The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

What's Your Biggest Challenge with Your Book?

I'd be interested to learn what authors/publishers on this network think their biggest challenges are with their book. I wonder if there's any common, pervasive challenge we all face.

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Oh, I think that your name and accent may be an advantage! Many readers today are looking to expand their understanding of the world through stories. Writers speak directly to the hearts of their readers, and teach us things we might never learn even from people we know the best--because they are not talking. Writers write.
Fata...POD is a print technology, and as such may not be the biggest hurdle facing your book marketing. Here are some things to consider: Is the suggested retail price of your book in the same range as similar books? Does the price/value ratio seem right? (A 200 page romance novel retailing for $35.95 is WAY out of the mainstream!) Are the terms of sale for your book consistent with the book industry standards? Are quantity discounts offered? Is it returnable? Is your book offered through a wholesaler such as Ingram or Baker/Taylor?
Thank you Bill, Marlena and Oak Tree Press for responding to my comment.

I did not mean to talk bad about my publisher, far from it. I have nothing to complain, except that the way that the POD publishers are viewed by press and some bookstores was a little discouraging. The did not charge me anything for publishing it, and the book is available through all the major online bookstores.
The price of the book is $24.95, until recently it was $19.95 but, and also offered for sales for $16.95.
Amazon and other online bookstores sell it for $19.95.
I am happy I got my first book published and I am writing more. It is just that I have not had much luck when trying to get a book signing. The only book signing I managed to get scheduled was canceled due to the book not being apropriate to be sold at the middle school.
I was going to help the fund raiser for the educational trip to France and Spain and was going to give all the profit to the school. Unfortunately, that was canceled.
The book is a sweet romance about two people trying to adopt a young orphaned boy. They are nice and chaste people who did not even kiss until they got married. How was that unapropriate...I don't know.
Besides the book was supposed to be sold to the parents at the school fall festival, not the students. Anyway, it did not happen.

By the way, the book is called Because Of Her Nephew.
It is sold through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and almost every other online bookstore, but it is not in the regular book stores.
As I struggle each day to keep the energy up for is really the way it goes. Do things everyday..Somedays bring something good, and some days feel like a waste...But remember everything you do is reaching someone..and you never know what exciting thing could happen..
You guys are right. But, I guess my shyness does not work in my favor, lol. :)
I am trying, anyway.
Thanks for yours all support and reassurance.
and good luck to you all in your marketing.
getting people to buy my book

What genre is your book? In what markets are you selling the book?

There are many good ideas for book marketing in this forum. You may want to read some of the earlier posts to get some ideas for your book.

To get the most exposure for your request, you may want to consider two sources. First, Dan Poynter's Marketplace newsletter, POYNTER'S MARKETPLACE. The newsletter reaches thousands of authors and industry experts. There is a section of the MARKETPLACE newsletter, authors can request experts and contributors to submit their stories for publication. Second, HELP A REPORTER OUT (HARO, for short). This is an industry e-mail newsletter to request experts for news stories and books.

It may be a good idea to have a release form that each contributor signs prior to you publishing their story.

Continued success with your project.
Marketing, by far.
Deciding whether to go with Lightning Source as my distributor--they offer little customer support, and I'll have to get Adobe PDF Distiller to upload book contents and cover to them. I'm used to Lulu where it's easy to upload, they convert my documents for me, but $5 more per book. LSI is reportedly good with distribution with Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Europe. I had to sign that I'd pay for any store returns, and have heard that can be a big problem. Anyone had good experiences with them? Thanks, Kelly
Hi Kelly,
I never heard of Lightning Source until I was on vacation in Orlando, Florida and did a book signing at B&N. They were upset because they had ordered 35 of my books for the event and they couldn't return the books to the distributor. I sold under half. I said my distributor was Ingram and they guaranteed books returnable. They had ordered them through Lightning Source. I wouldn't want to use them because of this. I'm not sure if it was a error in their part ordering the books themselves.
Alberta...the returnability of a title is an option at Lightning Source, one of the many specs that are chosen at the time the title is set up.

Much as I hate returns, I have always made OTP books returnable because to do otherwise is to hamstring yourself with the shops. LSI offers the option of returning the books to the publisher or destroying them. I choose destroy since the returns are rarely pristine enough to re-sell as new.

Billie Johnson
Oak Tree Press


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