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Novel Authors and Publishers


Novel Authors and Publishers

If you are a novelist, novel publisher, or novel reader, here's a group where you can share more info, discuss strategies, and create partnerships.

Members: 680
Latest Activity: Dec 27, 2023

51 Ways to Blog as a Novelist

We all know that blogging is one of the best ways to get attention in today's Internet world. A blog is a godsend to your website, bringing it traffic, fans, and more. But you have to post regularly.

Stuck for what to blog about? Here are some tips for novelists, but the same tips can apply to writers of nonfiction, memoirs, children's books, business books, and more.

  1. Review other novels, especially from other lesser-known novelists.
  2. Write a blog post using the voice of one of your main characters.
  3. Have that main character tell some side stories not included in the novel.
  4. Write about the setting - time and/or place. Use some of the research you did to ensure that your novel was accurate.
  5. Invite your readers to review your book. Feature their testimonials on your blog.
  6. Interview some of your readers: via Q&A text or via an Internet radio show or via a teleseminar.
  7. Podcast your book, one section at a time.
  8. Write about trends in your genre.
  9. Write about your favorite novelists, especially those that write in your genre. Include their photos and a sampling of their books.

For the rest of the 51 ways, see:

If you like this list, help me add more. Email:

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Comment by Marion Marchetto on May 6, 2011 at 1:51pm
I've been writing a newscolumn now for 2+ years where I reminisce about growing up in the 1950s, 60s, 70s, etc. Even though the periodical is a local one (CT only) I'm toying with the idea of putting those columns into a book and expanding on them. Does anyone know if the market will support yet another "I remember" book by a baby-boomer?
Comment by Linton Robinson on May 3, 2011 at 1:57pm

Valentine’s Humor Anthology Seeks Submissions

“My Funny Valentine”, a humor anthology, seeks submissions of very funny writing related to Valentine’s Day.

Submissions so far have tended to be columns in the Dave Barry/Erma Bombeck mold, but there’s also out-of-envelope material.  We’ll look at essays, light verse, lyrics, jokes and routines: anything that is truly funny and can be printed. We won’t run anything X-rated or violating the usual taboos, but we’ll give it a look.

“My Funny Valentine” will be an attractive low-priced gift paperback, available on all online stores, and on order from any bookstore. 

There is no pay but copies because the book is not aimed at profit, but promotion.  All contributors will benefit from the promotional efforts of all the others (aided with support from the publishers and editors, such as videos) and the seasonal nature of the book makes it a natural for media attention.

Previous publication is not a problem, as long as you can release the rights.  Work will be copyrighted for authors, but no impediment placed to later publication elsewhere.  That’s a lot of the concept. 

Some excellent material from a surprisingly high level of professional writers and comics has already been accepted, so just dashing something off probably won’t work unless you’re really talented.  But don’t let lack of experience keep you from sending in something you think is ready for prime time.

Submissions taken until July 1, 2011.  Publication will be around the first of the year.

For more details and submission address go to:
Comment by Shawn Lamb on May 2, 2011 at 7:08am
Guest post - Agents & Queries by Dr. Brann, Phd.
Comment by Shawn Lamb on April 29, 2011 at 5:30pm

Well, Jeffery, read the article. :)


Actually, it all depends upon whether you are going self or traditional. With traditional, having an agent is almost a must, since most publisher don't accept unsolicited material. However, securing an agent is about as difficult at getting signed by a publisher.  I do give tips on how to go it alone, even if you chose to approach traditional publishers.

Comment by Shawn Lamb on April 29, 2011 at 3:00pm

Do I need an agent? Blog posts for authors and aspiring writers.

Comment by Shawn Lamb on April 26, 2011 at 8:34am
Curious about royal marriage proposals?
Comment by Lorilyn Roberts on April 25, 2011 at 1:46pm
For authors and publishers, check out this link to a video about the John 3:16 Marketing Network.
Comment by Shawn Lamb on April 25, 2011 at 12:20pm

Sneak peek of the cover for Allon Book 4 - due out August 2011

Comment by Shawn Lamb on April 25, 2011 at 6:27am

New post - To hire an editor or not?

The question plaguing all authors and editors.

Comment by Shawn Lamb on April 21, 2011 at 8:46am

New post - FLOW & PACING tips for your story.


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