The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

Hugh Rosen's Comments

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At 5:03am on July 14, 2009, Freya R said…
Hi Hugh

Do stop by when you have a moment to check out our free book marketing tool - BookBuzzr. (

BookBuzzr is a page-flipping application that is more suited for marketing books online. BookBuzzr comes with the built-in ability to share your book-extract on over 60 social networking and bookmarking sites such as Facebook, Orkut, MySpace, Digg, Delicious etc.

We'd love it if you'd take a look at our tool and share your thoughts.

Freya [at] bookbuzzr [dot] com

PS - Sorry for this message if you already use BookBuzzr, but please help us tell others and spread the benefit!
At 2:32am on February 28, 2009, Bert Martinez said…
Hello, I'm Bert Martinez, I'm looking to network with success minded authors. If you would like my free report 30 Strategies for Selling More Books just fill out the form below. I look forward to networking with you and if there is anything that I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me.

You Were Created to Succeed!

Bert Martinez

For Email Marketing you can trust
At 9:24pm on July 25, 2007, david b mclaughlin said…
Please help me name my book (if you have not already)!

Vote here:

Thanks in advance,
David B. McLaughlin
At 8:03am on July 23, 2007, Kathryne Kennedy said…
Thank you, Hugh. Both you and your book sound fascinating.
At 9:27am on July 7, 2007, Hugh Rosen said…
Hi, Terry. Thanks for the message. I'll keep what you said in mind. Much appreciated.


At 8:15am on July 7, 2007, Terry Whalin said…
Hello Hugh,

What a life you have had--from reading your website. Looks like you are using many of the Amazon tools to promote your book, Second Battlefields. Good job. Yes, I'm in the thick of the publishing world but I understand my work is because of my relationships with others so I'm always looking to form more relationships. Keep up the good work and if I can help you, just ask and we'll see what we can work out.

Best wishes,

The Writing Life
At 6:43am on July 7, 2007, Meghan Wier said…
Hugh -- you are very kind. I am sure that your success is in part because of being introverted! The desire to seek soliture likely gives you much insight and time for introspection. So many people do not get to enjoy this.

You sound like you have had and continue to have an amazing career(s)! Congratulations and best wishes for continued success.
Meghan Wier
Confessions of an Introvert
At 6:30am on June 30, 2007, Hugh Rosen said…
Hi, Carolyn. Yep, I finally broke through the system and into the website once again. I'm sure you must be running into many of your old friends here. Nice to "see" you again. Looking forward to reading your new book, soon to be published, "The Frugal Editor." If it's anythinght like your previous one on frugal book promoting, and I'm sure it will be, the book will reap many rewards to any reader.

Good luck,

Hugh Rosen
At 3:57pm on June 28, 2007, Carolyn Howard-Johnson said…
Hugh! So glad you finally made it as a friend. That we've been friends a long time, of course, counts! (-:
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
At 10:29am on June 14, 2007, Nikki Leigh said…
I saw an article the other day that some of the big name publishers are starting to use POD for the backlist of some authors. They are working with Booksurge since they are affiliated with Amazon, makes a lot of sense :) All my POD titles are printed by Booksurge and I've been very happy with the product.

I'm glad you're enjoying my site and there are a lot of links :) The Nikki site is about 90 pages total and my Readers Station is about 90 pages. Thankfully, my other sites aren't that big. I will try to get time to take a look at your site and let you know any comments or thoughts. WHile you're looking at my site, definitely take a look at and I'm the promotion topic editor for the Inspired Author website and the article page links you to my articles there. The Book Promo 101 page will give you information about the topics that are covered in the book. I just need to find time to finish it :) My freelance work has been booming lately and its been impossible to find time to finish Book Promo.

It is necessary for authors to promote and even John Grisham does some promo although he gets a lot more help than we do :) He's actually a very nice person and gives back a lot to the local community. I've been to his house (about 30 minutes from me) and he coaches ball with a good friend of mine. It would be nice to get any of the assistance he gets in promoting - but he started out the way we all have, so it can be done :)

I have about 15 years of promotional experience is a variety of businesses which has been helpful, but its still a lot of work and takes a lot of time :) Learning more every day :)

Nikki Leigh
At 6:08pm on June 13, 2007, Nikki Leigh said…
Thank you for your comments. My first book was released about 16 months ago, so its been a wild year and a half. I have three books coming out the second half of this year. SOme of this is possible because I'm a fulltime freelancer - that's where the business books fit in. I've also ghostwritten 6 books. Glad to say both computers are still working well :) Any questions or comments about my site, feel free to click "send comment" and drop me a note.

I see your message below about POD vs self publishing. Many people make the mistake of thinking they are the same, but they aren't. I was with one publisher that charged me a set up fee, but my current publisher has paid all set up fees for three of my books -- so far :) I just wrote a report about the ins and outs of POD for a freelance client.

Nikki Leigh
At 3:04pm on June 4, 2007, Hugh Rosen said…
Hello Morgan. Thanks for the information and clarification. I do realize that there is a distinction between self-publishing and POD, although I have seen them conflated in many quarters. I should not have fallen into that trap. Actually, in the narrow sense, as I understand it, print-on-demand is actually a method or technology for publishing a book which can be used by any source with the resources, including traditional publishing firms. Nevertheless, it has certainly taken on an alternative and broader meaning pertaining to a range of publishers such as iUniverse, Trafford, and so forth, which I'm sure you're well aware of. Most do charge for their services, so I think your POD publisher is the exception, fortunately for you. In any event, I certtainly wish you the best of luck in promoting and marketing your book, Two Wrongs, and in your future writing endeavors.

Warm regards, Hugh
At 10:29pm on May 29, 2007, Morgan Mandel said…
Hi Hugh,
Two Wrongs isn't self-published, but is POD. Don't confuse POD with self-published. My publisher didn't require any money for getting the book published. She also supplied editing and cover art, etc. The main different with POD, which is a difficult problem, is there are usually no returns on orders. A traditional publisher accepts returns. It does make it more difficult to get booksignings, but some are willing accept them on consignment or small orders. It's a lot tougher going with Print on Demand than traditional publishing. Both require promotion, but with traditional publishing you have a better chance of your book already being in the bookstore instead of having people order it in from the bookstore and waiting for it to come in. My publisher does a great job in getting the book available on line at her own site, also at, even at, and all kinds of other online spots. I do lots of online promotion.
Morgan Mandel
At 5:16pm on May 1, 2007, Hugh Rosen said…
Hi, Steve. Your book has arrived. Once I've had a chance to finish what I'm reading now, I'll get to yours and comment later. Sounds very promising. Hugh
At 4:46pm on May 1, 2007, Rachel said…
Hugh I went to your website and am genuinely intrigued by your book! It's on my list of books to buy. It seems you have gotten a lot of great reviews.
At 12:15pm on April 26, 2007, Hugh Rosen said…
Hi Steve. Thanks for looking over my website. In the meantime, while you were doing that, I was purchasing your book, "Plug Your Book" on Amazon. Great reviews. It truly does seem to be just what I'm looking for to help promote my own book online. Hugh
At 12:02pm on April 26, 2007, Steve Weber said…
Hugh, thanks for your offer to provide feedback, I'd be truly grateful. I took a look at your Web site and was impressed.

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