The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

This is a forum to allow people to showcase the things they've done that have worked well for them in marketing their books. Please share your stories here. Then we can all read them and learn from them. If we work together, we will all be much stronger and more successful in marketing our books.

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And you don't have to get a lot of magnet-types made - there are small sets of business-card-sized magnets available which are self-adhesive. Make only as many as you need - as many as you will be able to actually use.

yes, this is exactly how we used the Vistacards I had printed ... I will keep doing this   I did not have my PH # on it ... why? I put my email instead

yes, this is exactly how we used the Vistaprint cards of my book that we had custom made ... it does work & we will keep doing this 

This post box is going wonky on me so I'll keep it short.

Creating an internet identity is often overlooked by authors, and it is vital to
marketing your book. If you Google your name (a vanity search) and nothing
comes up--you're in trouble!

Here are some ways to get noticed!
Interesting PDF, but you omit what I think is the best online press release distribution service, Yes, I know that they no longer have a free service, but they are the leaders in their space and I have had a lot of success for clients using them. We recently did our most successful release with them and got over 300,000 reads!
Thanks for the leads on both counts.
Question: are there any advantages or sensitivities to posting releases on more than one service?
Would it make sense to use the paid service and shore it up with posts on some of the free services?
I don't see any real disadvantages. I use several free services (never used a pay one) and they all seem to work to some degree. The one's I've used include:,,, I'm sure there are others. They are great for getting the word out, link building, etc.
HiPeter: It is always great to run into you on these sites...Your idea sounds great and I am going to look into this. Thanks ...Carol
Thanks for sharing your opinion about and how you have found it so helpful. It is always helpful to hear from people who have some experience with something being recommended. I write as a columnist for an English paper in Turkey. If you would like to read my column here is the link:
Charlotte McPherson
You gave some good ideas, Cheryl. If people want some specific suggestions as to good but inexpensive places to start with creating a web site, I recommend the resources on my site--I list several (

Also, there are many other ways to create a web presence. Social networking sites like this one, Squidoo lenses, podcasts, teleseminars, blogs, article marketing are a few I use with great results. I also like the Virtual Book Tour (not a blog tour, but an Ask campaign--see for marketing books. As you explain your book in an interview-type format, it really opens people up to buying your book (or other product). I've bought just about every book I've ever heard on a VBT. Doing a VBT is also good media training for radio.
Thank you for the resources I found on your website: you lists several ( and these are very helpful. I have signed up for your newsletter. 1 big question: I understand that an author can write and sell ebooks, more easily than one thinks. I believe I could write it but how do you go about selling it? Can you give me some leads? I have written three books. One is available through th publisher in major bookstores in US, but two others were published in Turkey and I would like to market them in US and / or on web. Thanks for your input.

If you have time to read my column, copy and paste:
Thanks Cheryl for the attachment on Creating an Internet Identity--very informative--and useful.
If you have time read my column about Who Rules the World? Babies!
Charlotte McPherson


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