The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

Authors Working Together to Sell More Books

"Your life changes when you meet people." - Sterling Valentine

I want to encourage the authors and publishers on this Book Marketing Network to work together to help each other to sell more books. That's the main reason I created this network in the first place.

There are so many ways that you can help each other. For example, I wrote an article on 30 Ways to Help a Book Author You Love - Most of those ways apply not only to your friends but also to authors helping each other.

In addition, you can do joint ventures, Amazon Bestseller Campaigns, blog tours, and more.

Please use this forum right here to list your requests for partners as well as your responses or offers to help other authors.

You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish if you work together rather than alone.

For example, I'd love to see a fiction writers co-op promotion where each novelist promotes the other members in the co-op on their blog or website or social network. Tweet about each other. Like each others' Facebook page. Do joint blog tours.

Poets can do the same thing. So can business book authors. Spiritual authors. Christian authors. Cookbook authors. Etc.

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Thank you very much for your comment, Ginger! We apprecieate it.

Of course, we will keep you updated. Every writer, composer and artist with creative ideas will be welcome to post his/her idea in our community.

Creative minds are strong, but together they are much stronger.

Good luck to you!


The Authors Dream Publishing Package Contest has been extended! Registration is open until Nov 16, 2013. You could win this valuable prize package and become the next best seller. Register today and invite your friends to register at

I have a free book on amazon 

it will free on 4-6 oct

What an adventure young chicken bob had!

Join us with this wonderful story about responsibility and courage.

I'm using Twitter and Facebook (mostly) to exchange info and links with other authors, it seems to be working but it does take up a lot of time, any suggestions or sites that are user friendly are welcome ...S

I agree, we all need each other! It makes the world go round after all :)

I have a new Halloween Recipe book out with fun recipes for those with allergies, good for kids so they don't feel left out of this most kid friendly holiday of the year(besides X-mas of course). My book will be free on

10/09/13-10/10/13 so for 2 days! Check it out, or borrow it if you prefer.

How can I get started?

I am more on the design/marketing side of self-publishing, rather than the writing side, but I would be more than happy to critique book covers! I am especially looking for good examples of branding, design, and smart marketing to comment on and share on my site, twitter and facebook. If you'd like advice about design for marketing (as it relates to authors), please feel free to look at my site to see what I do. I'm also happy, like I said, to offer critique and advice to the authors of this community :)



If any other relationship, dating, and self-help authors would like to help each other promote our books.  Let's talk!

Great. That's what this network is for - authors helping each other sell more books. Go to it!

I would definitely like to help each other promote our books. How can we get stared on that?

Write me directly at info (at)

Hello everyone!  I am a first time author, and just found this website, and so have begun the process of self-publication.  What a mountain to climb!  But, it's exciting, too.  I just wanted to introduce myself, and say that i look forward to getting to know this community!  

Cheers, and Happy New Year!

Nathan Fleming


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