great energy; your smile lights up the page every time I view your profile! And thank you regarding my name. It is special to me as I was named after my great-grandmother. The name means "great joy" or "gladness" and I try to live up to my name! Enjoy the day...
  • Kris Williams

    I think that it's a blessing when you can create something beautiful out of something that was so terrible. It reminds me of the scripture passage that tells how Jesus can make beauty out of ashes. I don't remember the exact words, but that has always provided encouragement for me. Also, your book will probably give other readers hope and courage to survive trials and teach them how to lay down their burdens.
  • Barbara

  • Shelagh Watkins

  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    I send you greetings of peace and love from the rest of the family. They, like I, are always with you and never leave or forsake you. The angels and the rest of us want you to know how precious you are to us.

    When I agreed to give up my divinity and be born in the flesh, I did so very willingly. I looked forward to the time when we, you and us, could all be together and share in everything that is. I looked forward to loving you, hugging you, comforting you and encouraging you so that, when your life gets tough, you will feel secure and supported enough to face whatever you have to face. I looked forward to being the one you could rely upon unconditionally for that strength, comfort and encouragement whenever and however you need it.

    Not only that, I looked forward to sharing with you that we created you to love you, and that we so hoped and desired that you would love us back. We want you in our life, and we love it when you want us in yours. It was so exciting when I could turn to my disciples and expand our relationship to include friendship and true fellowship. I offer that friendship and fellowship to you today as well, and I look forward to your inviting me into your life in that way.

    You can see there are many reasons why I came in the flesh so many years ago. There’s more! I also wanted to set you free from thoughts and behaviors that hurt you emotionally and spiritually. If you were hurt by people or experienced hard times in your life and lost things like your health, relationships, or your way of life because of disaster or unemployment, I wanted to give you the tips and tools as well as the encouragement to recover emotionally and spiritually from who or what hurt you so you could have the kind of life I want you to enjoy.

    Most of you understand why I sacrificed my life for you and what an act of love that was. It is my hope that this letter will help you understand how very much more my life and ministry were to accomplish. I look forward to expanding our relationship now and forever.

    Joyfully, Jesus

    Copyright Encouraging Words Ministries 2007, All Rights reserved
  • Lutishia Lovely

  • Shara Smock

    Hi Donna,

    I just stopped by to see what you're up to and to let you know about Florida Writers Assn. It's national too!


    * Quarterly issue of The Florida Writer magazine.

    * Extra exposure for your writing by submission of articles and poems to the Florida Writer newsletter.

    * A link to your website on the FWA website.

    * The opportunity to interact with other writers by attending Writers Group meetings in your area.

    * The opportunity to attend and participate in the annual FWA Conferences.

    * Even more exposure for you as writer through participation in the annual Awards Program for published and unpublished writers.

    * Access to MEMBERS-ONLY e-group where members share publishing, writing, and marketing tips..

    * Special members-only rates on advertising in The Florida Writer magazine.

    * The opportunity to participate in FWA-sponsored book signing and promotional events held throughout the year.

    * Leadership opportunities as a Writers Group Leader, Regional Director or FWA officer.

    * SPEAKING Opportunities!

    Hope you check out the site and consider joining!

    FWA Secretary
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  • Bert Martinez

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