The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

This is a forum to allow people to showcase the things they've done that have worked well for them in marketing their books. Please share your stories here. Then we can all read them and learn from them. If we work together, we will all be much stronger and more successful in marketing our books.

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Thanks, John! Like most writers, I constantly try to find the best marketing/promotion strategies. So many writers, so many books, so much competition!

My first book, The Waters of Africa, was accepted and published by Kindle, Smashwords and all its "partners" like Kobo, Diesel, Sony, Barker and Taylor (Have I got the name right?) and maybe Apple ibooks as well.  I've advertised on Facebook, Twitter, several forums like Goodreads and Mobile reads without any success.  I've been told that this is a "cannot put down until the end" adventure story by several people, including the publishers.  What is happening?  E-books just not working, at least for me?  Maybe the people that read the book were just trying to make me feel good.  I've had more than 400 "hits" with Kindle but just two people paid.  Maybe books are being downloaded and passed around like music and movie CD"s without the originators getting their share of the royalties.  What is your opinion about this.


I've been successful selling books from my home base because they are the folks who care most. See my blog post on my page here. No one has read my blogs here yet but I've had lots of experience.  Who will be the first?

While I'm at it, I'd like to send a bouquet to Brenda Lutz of Morristown, TN, for  being the first to review the newly formatted Kindle edition of A Book of Kells: Growing Up in an Ego Void.

Sometimes we labor hard to get a review. Then, one day, the right person comes along out of the blue -- on my birthday, no less!

Great work, Margaret. Book marketing really takes persistence. Authors who give up too quickly - or who don't do something every day for a book they love - are the ones who fail to find the audiences that are hungry for their books.

It would be great if more people shared their book marketing success stories here. Ebooks, too!

And you can also share your stories on another high-traffic website at:

John Kremer, developer of the Relationships Matter Marketing Course

hello sir,

i have compiled a collection of verses..which will be published in the next couple opf months.
would you have the time to look at some of my works and give your feedback? also i would love to get some tips on how to get started with marketing it online...

thank you

you can visit my website where i have put my visual art and some poetry :

I really do think, understanding your audience is key. Upon realising the target market, I think face to face time with these potential buyers is the best way. 

I'm new to this forum so i'm not sure if anybody has already mentioned this, but I've had really good success with promoting heavily on Twitter for my KDP Free days. (As long as you send out cool, non-promo stuff before that.)

After experience sluggish sales I made my book "LORNA" free at Free and in a week had more than 300 downloads.  Looks like people does not want to buy books.

People will pay for your books, but you have to create the desire for that. Feature reviews, testimonials, blurbs, etc. Feature how your book is just like some other bestseller those readers have already bought. Things like that can make a difference.

Of course, you also have to make your book visible. Amazon visibility alone is not always enough, especially for fiction.

Come on, people, share some more success stories. What's working for you?

This is a forum to allow people to showcase the things they've done that have worked well for them in marketing their books. Please share your stories here. Then we can all read them and learn from them. If we work together, we will all be much stronger and more successful in marketing our books.

I have started a AudioBook discussion group - Ebooks and Paperback writers and readers also welcom. Please check and join for free. We are still improving the site, so please be indulgent. Enjoy!!!

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