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Victoria Wells's Comments

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At 12:51pm on April 5, 2009, Tonya Jones said…
Blessings! Please check out the 2nd Annual Christian Book & Product Expo scheduled for Saturday May 16th, 2009:
Minister Tonya
At 3:06am on March 20, 2009, Bert Martinez said…
Hello, I'm Bert Martinez, I'm looking to network with success minded authors. If you would like my free report 30 Strategies for Selling More Books just fill out the form below. I look forward to networking with you and if there is anything that I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me.

You Were Created to Succeed!

Bert Martinez

For Email Marketing you can trust
At 9:59pm on February 5, 2009, Tyora Moody, Tywebbin Creations said…
Hi Victoria,

I'm coordinating a virtual tour this month. Check out Illusions Blog Tour with Wanda B. Campbell (February 1-28, 2009)



At 2:15pm on July 6, 2008, Cacoethes Publishing House said…

“Playing the Game” is a gritty, fast paced story of deception, manipulation and greed. These people will do anything for fast cash, including transporting a suit case nuke that is destined for terrorist hands. Set in New York, Seattle, Milan, Italy and the ski area of St. Moritz, Switzerland, they move among the rich and beautiful as they compete for the promised million dollar pay off.

Available now at
At 11:21am on April 18, 2008, Sabriena Williams said…
Thanks for accepting the invite.......
At 1:06pm on March 25, 2008, Cacoethes Publishing House said…
Hi! Thanks for the add.
Check us out at
Have a great day!
At 4:14pm on March 11, 2008, Diane said…
Have you posted your works on the Black Author Showcase yet?

Visit Black Author Showcase
It's another great literary site, check it out.
At 8:08am on March 4, 2008, Susan Cook-Jahme said…
Hi Victoria,
It's good to know you are here as a friend - thanks for the message.
At 8:56pm on February 25, 2008, Linton Robinson said…
Hi Victoria
Thanks for dropping by my page. Nice looking video and cover.
Let me make a suggestion. Enter both cover and vid in March contest for "Covey" awards for vids and covers.
Feb voting is still going on so you can see 30 books that entered (and why I think you're a good shot at winning :-) Also, usually one prize is a vote, so the more friends you have, the better chance.

If you don't mind some suggestions on your website:
1. All that shows up on the browser is "Page 1". You need to change it so it says "Victoria Wells' SuperCool Site: Buy or Die!" (or some such)
Find the tags and replace the page number between them with your name and something different for each page (VICTORIA WELLS' AUTHOR PAGE: :Links) for instance. On each page add something like :Links or whatever, for several reasons. This is your site's intro to a browser...and what it saves as in Bookmarks...

2. You have a purchase page ("Order" is considered a less "in your face" way to put it by marketers, by the way) but NO LINK??? This is the main purpose of that page, if not your whole site. Make those names of bookstores live, clickable links that go right to your page. For (which I'd suggest you list FIRST) that link would be

add the TARGET="_new" variable to it so that amazon or whatever opens in a new window and people don't wander off your site.

3. It's confusing for the items in your header menu to jump around like that. People look where they just saw "Purchase" or whatever and it's not there. I'd recommend keeping it the same on every page. Actually easier to do.

4. Your contact page also has a URL that isn't a live link. ALL your links should be live for a lot of reasons. People don't like cutting and pasting, they just want to click. AND the amount of links to your various sites is part of how the web "sees" you. The more links, the more google and such are aware of you...and the more likely some fly will trip down the web to where you are.

Good luck with your book!
At 7:22pm on February 25, 2008, Author & Book Promotions said…
Hi Victoria,

Welcome to BMN! I will definitely check your sites out. Looking forward to networking with you.

At 11:10am on February 16, 2008, Victoria Wells said…
Wow, thanks Chau!
At 10:18am on February 16, 2008, Chau Van Truong said…
Don't worry about the promotion but worry about the materials.. If your novel is as good as what I read Victoria, the words of mouth would soak into the hearts of every romanctic acts ready to surrender to love.

Get your copy of THE NAISA MAFIA: Chronicle OF The Godfather deliver to your home/bookstore by calling 1-800-431-1579.. Visit http://www.NAISAMAFIA.COM to read the scripts... Watch clip - NAISA, SECRETS KEPT'S PITCH, RELENTLESS PURSUIT, THE EXCHANGE @ google video. Join me at , , ..
Fans can also read at …. SECRETS KEPT script .. , A KILLING STAR script.. , THE NAISA MAFIA - 8 chapters.. ..

Listen to JUDYTH PIAZZA interviewed CHAU VAN TRUONG (author/filmmaker).. link at Interview on the American Perspective Radio Program or . THE NAISA MAFIA: Chronicle OF The Godfather can also buy it at on , on the recommended list at , , and other venues. The Naisa Mafia: Chronicle of the Godfather can also be requested at your local bookstore.
At 11:27pm on February 15, 2008, Chau Van Truong said…
Not bad... Nick (Nicholas) Stiles misses out...
At 11:20pm on February 15, 2008, Chau Van Truong said…
Hey, I'm writing my mom's memoir.. I have to ask you to review it for me..
At 8:13pm on February 14, 2008, Diva Joan Cartwright said…
Best of luck with your new book!
Diva JC
At 3:46pm on February 8, 2008, Michael A. Oden said…
My pleasure. Thanks for accepting.

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