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All Blog Posts Tagged 'adventure' (400)

Interviews, interviews, interviews!

Lately, I've been getting into the interview thing. You'd be surprised how

many bloggers are looking for material and are willing to give an interview

with nothing in return. Of course, whenever I'm interviewed I promote it

heavily throughout the web which drives traffic to their blog. It's a symbiotic

partnership. Though I'm not sure how many sales these interviews generate, it

does give me lots of exposure. And I have gotten some nice feedback by…


Added by Neil Ostroff on September 13, 2011 at 11:30am — No Comments

Free promo for Indie writers

Hey all,

There’s a new site that will promo your book for free. It’s
called Indie snippets. They’ve listed two of my books so far and will do more
in the coming weeks. Here are the links to the pages. Check it out.


Added by Neil Ostroff on September 9, 2011 at 10:30am — No Comments

Lockhart’s Nightmare : A Charming Western Fantasy about Two Lovers on the Run

Lockhart’s Nightmare by Wayne Banton and Stan Williams Smoothie review

Overall rating: A Charming Western Fantasy about Two Lovers on the Run

This book was an unusual find. I found this at a yard sale during the summer out of the largest collection of odd books that ranged from mermaid love stories to alien mummies to pirates in love. I mean I’ve seen many love stories at yard sale with the pretty girls and then the half naked (or entirely naked) perfect men holding them. Yet…


Added by Samie Foster on September 6, 2011 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Will speech recognition programs make everyone a writer?


I’ve seen the commercials; a young child is telling a story as the computer automatically types it, fueling an imagination-laced story. The commercial makes it seem like anyone can be a writer. But by definition, what is a writer? I believe the term will soon be obsolete. Why? Because with speech recognition anyone can sit at a computer and talk into it, but it takes an artist to tell a story that fascinates. I do believe that soon millions of people will call themselves writers…


Added by Neil Ostroff on September 5, 2011 at 11:47am — No Comments

New Look for Lost Angel Walkabout-One Traveler's Tales

Not sure this is right place to share this message, but I want everyone to know what a superlative job Jay M Horne did for me converting my book Lost Angel Walkabout-One Traveler's Tales and uploading it on all the e-book distribution channels. Not only did he do that for an incredibly good price, he fixed my not "quite right" cover and gave it the sizzle it was lacking. Terrific job! Find him on under Market Place, or just email him at [] I can't say enough… Continue

Added by Linda Ballou on September 3, 2011 at 11:10am — No Comments

What is the meaning of life?

I asked myself this question after a dear friend died of pancreatic cancer only eight days after his initial diagnosis. The experience left me feeling empty and searching for purpose. I wrote DROP OUT as a way of dealing with the senselessness of it all. Writing the book allowed me to explore why we are here on this Earth and in this physical world. Since the story revolves around one man's loss after 9/11 I believe the book is even more relevant as the anniversary of that terrible day…


Added by Neil Ostroff on September 1, 2011 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Hurricane wait!

And so the waiting begins. The hurricane is coming. It’s always strange the denial people feel before a disaster hits, especially a day like today. Here in Pennsylvania, it’s a sunny, beautiful day. But I’m not fooled. I’ve been watching the weather channel and I know it’s coming. I know in 36 hours my life will be significantly changed if the storm gives us a direct hit. I’m not saying I’m going to lose my house or anything like that, though we may get some pretty serious storm damage, I’m…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 27, 2011 at 5:58am — No Comments

Hurricane is coming!


     By now most people are aware that a hurricane is coming our way here on the east coast. I’m pretty safe in Pennsylvania, but I sympathize with those along the shore. I know it’s going to be a rough ride.

     Besides the wind, rain, hail, and destruction, there is something fascinating about watching Mother Nature unleash her wrath. It makes you think that with all our technology we’re still vulnerable when it comes to our environment. Perhaps, one day we will be able to…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 25, 2011 at 9:20am — No Comments

Aging a story to perfection

     Finished my newest middle grade sci/fi novel, INSECTLAND yesterday and now it’s off to get its cover. I am using my usual ebook cover person, Judy Bullard. This is a book I started in January of 1997 and have been tweaking ever since. It’s funny how some novels can be written in a few months while others, like this one, can take years.

