Harley L. Sachs

93, Male


United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
I've been a freelance writer since 1957 and have quite a few books published since I retired in 1986. My web site is www.hu.mtu.edu/~hlsachs where you can link to the catalog, reviews, and listen to two stories the BBC broadcast. My latest project is of interest to freelance writers who might like to finance their next trip abroad with their writing. The little book is called "CHilly-CHilly BANG! or How We Freelanced Through Europe's Coldest Winter in a VW with a Kid." It's hard work and you have to keep on the move, but the credential acquired through all that publication helped land me a university teaching job. The book can be downloaded or a custom copy printed from www.lulu.com.

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  • Harley L. Sachs

    My mail box tends to overfill, but time permitting I'm happy to share information. this is such a tough business any little bit can help.
  • Harley Sachs

    Here's another tip: I print out bookmarks five-up (that means five at a time) on 110 pound stock (same as business cards) and carry them wherever I go. They cost me about a penny apiece. Since I ride public transportation, I watch for people reading books and give them a bookmark. The front of the bookmark lists my books and the back tells people that some are in the local library and others can be ordered. Another tip is to get all your friends, relatives, grandchildlren, etc. to ask their librarians to add my books to their holdings. Librarians need tips from readers and appreciate those suggestions.
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