The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

What's Your Biggest Challenge with Your Book?

I'd be interested to learn what authors/publishers on this network think their biggest challenges are with their book. I wonder if there's any common, pervasive challenge we all face.

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Good morning.  I have had a chance to review the site.  The service is called  After checking with the Better Business Bureau & other online sources, I found no instances of negative commentary.  Reviewing the terms of the site, it does seem straightforward.  An author picks a language to translate into, pairs up with an appropriate translator & they split the royalties.  The most common split does seem to be 55/45, with the 55 going to the translator.  That part does not excite me and I would be negotiating that either to parity or my favor.  One bonus is that there are no upfront fees.  All royalties are paid on the sale.  Their website is  I will likely give this a test run in a language that is clearly separable (in terms of sales data) within my current sales channels.  That will allow me to test the efficacy and reliability of the site.

Have a great weekend,


Thanks for letting us know Daniel. I'll be interested to see how it goes and wish you good luck!

Hi, today my biggest challenge is with Elizabeth Foshee's book.

Please check out What I Am Reading, my book review blog.

This week I am featuring The World Behind the World by Elizabeth Foshee

Thanks everybody :-)

My biggest challenge today is promoting E.G. Manetti's book

Today my biggest challenge is promoting someone else's book.

Please read my review and leave a comment.

Thank you

Challenge me this!

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My biggest challenge is finding the time to write.   I'm a dad of three, a full-time teacher, living in China where going to the grocery takes four times as long as if I were in the US.  Not to mention that I often have to spend thirty minutes getting into writing before I actually start writing.  It's a wonder I've written anything at all!  

Nate, Thimblerig's Ark is a great story! Hope you can find time to write some more!

Thanks for all the encouragement, 4-LAN!  

You betcha' :-)

I feel ya. I'm a Mom of three and I work. Finding time to write is so challenging. Sometimes I sacrifice sleep for the week to get in some writing. Then I catch up on it the next week going to bed early.

My biggest challenge today is promoting Madam Lilly, Voodoo Priestess by Dormaine G.

Help the author while helping me to make this week's edition of what I Am Reading receive the most number of views yet.

Thank you everyone and be sure to leave a comment :-)


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