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Novel Authors and Publishers


Novel Authors and Publishers

If you are a novelist, novel publisher, or novel reader, here's a group where you can share more info, discuss strategies, and create partnerships.

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51 Ways to Blog as a Novelist

We all know that blogging is one of the best ways to get attention in today's Internet world. A blog is a godsend to your website, bringing it traffic, fans, and more. But you have to post regularly.

Stuck for what to blog about? Here are some tips for novelists, but the same tips can apply to writers of nonfiction, memoirs, children's books, business books, and more.

  1. Review other novels, especially from other lesser-known novelists.
  2. Write a blog post using the voice of one of your main characters.
  3. Have that main character tell some side stories not included in the novel.
  4. Write about the setting - time and/or place. Use some of the research you did to ensure that your novel was accurate.
  5. Invite your readers to review your book. Feature their testimonials on your blog.
  6. Interview some of your readers: via Q&A text or via an Internet radio show or via a teleseminar.
  7. Podcast your book, one section at a time.
  8. Write about trends in your genre.
  9. Write about your favorite novelists, especially those that write in your genre. Include their photos and a sampling of their books.

For the rest of the 51 ways, see:

If you like this list, help me add more. Email:

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Comment by Cliff Ball on May 21, 2012 at 6:21am

Times of Trial is my newest novel, and is the 2nd novel in my End Times series.

This novel is a parallel novel to Times of Trouble.

A preacher and his family, the Tyler’s, have a church that is dying in Arizona. Even though the church is dying, they take care of the remaining senior saints, including the ones in nursing homes and in hospice. The remaining family, the White’s, leave the same church and head to Wyoming to live in a community that was originally started by Doomsday Preppers back in the early 2000′s so they can attempt to escape the increasing persecution of Christians.

Meanwhile, President Collins orders the activation of Camps across the country that will house believers who he thinks are a threat to his rule. His patron, Michael Collins, manipulates events in the Middle East. The Tyler’s end up with others in a camp in Arizona, while the White’s and the community they live in gets attacked by government troops. Evans continues to manipulate events as the Rapture takes the Christians, and he gains ultimate power.

Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords

Comment by Lara Biyuts on May 21, 2012 at 3:12am

...thrilled to announce that more books begin to apprear on my Amazon author page. Please, visit the page to see and Like...

Comment by Rachel Hunter on May 20, 2012 at 8:05am

"Do you believe in Fate? Do you dare believe?"

Introducing fantasy novel, Empyreal Fate~

Comment by Patricia Gligor on May 20, 2012 at 7:05am

If you'd like a chance to win a copy of Mixed Messages, the first novel in my Malone mystery series, post a comment on my blog answering this question: What kind of reader are you?

Comment by Jeffrey Allen Davis on May 18, 2012 at 8:44pm

I'm offering my book, Lily's Redemption, for free on Smashwords this weekend.  Use code KA98L.  If you enjoy it, please leave a review.

Since the night his wife was killed in a car accident, novelist Thomas Bradford has dedicated his life to his young daughter, to his writing, and to Christ. But when Kassandra Moore, a lovely young woman from California, moves to his Missouri town and begins attending his church, he is surprised to find himself falling for the new Christian.

Life seems to be getting better for the widower. But who is the stranger who has started following him around in the blue Corvette? Is it an obsessed fan . . . or something worse? And what does this person have to do with a missing missionary and Tom's new girlfriend?

Comment by CBM Christian Book Marketing on May 16, 2012 at 12:40pm
A CBM Press Release
May 14, 2012

"Author shares about abuse, witnessing the unimaginable and the hope found in Christ"

Author Antionette Campbell releases From a Legend and Kingdom of Darkness into Poems of Hope. Surviving a horrific family tragedy, Antionette Campbell, witnessed the unimaginable. As a young child her life was filled with abuse, then at the age of 11 she witnessed her enraged drunken father assault her mother with a knife. As she watched her mother’s lifeless body, it was a miracle that she was not killed. As a result, her siblings and her were taken away into custody and Antionette was forced to testify against her own father.

