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Novel Authors and Publishers


Novel Authors and Publishers

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51 Ways to Blog as a Novelist

We all know that blogging is one of the best ways to get attention in today's Internet world. A blog is a godsend to your website, bringing it traffic, fans, and more. But you have to post regularly.

Stuck for what to blog about? Here are some tips for novelists, but the same tips can apply to writers of nonfiction, memoirs, children's books, business books, and more.

  1. Review other novels, especially from other lesser-known novelists.
  2. Write a blog post using the voice of one of your main characters.
  3. Have that main character tell some side stories not included in the novel.
  4. Write about the setting - time and/or place. Use some of the research you did to ensure that your novel was accurate.
  5. Invite your readers to review your book. Feature their testimonials on your blog.
  6. Interview some of your readers: via Q&A text or via an Internet radio show or via a teleseminar.
  7. Podcast your book, one section at a time.
  8. Write about trends in your genre.
  9. Write about your favorite novelists, especially those that write in your genre. Include their photos and a sampling of their books.

For the rest of the 51 ways, see:

If you like this list, help me add more. Email:

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Comment by Rodney Page on August 28, 2012 at 6:09am

Hi all...after what seems an eternity, Powers Not Delegated, a political thriller hits the shelves on October 30. Look forward to interacting and learning with everyone.

Comment by Patricia Gligor on August 24, 2012 at 7:05am

In January, I started a series on my blog called "Getting to know you" where I feature mystery/suspense authors. This week's guest is mystery author, Sunny Frazier. I hope you'll stop by.

Comment by Neil Ostroff on August 20, 2012 at 1:03pm

When to give up?


Nobody ever said it would be easy. Nobody ever said it was always going to be fun. Nobody promised me that after spending twenty-plus years holed up in my office writing novels that anyone would ever read them. Nobody promised me anything would ever come of my writing and yet I still do it. Day after day, year after year, I sit in front of this keyboard and tap out the characters and worlds inside my mind. To date, I think I have more than sixty unique, fully-fleshed characters in all twelve of my novels. In my books, I’ve been to other planets, experienced other dimensions, felt unimaginable loss, murdered, loved, hated, been promiscuous; I’ve done just about everything I’ve always wanted to do without ever leaving this room. And yet, nobody ever promised me that anything would ever come of this “hobby”. Did I ever think of giving up? If you’re a real writer than the answer is of course, most certainly not! Telling a writer to give up and stop the craft is like telling a person with the most cataclysmic bout of diarrhea to stop pooping (thank you Stephen King for that analogy). There is no giving up and there is no stopping an artist with the drive to create. If the digital revolution had never happened and I never had made a dime off of my books would I still be spending hour after hour day after day in front of my keyboard? Absolutely! Writing is a habit I can’t stop and I don’t know any other way to live my life. For more than two decades I have not given up and have not stopped writing and as a result this week I sold over 150 books in five countries and samples and promo’s have been downloaded more than 4,000 times. None of this would have ever happen if I had just taken the easy route and given up. Never!

Comment by Thom Cantrall on July 31, 2012 at 2:02pm This is an experiment on my part... please tell me what you feel regarding the data presented here...

Comment by Neil Ostroff on July 27, 2012 at 12:48pm



I’m in the midst of another free giveaway promotion, this time it’s for DEGENERATES. This is the first time I’ve given away one of my thrillers and you know what? It’s flying off the shelves. It’s only the second day and the promotion goes until Sunday and I’ve already given away almost a thousand books. I’m happy to do it too, because I have two other thrillers FROSTPROOF and PULP that are written in the same style and have that same eerie, creepy, Stephen King-don’t-know-what-freaky-thing-is-going-to-happen-next feel. If any of the thousand-so-far readers who have downloaded the book like it, you’ll love my others. As I’ve said in the past, the free promo has been one of the best ways for me to have gotten my books out there. I almost always get a bump in sales of my other books when I do one. But sadly, as I’ve posted, I am taking all of my books off the KDP Select program. Being exclusive to Amazon is great and the perks are great, but I really think millions of readers buying Nooks and other ereader devices are too valuable to dismiss. So far Smashwords distribution to these outlets has yielded me about ten percent of my total royalties this year, but I hope to increase that through a heavy marketing campaign I’m planning in early to late fall when IMAGINATION is complete and published. Until then, get your free copy of DEGENERATES while you can, for soon I will have no more free giveaways. Enjoy the suspense.

Comment by Jennifer Robins on July 27, 2012 at 9:04am

The 3rd edition of my book What Happened to Anna? is out and offered at a low price of $0.99 on Amazon Barnes & Noble and try other on line stores until the end of the month.

Comment by Ann Simpson on July 23, 2012 at 2:35pm

To Neil Ostroff, Congrats!

Comment by Neil Ostroff on July 23, 2012 at 11:56am



As I checked my email this morning I was pleasantly surprised to find out that my novel. DROP OUT has won today’s Indie Book of the Day award. . I’m not too familiar with the website but it seems like it has a lot of followers. I’m also not sure who nominated the book but if that person or persons reads this blog I’d like to say thanks. As I’ve always written, making it as an independent author requires exposure, lots and lots of exposure. I’m hoping this award will introduce a slew of new readers to my novels. I’ve already noticed a slight increase in sales. Once again, thanks for the award.

Comment by Neil Ostroff on July 22, 2012 at 1:13pm

Author freedom


I got another one of those terrifying e-mails from Kindle Direct publishing saying they have discovered INSECTLAND for sale at other online booksellers. And as anyone who publishes through this promotion knows, you have to be exclusive to for 90 days. Violating this can lead to the expulsion of your book not only from the promotion but also from Amazon and Kindle. That would be a huge blow to my market audience of Kindle and Kindle Fire owners. Worried I might lose this book, I quickly checked the stats. I had enrolled the book in early March and had hit the automatic renewal button. It showed a new start date of June 7th. Fine, I thought, my 90 day exclusive was up nearly two months ago. I have nothing to worry about. Then yesterday, I got another email from KDP saying that INSECTLAND was still on other websites and that it would be withdrawn from the promotion. I was a little flabbergasted and a little pissed. I read the rules and had followed them. I didn’t publish my books anywhere else until I was certain the 90 day period was up losing who knows how many Nook and Kobo sales? I bit the bullet because I believed that KND Select along with publishing for Nook and various other ereaders would turn out to be the best bet in the long run. I didn’t understand what was going on so I decide to post the question of why, after my 90 day exclusive is up that I’m getting my book pulled from the program, on the KDP forum to see if anyone else was having this difficulty. I got two great responses and here they are:


If you are enrolled with kdp select the conditions are that they have exclusivity. You cannot publish any other e versions of your book until the 90 day period has finished. By auto renewing you are agreeing to another 90 day exclusivity!


You said you renewed? Then you start all over with the 90 day exclusivity. The only way to get out of the exclusivity clause is to non-renew on your bookshelf.


There’s the reason. Whereas I thought after my first 90 days were up I’d have free reign to do what I wanted. Finding this out was very disappointing, mainly, like I said before, because I wasted three months on exclusivity instead of marketing to everyone. Though, every author has their own individual goals on who they want to sell to and how, I decided to withdrawal all of my books from the Select program. I want my books out there all over the world and available on everything with a screen. I know not having the free giveaways option may make me have to market harder, but I still think author freedom is worth it.

Comment by Santonio Thompson on July 19, 2012 at 12:29pm  


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