The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

I'd like to start a new forum where people can talk about what's working for you right now in marketing your book.

I think this will help other authors to prioritize their activities if they can find out what's working for other people. This would be especially valuable to new authors.

I've share the hottest tool that I'm using right now. And that's Twitter. As you will note on the main page of this Book Marketing Network website, both my website and this network have been rising in Alexa ranks (and visits) because of my use of Twitter.

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I agree with Sarah. People don't want to be sold to. Social networking works for building relationships. The first layer of the marketing funnel is to give something of value for free. If people want it they step into more of a relationship with you. So- offer good help on Twitter updates and some people will self-select to find out more about you. Social networking is amazing and I have not only sold books that way but made wonderful connections and new clients. John's Twitter manual explains how it works really well.
Enjoying all the posts... thank you to everyone for your comments!

I offered a Pre-Order Special on my etsy site (through my website and blog)... has resulted in some sales and, hopefully, some future sales! (My book: "Drawing Lab: 52 Creative Exercises to Make Drawing Fun" due out July 2010)

And I'm TRYING to get the hang of Twitter, LOL:

I have been toying for awhile with the idea of a "Drawing Lab Tour of Homes." This forum gave me some good tips!

Thanks again!
Looks like you're getting the hang of Twitter. Almost as many followers as followed!
This is an awesome idea! Too many groups on what's not working, it's great to finally see one discussing what is working.

Right now I'm all about reading other bloggers sites and commenting. This in turn is driving more traffic to my own site and creating bonding relationships with authors around the world. We can only be as successful as we strive to be and I strive every day :)

You're following a principle that I learned from someone on this site. Rather than trying all the time to gather people around you, instead, "go where people are already gathered." I've found the top 500 blogs in my subject area (I write nonfiction) and am spending a couple of months going to each one and asking if they'd like to do a review and a giveaway. Some don't reply. Some say they've got too many books beside their bed, or they don't do reviews. But about 1 in 6 request a copy for review. (I'll tabulate later just how many come through. Some need reminders.)

Nobody acts like I'm bothering them. It's a win/win and they're grateful for getting a free book on a subject area they're passionate about. And some of these blogs get major traffic. One that reviewed my book yesterday gets 80,000 visitors per month, has 250 incoming links, an Alexa rank of 94,000 and 900+ subscribed RSS readers.

Again, I'll tabulate results later (like how many came through with reviews and how many of my books actually sold as a result), but it seems at this point to be a good campaign.

btw, I do take the time to read some posts on each blog, and read the "About" section so that I can see if we're indeed a match and I can personalize my request to each one. I think it's better to take a slow, personal approach than just try to see how many blogs I can hit in a day.

J. Steve Miller
President, Legacy Educational Resources
Author of Enjoy Your Money! How to Make It, Save It, Invest It and Give It
"The money book for people who hate money books."
That's great to hear, Steve. Just like you don't want everyone rejecting your offer you don't want everyone jumping on board too quickly either. Creating a buzz is what it's all about. If this month you have one person do a review and blog about it, that's enough and then you'll be able to see if it works to know if it's worthwhile. Then next month if you have someone else accept it keeps your buzz going.

People have to see or hear something numerous times before they catch on to it. Not many people revisit the same blog but if they're interested in the topic you're writing about and they keep running into your book month after month you'll be a success.
Hi everyone

My book is finally out and published! I am so excited. I hope you will all have a look.

I have an e-mail marketing tip to share. I sent out two e-mail notices to my group a day apart. Yesterday was an html message with my fancy template, showing the book cover. Today I sent out a plain text version - very simple. I had no sales from the html version and 5 sales from the plain text version after an hour.

I was always told that the plain text versions are better but this is my first real example! Too bad because I like things that look pretty! Kaya
Congrats!! I'll have a drink in your honour :)

I never realized the significance between the effects of html and plain. I've learned that today from you and i thank you! Very helpful.
Thanks Sarah

Since I wrote that message I have just sold one more book from the plain text email. My list isn't even that large. I have about 800 names but they are all small business owners and that's my target market. I am so glad I found out what a difference this makes. I guess the html letters look more salesy and possibly people don't read them. Just a guess...
I would also suspect a lot of the html emails get filtered as "junk" and don't get to the actual person.
How about reviews??? OMG! Check this out!!

Kaylin McFarren
Kayli -Congratulations for the great review. How did you get her to review it. Trish Silver


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