This event and the history of abuse sent Antionette into a pit of despair that entrapped her most of her young life. She offers her heart and soul through this journey that became the poems of hope as she triumphantly declares that God has turned her tragedy into triumph. Author Antionette Campbell offers hope to the hopeless and reaches out to those who are broken and spiritually bankrupt. This illumination of her book continues to give those who read it life and hope in God.

Antionette Campbell has a unique writing style that boldly proclaims the absolute healing power found in Christ. As the author states, “It doesn't matter who you are, how deep you have fallen into despair or how tight the chains of bondage are around you, God's power can set you free!” The author speaks of being transformed from the inside out and into a wonderful new journey. There is healing and new life that's only found in Christ.

For more information about the author, her ministry and From a Legend and Kingdom of Darkness into Poems of Hope visit the author at Christian Reading Antionette Campbell

Comment by Neil Ostroff on May 6, 2012 at 7:07am

Creating Characters


I’m often asked how I create my characters. At last count I have somewhat in the neighborhood of seventy-five to eighty relatively strong characters. By strong, I mean these characters actually have back stories and personalities that come across on the page. Some are absolutely terrifying, like Cody Larson in FROSTPROOF and Tommy Fielding in DEGENERATES. Some are adventurous, like Tim Madison in SILENT INVASION, and Jamie Richards in DREAM TRAVELER, and some are tragic, yet beautiful, like Nathan Cruz and Miriam Kanter in DROP OUT. All of my characters have one thing in common. They are not modeled after any single person. You see, my characters are a conglomeration of people I’ve known and associated with over the course of my life. I can’t say that one certain character has more of someone than another character. This always seems to perplex my friends and associates who often tell me this or that character is just like them. It seams most people are hoping their personality will be immortalized in story form. I’ve even had an old girlfriend get angry with me because she thought the character Astor in DEGENERATES was too much like her. I had to assure her that Astor was NOT based on her, but on at least eight different people, most of whom I went to college with. When I write I transform and become my characters. I become the clairvoyant prostitute in PULP and the daring young man fighting an alien insect invasion in INSECTLAND. I immerse myself in that world and create the fantasy. It would be hard for me to pretend to be someone I know, if that makes any sense.

Comment by Patricia Gligor on April 29, 2012 at 9:13am

Read about the parallel between a true story (although I didn't know about it until a few days ago) and my recently published mystery novel, Mixed Messages. Truly eerie!

Comment by Shawn Lamb on April 27, 2012 at 6:36am

The Topsy-Turvy World of Amazon Rankings.

Comment by Neil Ostroff on April 9, 2012 at 12:52pm

Promo machine!


My Kindle ebook of the week sponsorship for the kid’s corner has begun. Sales are slow however, I’m guessing because of the Easter holiday. Perhaps, they will pick up more when my author spotlight interview comes out. That’s right, I was chosen for author spotlight on Kindle Nation Daily. This is a great FREE promotion offered by Kindle for me. They will post an interview, a picture of my book SILENT INVASION, links to buy the book, and links to my blog, all for nothing. They claim the spotlight will reach more than 70,000 opt-in readers. As you can imagine, I’m very happy about that. The author spotlight will be on the site either tomorrow night or Wednesday. I’ll post it. Also, I continue to reap sales of DROP OUT from my Kindle Fire Department sponsorship and I’ve begun to show some numbers off of the select lending program for my other books. I’m almost halfway to my sales goals for the month. One other plus, most of my books on the ninety-day Kindle exclusiveness are nearly up. That means I can re-publish with Smashwords and sell to the Nook again, possibly doubling my audience. I’ll probably find a few sponsorships for the Nook and I’m dying to start getting involved in the Nook forums and discussion groups. On a slight downer-side, my sales in the U.K have dropped off significantly. By my own admission, I haven’t been paying much attention to the overseas market and it obviously shows. I’m off to the Florida Keys soon to do some serious marketing and writing. Hopefully, warm, salty breezes, the cries of wayward seagulls, and the gentle rustling of palm fronds will conjure weird tales from my IMAGINATION (first draft nearly complete).


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