Bill Frank

United States

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  • Neil Benson

    A very helpful reply to my post, beyond what could usually be expected.
  • Jack B. Nimble

    Thanks Bill. Do you have some thoughts on my recent blog about two agent's different opinions about my novel? jack
  • irene brodsky

    nice to hear from you
    i write books and teach ay Brooklyn College
  • Del-Rio Gardner

    Hi! Bill thank you for being a friend. I am thankful for all of the information you share it’s a great help.
  • ucanwalkonwater

    Bill, thank you for being a friend. The biggest challenge I have is marketing my book. I am working on a business model to document how I did it. I am looking forward to meeting successful authors and getting valuable information on this social network.
  • Renita Perrone

    Hey Bill, Thanks for being a friend. Renita and I look forward to learning how to market her book.

    Thanks again Joe Perrone
  • Carol Itoh

    Thanks Bill, for being my first....friend on here! :-)
  • James Wrethman

    Thanks for the welcome.
    My biggest challenge as a first time author, with little or no help from the self publishing company, is not only to find ways to market the book but also to find time. I am now realising that the investigation of the marketing opportunities is eating in to my other professional activities and more importantly my writing.
  • Jeanette Michelle

    Thank Bill for accepting me as your friend. When you have the time and chance check out my website at and listen to my show.
  • Vicente Fernandez Enriquez

    Muchas gracias Bill, igualmente estoy encantado de estar aqui en la compañia de todos ustedes.

    Un Abrazo,,
  • Sandra Carrington-Smith

    Thank you so much for the connection, Bill. :-)

    I will check out your discussion shortly.
  • Gillian Mercuur

    Thanks for the add, Bill. Feels good to be part of this family. Going to make me a cuppa, then see you discussion :D
  • Gautam Sen

    Hello Bill,
    You're my first blog friend, and it's a nice feeling. It's like entering exciting new territory! I've been reading some of your blogs, and they're pretty informative.
  • Diana Britt Franklin

    I am still trying to figure out blogs, tweets, etc.. I really don't understand it all; barely made it to websites. I don't even know how to get into a discussion here. Having Parkinson's doesn't help, but I thought I would say hello to other Ohio writers.
  • Selena Deavaureux-Stubbs


    I have the same problem that Diana is having starting a blog, but not knowing how to draw a following.
  • Jason Oman

    Hey Bill! :-)

    Awesome to connect with you superstar! Thanks for the request, my friend!

    Have you seen my website for helping authors turn their books into
    #1 Best-Sellers? (It's at

    Also, are you on my ezine? I sent out an AWESOME strategy to my subscribers this morning! (Sign up is at:

    Hope you're doing AWESOME, superstar!

    Jason Oman
    #1 Best-Selling Author of 'Conversations with Millionaires'
    (See it at:
    Featured TV Success Story
    Author of 'Millionaire Money Formula'
  • Prophetess Gail Rose

    Thank you for the invite for friendship. I am looking forward to all I will learn from others who have been writing a lot longer then I have, and have had books out longer then I.
  • Gautam Sen

    Thanks for your tips on blogging and related matters.
  • Adelaide Zindler

    Hello Bill,

    Thanks so much for befriending me!

    Believe well!

    Adelaide Zindler
    Coming soon!
  • Vivian Greene

    Hi! there Bill, Nice meeting you. Thanks being friend.
  • Traci S Campbell

    Hello Bill,

    This is Traci S Campbell from Chicago, IL.

    I just approved your friend invite. Thanks so much for connecting. I am always excited to meet new people online, learn and share.

    I like how you have your profile picture.

    I host the Heroes At Home Radio show and will release my 1st book 'The C.H.A.M.P. Within' in less than a month. This is an exciting time in my life. I am open to your feedback on my websites. If you have any advice, please do share :)

    I also invite you to join us or invite a friend that would benefit from the encouraging testimonies from the single parents on my show. They can register for a free C.H.A.M.P. audio and transcript from my blog -

    I look forward to your reply.

    Your Friend,

    Traci S Campbell
    Author & Teen Advocate

  • Kamelia Sojlevska

    Hi Bill...
    My biggest challenge is at the moment selling the book. The bigger problem is that I live in Macedonia, and the book is published in US and have little information about the process. Before I was thinking "it is the content that will do everythong" but now I see it is not the case. The book is great and I would like to expand the number of readersm, but relly do not know what to do...?

  • Lisa Lahey

    Red Ribbon
  • Angela Marie Davis

    Hello Bill! Thank you for adding me as a friend! Check out my website!
  • T.F. Hodge

    Thanks for the invite, Bill. All the best, and continued success with the talents you have been gifted. Make it a great weekend!

