The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

Please share your personal opinion and experience about valuable importance of investing finances and time in creating a Book Trailer Video.

My video book trailers can be viewed on You Tube as well; just type in Rachel Madorsky book video trailer. Your feedback is appreciated. Also, please visit my website

What needed to be done to improve their effectiveness? Your suggestion welcome.

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I absolutely love book trailers! I think they're an effective marketing tool. A few of my writer friends have created trailers for their novels and they enticed me to buy and read their books. I'm in the beginning stages of creating one for my mystery novel, Mixed Messages. I plan to do it myself. Fortunately, I have a very talented niece who has agreed to do the art work for me in exchange for credit.

I have two books and created a book trailer for each and I'm sold on the value. The video adds a whole other dimension to a product page on my website as well as my Facebook page, and I like that we can include them on our Amazon author's page as well.

Book trailers are an essential part of my presentation when I attend events.  The kids love them and the attract attention among the crowd passing by the booth.  Fortunately, my husband and daughter are pros, so it doesn't cost anything to produce the trailers. These are 2 of our best trailers - the 1st is for my YA fantasy series and the 2nd - my historical fiction.

Shawn, nice!!

I agree with some of the sentiments here.  I thought at first that book videos may be so redundant, but they finally grew on me.  I've made two and had so much fun with that process also.  It's another whole creative aspect of the story an author wrote - and makes it come alive.

My trailers are on the first page of my website:

Thanks, Barbara.  The graphics on your videos are nice and well done, but I had to turn off the audio. Maybe it's my computer, or a bad recording, but the music sounded tinny.  Did you use Garage Band or get it off a free download music site? Both have different quality recordings available, including HD.

Haven't had anyone say that and everyone so far likes the music to each one.  My credits are at the end.  Good luck with yours...nice!

I have one for my non-fiction North Country Cache, and I use it during presentations, and it's on Amazon, YouTube, etc. I know it has helped. I have an idea for one for my mystery series, but I'm not convinced it really has much effect. But I'll probably put it together at some point, because it sure can't hurt!

Book trailers are a very good markteting tool, of course provided they are made professionally. I think, your trailer is a good one.

There are also different ways to make a book trailer. You can use pictures from your book, add some effects or you can do something similar to a movie trailer.

Here is one of our book trailers. It is for the fantasy novel "Instinct":


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