Darryl Brown


Bronx, New york

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I'm a soon to be first time Self-Published Author who will be releasing a hot new urban fiction entiltled "Two for Five", in the up coming months.

I'm exploring every publicity, marketing, and promotional opportunity I can to get the word out about my book.

"Two for Five" is based in part on actual events and introduces you to three young brothers coming up in the hustle game on the notorious streets of South Jamacia Queens, New York.

The main character, Niko Bonds, is recruited into a thriving street level drug operation by his childhood partners, Ming and Chase and finds as the money flows, so to does the drama.

My writing is not just about entertainment and book sales. Its an outline for some of my younger counterparts who choose the hustle game over hard work and developing their innate potential.

I'm looking to network with authors, marketers, and readers to assist in exposing my book, and its message, to the reading public.

"Two for Five" is the first of a four part series. So stay tuned for more info......

My website will be up and running real soon.........

See ya, Peace.....


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  • Eric Coleman


    Congratulations. Keep me posted with the website and the book info, the story sounds interesting.

    Eric S. Coleman
  • Jo Fulkerson

    Hi, Darryl;
    My second novel, FOR LOVE OF TEDDY, deals with teenagers fighting drug dealers and is intended to show young people that they don't have to bow to peer pressure and can do something to fight drug abuse. I intend to write other novels showing young people overcoming the difficulties that today's society throws at them. I hope you'll check out my website at http://www.jafulkerson.com and my page here on BMN.
  • Bert Martinez

    Hello, I'm Bert Martinez, I'm looking to network with success minded authors. If you would like my free report 30 Strategies for Selling More Books just fill out the form below. I look forward to networking with you and if there is anything that I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me.

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    Bert Martinez

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