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The E-Store for Books by Boulware’

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“Anthology Of An Essayist” - Volume One: TechnoManagerial: "A Student's Guide Into the World Of Technology"

ISBN-13: 978-1466437982

ISBN-10: 1466437987

BISAC: Study Aids / Study Guides

List Price / Amazon-CreateSpace: $10.25

Special Author’s Printed Version Price, (plus shipping and handling)

PDF Price / Author: $5.00

What would you do if a view into the inside world of Business and Technology gave you an advantage over the other students?

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"Hallow": ~A Sojourn Into Now and Then~

ISBN-13: 978-1468003406

ISBN-10: 1468003402

BISAC: Fiction / Occult & Supernatural

List Price / Amazon-CreateSpace: $12.00

Special Author’s Printed Version Price, (plus shipping and handling)

PDF Price / Author: $5.00

“Gruesome and horrifying; ghastly; horrible, pertaining to, dealing with, or

representing death, especially its grimmer or uglier aspect. Of; or suggestive of, the allegorical dance of death; gruesome; ghastly; grim. Resembling or associated with the danse macabre from Old French danse macabre dance of death, probably from macabre relating to the Maccabees, who were associated with death because of the doctrines and prayers for the dead?”

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“The Spirit of The Soul and The Death of Morals”: Whence comest thou?

ISBN-13: 978-1468190991

ISBN-10: 1468190997

BISAC: Body, Mind & Spirit / Spiritualism / General

List Price / Amazon-CreateSpace: $19.00

Special Author’s Printed Version Price, (plus shipping and handling)

PDF Price / Author: $8.00

“The tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi were forced out of the Land of Israel around 70 AD. This was due to the Hebrew-Roman wars that resulted in the deaths of thousands of Black Hebrew Israelites. Primarily women, men, and children were slaughtered by an over powering Army of Roman soldiers and conscripts in their Empire domain...”

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“Anthology of An Essayist” – Volume II: Total Comprehensive Compositions: Total Comprehensive Compositions

ISBN-13: 978-1470114398

ISBN-10: 1470114399

BISAC: Education / Administration / General

List Price / Amazon-CreateSpace: $10.25

Special Author’s Printed Version Price, (plus shipping and handling)

PDF Price / Author: $5.00

Haven’t you heard the good news?

A timeless tool for the young and not so young - Man, Woman, and Computer!

“The Census Bureau reported that 43.6 million people lived in and or below the poverty level – 14.3% is the latest recording. I believe it’s much worse than that!”

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"Fairmount": "Terror In The Park"

ISBN-13: 978-1491086278

ISBN-10: 1491086270

BISAC: Fiction / Horror / General

List Price / Amazon-CreateSpace: $35.00

Special Author’s Printed Version Price, (plus shipping and handling)

PDF Price / Author: $10.00

"Think about it. This thing on its hind legs could walk up to the average single-story house and could look on the roof at eye level." Many of the messages are from people who are skeptical and want confirmation of their doubts from the agency. About 30 percent of the messages come from hunters who are all but certain the tale is a tall one.”

CreateSpace eStore:



"The One Thing I Know is...? How To Understand Information Technology!"

ISBN-13: 978-1502581150

ISBN-10: 1502581159

BISAC: Technology & Engineering / Project Management

List Price / Amazon-CreateSpace: $35.00

Special Author’s Printed Version Price, (plus shipping and handling)

PDF Price / Author: $10.00

“When a program or a computer is not operating the way that it is supposed to, we take steps to correct them...we want it fixed. When a person is sick or not behaving the way that one should, we call a doctor or a particular professional to make things right again, right? Business Intelligence (BI) and Information Technology (IT) virtually, methodically, and basically go arm-in-arm. Students who are majoring in business, i.e., administration, management, marketing, accounting, etc., will find that BI and IT have morphed into one entity. One does not do without the other!”

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HALLOW II - A Portentous Epoch of Sagacious Redolence and Epiphany:

A Significant Era of Perceptive Aroma and Vision

ISBN-13: 978-1518770227

ISBN-10: 1518770223

BISAC: Body, Mind & Spirit / Shamanism

List Price / Amazon-CreateSpace: $84.00

Special Author’s Printed Version Price, (plus shipping and handling)

PDF Price / Author: $20.00

“Here we go again…’another masterpiece by this superlative writer with this latest addition to a collective assortment of goodies.’ Hallow II presents a wonderful collection of Horror, Thriller, Adventure, and Philosophical wonderlands of Mystical and Physiological Enlightenment. Here’s another masterpiece by this superlative writer with this latest addition to a collective assortment of goodies. Hallow II presents a wonderful collection of Horror, Thriller, Adventure, and Philosophical wonderlands of Mystical and Physiological Enlightenment!”

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‘The E-store for Books by Boulware’

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