     Actually, I think I need to clarify something here. It didn’t take me this long to write the book, I actually wrote the book in four months…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 23, 2011 at 12:00pm — No Comments

crazy psycho novel


Here is an excerpt from one of my novels.






N. D. Ostroff






How it all began



I knew I shouldn’t…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 23, 2011 at 9:12am — No Comments

1.4 million dollars is all I need to keep my wife happy.


My wife and I live near a lake and every morning we take a long walk. Well, this morning my wife turns to me and says out of the blue; “You need to make 1.4 million dollars.”

“Done,” I replied.

“No really,” she pressed. “We need 1.4 million dollars.”

“Why that amount?” I asked.

She gave me this answer. 1.4 million dollars is the number she came up with that will allow us to retire; which sounded good to me since we’re both in our early forties. She came…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 22, 2011 at 9:49am — No Comments

What would really happen if you hit it big as a writer?

     For years and years, I dreamed of hitting it big as a writer. That dream kept me going through twelve hour days slaving in a corporate kitchen, through hard financial times, and even through bad relationships. The dream got closer when I signed with a top NY agency and even closer when editors of big publishing houses were requesting my stuff. But alas, the big viral hit still hasn’t happened. The books are written and being written, and quite a few are available for purchase and have…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 20, 2011 at 9:37am — No Comments

How many books should you publish at once?


     I’ve been publishing about a book every three months for the last two years. But it’s only in the last six months that I’ve published my stuff electronically on Kindle and Smashwords, and started heavy marketing and promotion on the internet. Now, you’ve got to understand, these are books that I’ve written over the course of twenty years. They have been through countless edits and critiques by friends and professionals. All have been through the ringer with good agents and…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 15, 2011 at 12:12pm — No Comments

Selling books in today’s marketplace


     It used to be that to become a published author (besides just writing a really good book) you had to also spend countless hours writing and addressing query letters, waiting patiently for agent’s responses (months), and then miracle upon miracles, you get signed to a LEGITIMATE agency. That’s only the beginning. Now, it’s up to the agent to make that one-in-a-hundred sale as opposed to the one-in-a-million chance an un-agented author had. And again, miracle upon miracles, it…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 14, 2011 at 10:27am — No Comments

New book promo week

Today is the day I started my promo/marketing for DROP OUT. Already logged up 4 sales (woo hoo). I discovered a great link on Goodreads that takes you to people who are looking for book recommendations. Some people just tell you what books they've read and that they're looking for something similiar, and some people actually describe the type of book they want to read. This is awesome because I have six different books that I can suggest. And the best part, there are at least 30,000 of these…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 8, 2011 at 11:03am — No Comments

Evil, evil people!!


So, I may have been a little over-excited on my last post and it may have come across differently to different people, I understand that. But boy, the reaction I got from Amazon’s Romance forum is just plain evil. First of all, the fact that these people are actually taking the time to verbally abuse me is beyond my understanding. I for one don't spend my days trashing people I don't know. They seriously must have no lives. I mean, I apologized twice on the forum for posting what…

Added by Neil Ostroff on August 7, 2011 at 7:28am — No Comments

Better than sex


My newest novel, DROP OUT goes live tomorrow, yeah!!! But what is almost as rewarding as publishing a new novel is what happened to me the other day. But first, let me tell you a story about Neil at 17 years old. Here I was, a geeky high school student with a crush on one of the school's cheerleaders. Now, I knew she was out of my league from the start, but I was young and bold, and figured what the hey. So I let it be known that I liked her. (back then there were no cell phones, or…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 5, 2011 at 10:47am — No Comments

Review and Interview

Sat down to the computer this afternoon after a great book signing at Heroes' Landing comic book shop and had a couple nice surprises.

First, check out a new interview with me and a....werewolf? That's right, Harriet Von Lupin (one of John Rose's Monster Grrls )… Continue

Added by Mark Miller on July 31, 2011 at 4:03pm — No Comments

Hot! Hot! Hot!

And the heat wave continues around here. There's only one thing good about it being this hot outside, I don't feel guilty staying inside. Anyway, the writing life continues heat or no heat. I blasted out another chapter of INSECTLAND today, actually it's a re-read. I wrote the original way back in 1997 as part of a three book series. the first book TIM MADISON GALACTIC WARRIOR is available right now at:…


Added by Neil Ostroff on July 30, 2011 at 11:00am — No Comments

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