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For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers Interviews Maine Author Anastasia Cassella-Young

The Book Attic Interviews Author Anastasia Cassella-Young

City: Cherryfield

State: Maine

Country: USA

Tell us what makes you proud to be a writer from your City, State or Country:

I like the atmosphere of Maine and some of my stories reflect that. The back drop of a small town, country setting is a great place to think and ponder within. I find that some of the rural stories make excellent thought provoking arenas for writing. Some of these rural stories have turned into fictional pieces for me. Maine has a great aura for creating stories about Maine or that contain Maine as a backdrop for the story. Maine is full of beauty, animals, wilderness and quiet, quaint little towns on the shoreline and in the deep wilderness where believe it or not a lot of action can come forth over a period of a few years with people and/or wild animals. My story ‘The Rogue Bear’ comes from a true incident here at my ranch but was fictionalized for more drama and a different ending. Maine also is a quiet and comfortable place to be to let the mind wander and be creative.

What or who inspired you to become a writer:

I always wrote poetry and therapists have recommended journaling which I could not do. I also have won 6 Editor’s Choice Awards for my poetry which encouraged me to continue writing about my experiences within my life. My Aunt Theodocia and now long time friend had encouraged me to put them into a book format and get them published. I’ve dealt with mental illness and physical disabilities most of my adult life and therapists have voiced that writing is an excellent creative resource for getting feelings out of your mind. A lot of experiences written into my stories have come from personal experiences as well. It gives you great food for thought. A Bi-polar person can deal with a lot of racing thoughts and if you are a writer you can put them all on paper and create a lot of fiction or non-fiction.

Tell us why you write the genre(s) that you write:

I write in poetry to release tensions and do a form of journaling. I write non-fiction so that I can relate true experiences and events from my life and my surrounding Maine wilderness. I write fiction because it releases the wild side of me into the writing of various people, situations and my imagination can run wild during my writing.

What special projects are you working on now and what books do we have to look forward to in the future?

I am currently getting ready to publish ‘The Rogue Bear & Other Short Stories’, ‘Home Cures for Health & Special Household Quick Tips’, ‘Anastasia’s Mind Fog’ which is my poetry book and ‘Justice is Served’ which is the sequel to ‘Murder, Secrets and Injustice in a Small Town’ which is co-authored by Theodocia McLean. Theodocia and I are also working on a new co-authored book called ‘Stalk or be Stalked’ taken from a small idea into a full fledged novel. I am also working on a new non-fiction called ‘Two Sides of a Bi-polar Survivor’ which is actually a true story of my life and it doesn’t hold back on the juicy side of mania or depression of a bi-polar person!

Website (where you sell your books): and and and also

Email address (where other authors can communicate with you): or or

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