    T.F. Hodge
  • Marina Vidigal

    Thanks, Frank. I'll check it!
    Marina Vidigal (Brazil)
  • Zelda Benjamin

    Interesting article. Sadly not only new authors have to market their books. Editors want to know that your website is up to date, are you on FB and are blogging on a regular basis. With all the extra connections how do they expect us to write?
    Thanks for the friend request.
  • Renee Allen McCoy

    Hi Bill, thanks for the add. I'm glad to be here and will certainly check out your discussions at a later date...take care. My website is
  • Cheryl Pillsbury

    The challange is having a publisher that will treat your book like a new born life developing instead of money. AG Press, LLC treats every book with TLC.
  • T.L. Mitchell

    Thank you Bill for you warm welcome. I would say that biggest challenge I have is actually finding the right marketing tactics for my books. I've been following along for a while with Book Marketing Network and have managed to write some press releases which were picked up my News Papers and online news spots. SO This website does contain wonderful tips and information! I look forward to sticking around for a while.
  • Art Sheppard

    Thanks Bill for inviting me to be your friend. I appreciate. If you find time please check out my website ( ). My book, "Talking Penny," is listed. I appreciate any feedback you can offer.
  • Leslie Musoko

    Thanks Bill sure glad to be here. You can reach me on my page
    Best regards
  • Shailesh R Kadakia

    Thank you for adding me as your friend.

    Shailesh Kadakia, Author

    True Physics of Light, Beyond Relativity"

    MATRIX Writers & Publishers
    602 Suburban Court, Apt. 3
    Rochester, NY 14620

    Mobile: (585) 955-3662
    Land: (585) 473-2396

  • Jerry Ashton

    I see you live in Ventura. Do you happen to know of the Glenn and Barbara Churman family? I was stationed at Port Hueneme with the Seabees as editor of the base newspaper.
  • Heidi Bylsma

    Thanks, Bill!
  • Jay Francis

    Thanks for the friend request + I look forward 2 receiving advice from you!

    - Jay
  • Graveyard Publishing

    Thank you for connecting with Graveyard Publishing Co.
  • Annie Goodwin

    Thanks Bill.

  • john quehl

    thanks for being a friend like to be a member goto and soar with the eagle's
  • Calvin Bradford

    Yor first book is like giving birth you don't want your child to come out as "Rosemary's Baby"!
  • Penumbra Publishing

    Thank you for the friend request. We're new here, still wading around trying to find our way.
  • Karin Piet

    Thank you for the friend request.....This is a great topic; and I must admit that I am a but overwhelmed!! Karin
  • Cordelia

    Hi Bill, As of today . . . just getting copies made and sent back to me in the quickness! (smile) I'm looking for a publishing company that can take the low pdf form and make good copies for a lower price. Do you have anyone in mind? (smile)
  • Susan Levin

    thanks for the connection. Speaker Services offers services for speakers and authors. Online directory and marketing and training services. Susan
  • Zaid

    Hi there. Im Zaid. I recently published a book on Lulu entitle, "Salaam from South Africa". The problem Im having, which Im sure you might also be experiencing, is effectively promoting this book. My book link is There is also a downloadable version available. I have approached regarding how I could get my book up on their website..but im currently still awaiting a response. I was wondering if perhaps you have any ideas as to how to effectively get my book out there? You can respond to this request or you can email me on Il let you know the full lowdown on how my experience went. Hoping to hear from you
  • Merle Savage

    In 1989 Exxon told the cleanup workers the same story, that the crude oil is not toxic. Some of us are living proof of the toxic exposure, and many others have died. Please view the YouTube video, and help get the message to Gulf residents, BP crude oil cleanup workers, and President Obama. Respirators need to be supplied to oil cleanup crews.
    Thank you.
  • Traci S Campbell

    Hello this is Traci. I wanted to stop by your page to welcome you to the network and ask you to please join me on my Facebook group at The C.H.A.M.P Within This group is about single parents and children who have grown up in a single parent home and for the ones who want to show their support.

    You can also follow me on twitter at:

    Your friend,

    Traci S Campbell

  • Adele Brinkley

    I love the Horace Mann quote!
  • Anna M. Aquino

    Thanks for the add.  Smiles.  :-)
  • Author Collective

    The 2011 Nashville International Book Festival takes
    place June 3rd through 5th at RiverGate Mall in Goodlettsville, Tennessee.
    Throughout the mall will be local television, government and sports
    personalities reading for 30 minutes to a group of children or students.
    Authors will also sell and sign their books and novels and there will be several
    no cost literary workshops, classes and panel discussions open to the general
    public. For more information or if you want to participate please go to
    or you can call us at 313.862.5000. Thanks and we hope to see and hear you at
    the "Celebrity Read Out".