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All Blog Posts Tagged 'adventure' (400)

It's done! My baby is born!

Well, after many long weeks and many refinements, AFTER is complete and available for sale at the Kindle bookstore for a mere $1.79. I've been approved with Smashwords and am just waiting for it to appear in their premium catalog. Then it will be available everywhere. Here is the pitch followed by the link to purchase. I've hardly started to market and I've already sold a few. Major marketing promo blitz starts June 1st.


On the day we’re born we’re all destined to die.…


Added by Neil Ostroff on May 18, 2011 at 11:57am — No Comments

So much to do so little time


Work. Work. Work. That's all I seem to be doing these days. And not the good kind of creative work, but the work that pays the bills. I'm still waiting for AFTER to be editted into professional ebook form. While I wait I continue to work on my new YA novel, WASTED, which is nearly complete. With WASTED, I'm going to try to get an agent, which may be a mute point in publishing. I guess wanting representation is just a desire to fill my ego. There are blogs saying all agents will be…


Added by Neil Ostroff on May 15, 2011 at 10:51am — No Comments

Work Sucks

Ain't that the truth. Work means no writing and no writing makes Neil a dull boy. Finally a day off, but of course it's beautiful outside so now I'm torn whether I should do some outdoor things, like mow the jungle that the lawn has become. I think I'll re-read a chapter of WASTED, my forthcoming gritty YA novel. I can't do anything with AFTER now that it's out of my hands. Oh by the way, the Paypal finally went through so we're getting the machine rolling.

Added by Neil Ostroff on May 12, 2011 at 2:04pm — No Comments

Is it ever really finished?

I know. I know. In my last post I said AFTER was finished. But then last night I received feedback from a woman on the opening chapter. She said that it was great except for a few miniscule details, like one sentence in the wrong tense and changing a word. I wouldn't have taken the advice so seriously except that this woman was a bona fide LITERARY AGENT and she gave this advice free and willingly on her own time. Obviously by the detail of the critique she had spent some time on it, even…


Added by Neil Ostroff on May 10, 2011 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Fighting the Devil - A True Story of Consuming Passion, Deadly Poison, and Murder by Jeannie Walker

A Texas millionaire rancher discovered his wife and bookkeeper had stolen thousands of dollars from him. After he demanded the money back, he started getting sick. While in the hospital, doctors were mystified as to how an otherwise healthy, energetic man could become so deathly ill. The dying man told everyone within earshot that his wife and bookkeeper were killing…


Added by William R. Potter on May 5, 2011 at 4:56pm — No Comments

Done and Done... Finally and Forever


That's it. AFTER is finished! I've contacted the formatter and I am waiting for his reply. I'm going to get the ISBN but not the bar code, since this will be an ebook and only available hard copy through Create Space. The ISBN will allow the book to be distributed worldwide. I've begun very simple marketing and promo by mentioning AFTER in two new blog interviews that I've done. Here's that info:

July 30th--Sylvia L. Ramsey: Thoughtful Reflections Blog--…


Added by Neil Ostroff on May 2, 2011 at 1:09pm — No Comments

It's hard to say goodbye to the book


Now that I've finished with AFTER except for final, tiny fixes in the first chapter, I begin the process of letting go. This feeling of euphoria and depression happens everytime I send a book off to a publisher knowing I will never be able to change the manuscript again. Even if I get an idea for a change, which happens rarely once I've let go, but it does happen, I can't do a damn thing about it. Sometimes I'll be leafing through one of my published books and I'll come across a…


Added by Neil Ostroff on April 27, 2011 at 12:10pm — No Comments

Final read complete


I finished what I consider the absolute final read of AFTER before I send it to the formatter. This was no easy task. This book is eleven years in the making. It has been through many stages based on what editors and publishers have said and critiqued. AFTER did make the NY publishing rounds a few years ago when I had my agent. It got very close to being published as either a graphic novel, comic book or published work. There was interest in all three routes and the book was even…


Added by Neil Ostroff on April 26, 2011 at 1:46pm — No Comments

Here's what I've found with e-book formatters

I've gottten responses from quite a few formatters. All seem nice. Basically, there's a few ways to go about this. Some formatters will literally create the book for you and upload it to all the major POD devices. Some will even run their business like a publisher and take royalties for each book sold. I'm not going that route. Some will do it for real cheap, basically running it through a program and sending you back the file. But this can have dire consequences if something screws up. I've…


Added by Neil Ostroff on April 25, 2011 at 10:35am — No Comments

manufacturing the ebook from scratch


Today I approved the final galley for the cover. It looks awesome. We tried a few different variations but finally found one that I think will blow away the competition (hopefully) I asked my cover artist for a recomendation for someone to format the manuscript appropriate for all the POD devices. I'm waiting to hear back from her before I begin my own blind search. I'd much rather use her resources since I'm so satisfied with the cover. Should have an answer soon, then it's time to…


Added by Neil Ostroff on April 23, 2011 at 10:38am — 2 Comments



As I said before, I chose the more expensive cover designer because I know how important the cover is. I sent this summmary off to the woman who is designing my cover for AFTER. She said she could design the artwork solely from this. We'll see.

