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Paradise's Comments

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At 9:34am on February 24, 2010, Maureen Miller said…
I believe in Charlotte you are either working at BofA, or you are affiliated with NASCAR in some respect. Other than that, you do not exist! :) I'm one of the 'do not exister-ers'
At 11:30pm on February 23, 2010, Tiia Jones said…
Thanks for asking. Most people just want to sell me something! It's about my trials and tribulations in online dating. I've been on over 230 internet dates and have had lots of adventures and grown a great deal along the way. Tell me more about yours!
At 9:21pm on February 9, 2010, JoAnn "Joie" Melton said…
Ahhh, you asked about my book....which is incubating slowly. Tales of the magic relationship that transforms the mundane into what was described as a charmed life - the forces that come to play in what I will say I now recognize as normal challenges - but at the time were traumatic - including a corrupt police chief - valiant efforts to stave off a business failure on a wing and a prayer - and related issues that those in the Midwest might recognize. Much good - too much challenge - some insights on the spiritual path and the end has three alternatives. When more complete I'll see which one reads well. If you'd like, I'd appreciate your input. JoAnn (joielake at aol)
At 9:10pm on February 9, 2010, JoAnn "Joie" Melton said…
I forgot to include that I have a framed and matted spider's intriguing to see the intricacies of their work- I've had two - the one I kept is not a very neat spider. Or he was having an off day. ~ JoAnn / "Joie"
At 9:08pm on February 9, 2010, JoAnn "Joie" Melton said…
Hello! I just discovered I had emails awaiting me..............thanks for writing me back. Your Paradise series sounds intriguing - having a comparable set of background situations. I hope to delve into them soon. Do you live in the rural setting now or ??
At 7:32am on January 7, 2010, Stephen Rosenzweig said…
I haven't written for awhile, but I wanted to let you know that my book The Journey should be ready for the marketplace in the next few weeks. Please check out the website for the book - - I hope you enjoy it.
At 7:57am on October 8, 2009, Freya R said…

Thank you for the invite :)

World's No.1 Free Book Marketing Technology
At 9:58pm on October 3, 2009, Deborah Shiels said…
Your wife's family tragedy does not sound unlike the ugly monster rearing it's head in our sacred nation today. God bless each one of you, and God bless our Republic!
At 7:18am on October 1, 2009, Carolyn Sue Morris said…
Thank you again for the tip. I will look on Facebook for Georgia. That was a great review she wrote for your books. I love to write, and find humor creeps into it, but I find I get nervous about what people will think of my style. I am looking forward to you reading my work, I know you will give me honest advise on what to change or not. I don't plan to write non-fiction again, but still need the advise about my style.
I left another message for Anna yesterday, still no call back. I hope all is well with her. Maybe she isn't home. I don't want to continue calling, in case something is wrong.
At 4:06am on September 30, 2009, Carolyn Sue Morris said…
A very good morning to you my friend. Hope you have a productive and pleasant day. Don't work too hard on your project. It will be great when completed. Talk to you soon.......
At 2:07pm on September 15, 2009, Stephen Rosenzweig said…
Going up the mountain to the house, they were surrounded by a pack of snarling wild dogs. The pack leader had a split snout that looked like it had been hit with an axe. That was one big, mean, and dangerous looking dog. They were intent on the groceries. Sarah was scared standing very close to Josh, he was determined they would not get their belongings. He was carrying a stout walking stick, and beat them all off. He hit the pack leader on the head hard enough to make him reel back and away. The others followed his lead; he bounded off shaking his head as if to shake off the effects of the blow. Sarah looked at her hero. They took a moment to look back down the mountain side. The city of Haifa lay between the mountains and the shore. Many freighters were close to the docks waiting to unload or load for export. Israeli warships cruised the perimeter of the port.
At 10:49pm on September 13, 2009, Donna A. Berry said…
What a small world. Who is your sister-in-law??? But I grew up in NJ
At 6:38am on September 13, 2009, Stephen Rosenzweig said…
Hi Paradse, I haven't been in touch for awhile. How are you doing? What is your given name?
At 10:29am on August 19, 2009, Paradise said…
Check out my friend at
Steve would like to hear from you.
At 9:42am on August 19, 2009, Stephen Rosenzweig said…
I am putting you website on mine today, it would be sweet for you to do one for me. I am really trying to develope a way to drive people to my site. I am new at this.
At 4:37pm on August 17, 2009, Shawna Savage-Yaroch said…
Thank you for the add and the wise words of inspiration. I am back at it again tonight. Thank you Shawna
At 1:53am on August 13, 2009, albertasequeira said…
Hi Robert,
I'm so late answering your email. I finally published Someone Stop This Merry-Go-Round; An Alcoholic Family in Crisis. It about losing my husband in 1985 at forty-five years of age to this demon.
I'm completing the sequel Please, God, Not Two; This Killer called Alcoholism. It's the continuation of our lives as I watch my daughter, Lori, go into rehabs three times to only pass away November 22, 2006 from the same killer. She was only thirty-nine.
I'm doing speaking engagements at rehabs, halfway homes and any organization wanting to hear my story.
Thank you for passing my info around. My book can be bought on my site or
I'll look up
At 10:57am on August 12, 2009, Stephen Rosenzweig said…
i will put you on my website as a link to your wegpage. Is that OK with you?
At 6:26am on August 12, 2009, Carolyn Sue Morris said…
It is so good to hear back from you. I love the story about your history with Ann. That is a wonderful story. Obviously that's why you are successful with your books, you keep things interesting. I find it fasinating that people can have that closeness, yet be so far apart. It's like the stars lined up, then went out of orbit for some reason. I can honestly relate. I know there are few people blessed enough to feel it, or maybe it's there, but they just don't get it. But to see her in the band.....that's fate. Why didn't you talk to her that day?

Again, I appreciate your tip about the college. We do have Huntington University here. I will try to contact someone that may be able to help. My husbands neice works there. Perhaps she could lead me in the right direction.

I did find you on Facebook this morning. I am now one of your fans, and have requested to be your friend. As I said earlier, my Twitter feed runs through Facebook too. I am still in awe of all there is to be done on this thing.
I'm waiting for 10 AM to call Barnes & Noble, It's not long now.

At 2:11am on August 12, 2009, Carolyn Sue Morris said…
Good Morning Robert,
You are so right, small world. I didn't realize until after I sent you the message that you had also lived in St. Pete. When were you there? I haven't been back down since Mom passed in 2007, but I do love it. My family lived there in the early 1960's, Mom eventually moved back. There is something about the atmosphere, I could always feel it in the air as soon as I stepped off the plane.
I called your friend yesterday evening, I left a message. Her very confused husband, Keith returned my call around 8 PM. He was very nice. I'm sure he was trying to connect the dots of how this strange woman could know them, it took some explaining. His wife, Ann, will be home today from a trip with her 90 year old sister. (His words) He will give her the message, and she will hopefully return my call. I did tell him what you said about buying my book, that brought on a laugh. I look forward to hearing from her.
I appreciated your words about selling my book myself vereses paying someone else to market it. It helps to have encouragement from others. I'm hoping to find out today about participating in the "Local Author Event' being held at Barnes & Noble in Ft Wayne on Sept 24th. I know how important this can be. Perhaps that's why I'm sitting here at 4 AM instead of sleeping, nerves. I love the covers of your books. I look forward to reading your work. I have taken up enough of your time. Thanks again.


Found you on Facebook, that's a great site, I have my Twitter feed running there too. As you can read, I'm seldom at a loss for words. Sometimes I should be I guess.

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