Traci S Campbell


Chicago, IL

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
My name is Traci. I enjoy helping people and seeing people reach their goals.

My book is about life being a single parent.

Comment Wall:

  • Maureen Miller

    Hi Traci,
    Happy to see you here!
  • Todd Christopher McKinney

    Thanks for the friend request.
  • Lorilyn Roberts

    Tracy, I want to get a copy of your book.
    Probably for selfish reasons. I have been writing for a while but I am "reinventing" myself with my next book, which deals with all I went through to get to where I am now. I am a single mom, and I have a very powerful testimony of Jesus Christ. I want to read your book and others so I can analyze what others are writing to how to better structure my own book. Actually, I will end up with two -- the novel, which will be like a ficitonalized memoir, and a nonfiction self-help book. based on Biblical principles. Look forward to hearing back from you.
  • Ron Roseboro

    Hi Traci,
    Thanks for the reply. Congratulations on your soon released book!
    My book is scheduled to be released this spring. I think its great what you are doing with single parents. May doors of opportunities and favor open for you. Look forward to connecting with you and sharing marketing and promotional ideas.
  • Ron Roseboro

    Hi Traci,
    It would be my pleasure to tune in. What are the days and times of airing so I can participate.
  • Lorilyn Roberts

    Just the transcript is fine. I will do my best to read it -- between the reading for my screenwriting course.
  • Deanie Humphrys-Dunne

    Hello Traci,
    Thank you for the nice comments. I wouldn't qualify as a single parent, but of course, I do support your efforts. I have been married for nearly 29 years, so I'm very fortunate in that respect. We have two grown children.
    Best of luck with your new book.
  • Ray W. Lincoln

    Thank you very much, Traci. We have common interests in encouraging and supporting children and parents. No doubt we will be in touch.
  • Kristen L. Baker

    HI Traci, thank you and I will joing you on facebook, I actually grew up with divorced parents, you are doing a great thing!
  • Nomaren Augustine O.

    It is a pleasure to read from you traci. And the cause you support is a noble one. Sadly, though, it looks like the rank of single parents is likely to swell before the problem is arrested for good. People in that situation need all the help available. Good cause! Thanks for all your dedication, and wish you well with your new book.