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What's Your Biggest Challenge with Your Book?

I'd be interested to learn what authors/publishers on this network think their biggest challenges are with their book. I wonder if there's any common, pervasive challenge we all face.

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Working with students is always a pleasure. Most schools, (when the budget allows) have a resource person that sets up career days and work fairs. It make it a lot easier to get invited as a speaker or to a career day if you have enlisted the aid of some of the classes in putting your work together. You make the school proud, the student proud, along with the art teacher and the parents. What more could you ask for? Schools need the outside, real world of work to let the students see some of the career options available and who better to warn them about the hardships of becoming an author but one of us.
Dr M
I tried for years to get someone local and emerging to draw for me and couldn't find anyone reliable enough to continue. I would give them a poem to draw a picture for and they'd be super excited and come back to me almost the next day. If I liked what they did I'd ask for more, give the more poems and never hear from them again.

I finally gave up on that and believed more in myself and went ahead with another artist who impressed me. The idea of generating more sales with a local artist was something I looked forward to but I couldn't count on them to do the job. I've since made further contacts that do the work for a living and may consider them in my future endeavours but because the children's book is the first of a series I want to continue with the same illustrator throughout.

Love your thinking and advice though. Kudos for your partnership with Pizza Hut!!
I might add that you don't even have to use a school in your area. With the Internet, and should you know a retired teacher from a school distant from you, you can approach that person who most likely will be happy to introduce you through email to the art teacher of the school from which they retired.
Dr M
Networking is a great way to get help in producing your book.
Sarah I note your comments are much rated and I can see why. My teachers at Primary School are the reason that I am writing today. In the UK we were given a gold star for a good Essay and great comments like " He has a great imagination and his stories reflect this!" Oh the memories of those bygone years.

In my marketing I was particularly upset by the poor reaction from schools and colleges in the Uk, perhaps they are too busy to react. But I do believe that an individual contact to a friend, either an Art Student or a friend in publishing, can help. My rustic illustrations were produced by a friend in the publishing world. What is you next move, Sarah? I need more copies of my book but only have my own copy left; It is that Finance thing again!
My next moves consist of emailing, emailing emailing. I've sent several review copies out and trust I'll hear back from them soon. I've done videos for Oprah, Ellen and Jamie Oliver re Food Revolution and as soon as I hear back from one or all I will get the second and third installment published and on the market.

Oh, the school years. I had a teacher once you read a poem of mine and refused to submit it to a contest because she didn't feel it's meaning was appropriate. I took it to another teacher who loved it and submitted it on my behalf (it had to go through a teacher). The days of personal interpretation were frustrating and inspiring but have led me to fight for my pieces of writing till the bitter end.
I promote because I want book sales. I can't just write because I need to. I do exactly that, but part of the whole picture for me is knowing people are buying and reading. It tells me I'm doing something right - well beyond what I believe is right or good writing. I give free books but I don't take book reviews too lightly. Free books to go charities, libraries, and book stores, with my Media kit. And it's only good to be on a site that promotes - unless you use one or two sites for play. We all need to play during break time.
I do write because I need to, I publish because I know someone out there will like my story. I'm limited to the amount of free books I give out only because I've had a lot of upset in which media has admitted to destroying their copy deciding it wasn't newsworthy. I just can't believe the audacity of these people when there's so many parents who can't afford to buy a book for their child, so many libraries with empty shelves. I would love to donate a book to each person in this situation but then I'd be in the poorhouse and not able to contribute more books to society.
No but we need some sort of inspiration people! My book package included availability at most of the online outlets in the UK, USA, India, and Amazon, Blackwells etc etc, yet it appears not one copy has sold. I am convinced, no infact I Know my book is readable and saleable! This is some site and can only help in my plight. I have a head full of books including the follow up to my childrens` fantasy and an historical fiction that is just three chapters in and is some of my best work to date. But desperate measures mean that I must now call on St Anthony to help me sell The Tales of Mossy Dell. Thanks again Sarah and everyone, given time I will continue to check out this great site!
Mark, you know why I loved your article here? You sound like me in some respects. I began writing for my children, not to sell books. I could care less but that is not to say that I don't enjoy seeing them sold. But, having said that, I must say, that I write to pass on information to my children and their children after them. Do you really care if you sell 10,000 books this year or would you rather see your books sold over the next one-hundred years? I choose the latter. We are laying out a legacy that will or will not stand the test of time. Good books have been known to languish beyond the author's lifetime only to become a best seller to the next generation. If I was looking for money and glory I would get a real job and if I put as much of my life into that real job as I do in writing, I would get all that I asked for. But, I suggest that you maintain your love of writing, keep up your confidence and watch for surprises along the way.

Dr Robert E McGinnis PS, I would love to see you write for my Paradise Readers blog which can be found by a google search of my name. You can also advertise your works here for free.
I jumped out of bed with cramp this morning but your words have cheered me. Midwest Book Review have called my book a future Youth American Classic. If only I could sell enough to publish more. Still I am sure you are right, there will be surprises along the way.
Hey Mark. I would love to read/ review a copy of your book. Do you have an electronic copy available you'd be tempted to share with me?
Thanks Sarah, although I do not have the original gally, I do have a readable MS which I could email to you. I am also tempted to order more copies . In fact I have been so impressed with your words on this site that I will send my only remaining copy to you and ask you to return it after use. Whatever your requirement just email me at or better still reply here.


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