
45, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Turner Publishing is an independent, award-winning publisher based in Nashville, Tennessee. Turner produces a range of fine books in fiction and nonfiction categories including its acclaimed Historic Photos series. Imprints includes Turner, Trade Paper Press, and Iroquois Press.

Comment Wall:

  • Linda Sacha

    OK got it - us newbies will figure this out! Nice to connect with you!
  • Samantha Gregory

    Hi Rachel. Thanks for the invite. I am happy to be your friend. If you ever need a person to edit manuscripts or design a cover let me know.
  • Rachel Starr Thomson

    Hey, thanks for the invite! Your publishing company looks very cool.
  • Jim Misko

    John tells me it is a good thing to have 'friends' and I agree. What I don't know is how deep this friendship is. Would any of you loan me money or sell my novels in your town on the street corner? We gotta get this friendship thing producing for all of us. I'm gonna talk about the Alaska Writers Workshop coming up in August pretty soon. Hang in there. Jim Misko
  • Donna Wells-Austin

    Thanks for the invite Rachel. I am truly excited to be a part of this network. My husband is from Memphis and we have lots of friends and relatives in Nashville. Great!
  • Andrea Campbell

    Hey, Rachel,

    Thanks for acting as a friend. We are neighbors you know, I'm in Arkansas so if you think you may be going to Hot Springs, let me know in advance and we can meet for lunch. I often visit other writer/authors when I travel, I hope you do too. Last September I was in Nashville for a Donald Maass workshop. My brother lives in Kingston Springs, not too far away.

    Andrea Campbell
  • John H. Turner Jr.

    Darn! iput this on my chatter but I'll repeat go to www.musicnewsnashville.com then click on artist and writer's when my name comes up click on my name and you can play several of my songs. also Wayne Barker Jr .is singing some of my songs on this site wwwcdbaby.com/cd/waynebarkerjr he is singing 5 of my songs and I think he is singing 7 of his. On the authorsden web when you click on "Click Here" to see my movie trailer there is a nice song written by a friend of mine so turn on speakers. John H. Turner
  • Lorne Epstein

    Hi Rachel,
    Thanks for the invite. My future sister and brother in law just moved in Nashville. He is in the music biz and we are planning to be there next xmas. Fun place to be.
  • Kevin Noa

    Do you find inspiration from other classic American novelists like Margaret Mitchell or Wiila Cather? PBS had a great doucumentary on Willa Cather recently. Now I'm rereading all her classics. Take care.
  • Rebecca Kepple

    Thanks for the invite! Hope your book writing is going well :)
  • Sean Toh

    Hi Rachel,

    Nice meeting you and I hope we might have an opportunity to collaborate in the future. Thanks and enjoy creating wealth with great health.

    Yours Sincerely
    Sean Toh
  • Sylvia Hubbard

    I am wishing you all the blessings and success to your publishing endeavors. Keep us updated!!!
  • Linore Rose Burkard

    Hi, Rachel,
    First: I love that cut-off photo of you, very "hip"!
    Second: 3,000 words a day sounds pretty good to me. I tend not to think or work in terms of word count (unless I have to, say, for a contest) but instead, whether I have fully brought a scene to life or not. My goal is usually to get it OUT of my imagination and ONTO the paper with as much atmosphere, color, texture, and LIFE I imagined it with. I know some writers work in terms of page count, (five a day, or ten a day, etc.) Anyway, thanks for the invite, and I hope to get better acquainted with you and your work. Keep up the 3,000!

    Adding Romance to the World....One Book at a Time
    Faith-Based Fiction for Today's Savvy Woman
  • Glenn Froese

    Hello Rachel
    Thank you for being my first friend on Book Marketing Network. I'm just saying Hi today, I need to say a quick hello to all my new friends.

    Till next time
  • Georgia Richardson

    Yuhooo....Rachelllll! Da Queen has landed. Thank you for the invite and I'm tickled to see another Southern lass. I'm checking out Turner Pub first chance I get.

    I have a dear friend who's doing a pub tour in Nashville soon with her historical fiction book, Songbirds are Free. Look for p.m. terrell coming to your town. I had the priviledge of reading the book and its first class. You won't be able to put it down.
  • Teri Missildine

    Hey, Pretty Lady. Didn't recognize me at first did ya? Must be the 5 gangsters in my photo. :)
  • Teri Missildine

    Armenian gang members.