The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

What's Your Biggest Challenge with Your Book?

I'd be interested to learn what authors/publishers on this network think their biggest challenges are with their book. I wonder if there's any common, pervasive challenge we all face.

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Here are some things I was told:

A) Let as many people that you know personally know.

B) Use Facebook, tweet, my space, whatever sights you are on to announce your book. You know-you have two friends that tell two friends etc. Not to mention you could post it on Facebook's Readers Nook and Writers Circle sights.

C) Call local libraries and ask if you could set up a reading of your book. Also call local small bookstores. You could announce these in your community newspapers at little or no cost.

D) At low cost get some postcards. bumper stickers, etc. try Vistaprint.

E)Join as many blogs that interest you and add your book's website. 

F) Join local writers groups.

I hope this helps. Very Best to you!

Thank you for the info! I appreciate it!

You need to create an Internet event that everyone wants to be a part of - an Amazon bestseller campaign, a SuperStar Blog Tour, a Mega Blog Tour, a BlogPalooza - something like that. That's the way you build attention fast via the Internet.

But it does mean you have to create relationships with top bloggers, websites, and ezines.

Deciding who to publish with.  Can anyone vouch for Amazon's CreateSpace?

CreateSpace is a very user friendly site and the books come out looking great. They have a service to convert the books to kindle too, as well as tutorials on how to do that yourself. If you do the pro plan your royalties are better.

I like CreateSpace as well, unless it's some kind of specialty book (saddle stitch, spiral binding, etc.) that CS doesn't do. I can send you a free e-book I've just written on publishing options if you'd like it. I need to be getting it out for review anyway.

Marketing the book is the toughest thing for me- I self published with CreateSpace. I have done a website, signed up here and am trying to work facebook without being obnoxious...My book is also available on Kindle. I am always surprised that people I do know seldom seem to buy my I do wonder how I can get complete strangers to jump on board...

Thanks for the reply Lynn!

Having a blog only helps if you connect with other bloggers and websites. That means writing articles for article websites, doing a blog tour (but not a humdrum blog tour), creating relationships with high-traffic websites targeted to your topic or audience, etc.

John Kremer, SuperStar Blog Tours:

Interesting phenomenon about locals often being a hard sell, particularly among educators, I've found. "A prophet has no honor in his home town" applies here. People in Michigan and New York and California love my character education resources, but it's hard to give them away to educators here in Georgia.  And educators love to pay tons of money to fly an expert across the country when they've got a local expert who's just as good or better.

CreateSpace is a good choice. Most of the authors who avail my book formatting service is self-publishing in CreateSpace or Kindle Direct Publishing for ebooks.

For marketing, you can start with a small blog about your book, join discussions in online communities or you can hire someone do this for you as cheap as $4 per hour by hiring a virtual assistant.


Affordable book formatting service for POD and eBooks

I think the biggest challenge is getting your name out there. Even as the internet is the most helpful in doing so it also attracts millions of folks attempting to do the same thing. Also I haven't figured this whole blog thing out. Attracting followers is not an easy task because of the same reason. There are millions of bloggers out there?


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