Swept up by dark adventure, Nick learns the devil has caused global war in the mortal world. The devil intends to collect billions of souls and then turn them into a massive zombie army to take over…


Added by Neil Ostroff on April 22, 2011 at 9:42am — No Comments

Free advertising is always good


Here's a great new site I stumbled upon. It's a good way for Indie writers to get their stuff noticed. And, it's all free. I signed on and in ten minutes my books and all the sales info were live on the site. Give it a shot if you've got books to sell.

Added by Neil Ostroff on April 21, 2011 at 10:24am — No Comments

Linda Ballou featured author at North American Travel Journalist Association

I am honored to be the featured writer on the North American Travel Journalist Association home page. I have been a member of NATJA for over decade. It is a wonderful organization providing a platform and resources for expert, or budding travel writers alike. They help writers get their pieces placed and provide up to date… Continue

Added by Linda Ballou on April 20, 2011 at 12:37pm — No Comments

To ISBN or not ISBN that is the question?

If you want to be in all the online catalogs and bookstores you must get an ISBN. It’s a relatively simple process of filling out a form, paying the fee, and then assigning the title of the book to the ISBN. Sure, I can do that. But here’s the thing. The price in acquiring an ISBN vary widely, as I’ve discovered, just like most things associated with creating the e-book. So far I’ve done only research and spent nothing on this project. Once I’ve gotten everything in order I will give a…


Added by Neil Ostroff on April 20, 2011 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

Creating the ebook continues


Okay, so I spent some time researching formatters. There also is a big difference in price when it comes to these. Some people charge a flat fee anywhere from $30-$200. There are also people who work hourly at @$25 an hour. Only problem with that is how do you know for real how many hours this person has put in? I know there are computer programs that will convert books automatically in almost no time. The big drawback to these programs is that they don’t often catch every format…


Added by Neil Ostroff on April 19, 2011 at 12:22pm — 2 Comments

My experiences with creating my first e-book from scratch


Mark today as the day I set in motion a new venture in my writing career. The production of my e-book. Since most people judge a book by its cover I’ve decided to hire a professional cover designer. I spent some time researching and came up with prices ranging anywhere from $25 to more than a thousand for a custom artist. After much soul-searching and checking my budget I decided to go with a woman who charges $100 flat fee. But for that money I get as many revisions as I want. I…


Added by Neil Ostroff on April 19, 2011 at 12:20pm — No Comments

Excelsior - George H, Sirois, Author

Excelsior – Review by Martha A. Cheves, Author of Stir, Laugh, Repeat
‘Semminex wondered how many tazer shots Radifen had taken today, since the older Denarian was definitely developing a tolerance to them.  He lost count of how many times Radifin stood against the guards, shouting his blistering sermons that reverberated through the walls of the…

Added by Martha A. Cheves on April 18, 2011 at 3:24pm — No Comments

Lor Mandela - Destruction From Twins by L. Carroll

Part I (Destruction From Twins) When a selfish enchantress seeks to steal mystical powers from her twin sister, she sentences the world of Lor Mandela and its inhabitants to death. In an effort to preserve itself, the soul of the planet appoints a Child of Balance named Audril Borloc who must solve a prophetic riddle known as the Advantiere. All hope seems lost,…


Added by William R. Potter on April 2, 2011 at 12:24pm — No Comments

99 Cents for Legacy of the Tropics on Amazon

At nearly 95,000 lean words, Legacy of the Tropics is a bargain eBook. Get it on amazon for 99 cents.

Added by Mary Deal on March 25, 2011 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Honored to be featured author in Travel World International

I am pleased to the first featured adventure-travel writer in the new and improved Travel World International Magazine. The March issue is dedicated to adventure travel from “Hiking on the Edge” in China’s Tiger Leaping Gorge to “Following the Herd” in Tanzania. Editor, Donna M. Airoldi asked me some pointed questions about why somebody chooses to do what I do that I had fun answering.

Click here for my interview on page 60… Continue

Added by Linda Ballou on March 20, 2011 at 4:35pm — No Comments

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