The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

What's Your Biggest Challenge with Your Book?

I'd be interested to learn what authors/publishers on this network think their biggest challenges are with their book. I wonder if there's any common, pervasive challenge we all face.

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Check out John Kremer's advice and services first.

He knows this industry.

Hello Kenny,


I would like to suggest that aside from your current marketing team, you should also try outsourcing your marketing needs to virtual assistants. There are lots that you can find with great social media and writing skills for less than $1000 a month or as low as $5 per hour. They can be your online personal secretary and you can directly work with them as if they are working in your office.






Affordable Book formatting service



Do you know of any reputable companies for VAs?



Hello Kenny,

There are VA's who are under a VA Company and there are those who work on their own as an independent contractor. If you have not used a VA before I would like to suggest that you work first with an independent contractor for a minimum fee of $5 to $7 per hour. Your investment is low and if you don't like the results you can always back out without spending too much. VA companies have a package rate and have terms for at least 3 months. Independent contractor can also have terms for up to 3 months but you can decide how many hours do you want her to work for you. A VA can work 2 to 4 hours day marketing your book or you can hire her 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week.

For 40 hours a week you will only spend $200 and for one month just $800. Of course before hiring one make sure that her proposed marketing strategy/task, qualifications would fit to your need.

For independent VA's I would like to recommend a friend who has been in online marketing for different clients. She is responsible for maintaning Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, Other social media accounts, creating youtube video's for your products/book, writing articles, maintaining a blog/website, backlinking, and other marketing works.

For VA companies, I know, there are lots of VA in that site but not really sure if they would accept $5 to $7 per hour.

Make a research for VA in the internet and I also recommend Tim Ferris' book The 4-hour Work Week

Hope this helps.

Affordable Book Formatting Service
I have two books on the market and my biggest challenge is knowing where to begin "again" to get people to buy the books.  My sales and zero right now.

The key to marketing on the Internet these days is still creating relationships. Posting videos but not marketing them is like publishing books and not marketing them. No one knows that they are there.

In today's Internet worlds, blogs are still one of the best ways to get more views. Create relationships with other blogs. Do a Mega Blog Tour (not a Hum Drum blog tour) and create an Internet event. That's how you get more people seeing your site or sales page. It's all in the numbers.

Creating relationships - business relationships - is crucial for Internet marketing. Don't buy into horror stories. Create real business relationships.
The experience of most of the successful book authors and Internet marketers I know is that their focus has always been on creating relationships - with media, with websites, with bloggers, with social media, with book buyers. That seems to be a universal requirement of success.

Wow!  great question and some really helpful answers... My book will hit the shelves (and Kindles, etc) by Dec. 1... The hardest part form me is the marketing.  I very much want to have a company buy my book to use as a give-away perhaps to help their employees de-stress... My book is Being Well Within: From Distressed to De-Stressed .  I have ideas as to what companies to target, but getting in there is an unknown.

I''m very excited but am learning now that not only do I have to market my book in ways I never knew existed, I have to seek out reviews... didn't think of that before.  Doing PR and marketing is really challenging for me, and I remember reading that we should "pay someone to play at what I would have to work at..."  I look forward to really learning so much more from being part of this group.  Thanks, Loren

Getting reviewed by a mainstream publication

my biggest challenge is the attitude of people in my region towards reading!

My biggest challeng is contacting senior readers about my book without bugging them. My books -- How to Have Fun with Retirement; and Being a Senior Citizen are both lightheated and informative.

Pat Kennedy


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