Author & Book Promotions


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Something About Me and My Book:
We promote literary works by best-selling and new authors wanting greater online book publicity!

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    Hi Nada!

    Hope all is well.
    The book is a Murder mystery, legal thriller. Published through iUniverse.
  • Sydney Stone

    You are so welcome , Nadia! It is nice that we can come together, I am glad I found this network!! God Bless Sydney
  • Bren Yarbrough Bruhn

    Hi Nadia! Thanks for the invite. I am happy to accept and look forward to getting to know you better.
    Many blessings,
  • Linore Rose Burkard

    Hey, Nadia,
    That's funny you stopped by, because last night I was on your website reading your poetry! I took a quote which I will incorporate into a blog entry soon, and post your link beneath it.

    Keep writing, I love poetry, and I enjoyed going over yours.
    luv ya,
  • Gene McVay

    I don't think I will pump $3,000 into that. I would be interested in hearing how successful they are for you.
  • Jim Potter

    What a great title! Is that like having an uncomplicated life?
    Peace out,
  • Gene McVay

    $3,000 is for the tour. I think it is two days. The least expensive is for one stop and I think that costs $175.
  • E.J. Samadhi Whitehouse

    Thanks so much Nadia! Many people are moved by the cover which is like a confirmation from the Divine that it is truly spiritually blessed; my desire is to touch and help heal hearts that are still wounded.

    As far as Author Promotions - I would LOVE to partake. I have to be honest--I don't know what that is but I'm into it!!! Thanks for thinking of me and I look forward to all the doors available to float on through!!
  • Reason

    thanks for the invite, do you have anyone who handles your marketing and promotions?
  • Jennarosa

    Thankyou Nadia. You are very gifted with your talent.
  • Allen Ketchersid

    Hi Nadia,

    Great book title! Best of luck.
  • Christie Silvers

    Thanks for the friend request! :-)
  • Nancy Lee Shrader

    Hello Nadia, I have your book in my bookstore.
  • Gretchen Wilsenach

    Thank you for the invite. I would love to be your friend.
  • Winona Rasheed

    Hi Nadia,
    This is a great site. I am looking forward to promoting my new children books with Book Marketing in the near future.
    You should be oh so very proud of yourself and your accomplishments.
    I am looking forward to our networking and our friendship.
  • Brian Hale

    Hi glad to meet you God Bless and goood night the Hales
  • Elaine Deyo

    Thank you for your invite and I, of course, happily accept the hand your reach out to me. This site is so extensive, that I'll need some time to get a grip on it, to see just how it works. Thanks again, Elaine
  • Tena Fanning

    Nadia, I think your author promotion is a wonderful option, however; last I knew, My-Space does not review children's books. I publish children's books. Do you have any further information regarding My-Space's relationship with children's books? Thank you for your time.
  • Elaine Deyo

    Thanks.... I will...
  • Stonehome

    Nadia, Hello from Ontario, Canada. thank you for the invitation to join your friendship circle. I look forward to keeping in touch. As you know,writing can sometimes be a onely occupation but the self-imposed solitude eases somewhat when one has friends in the same business.
  • Margaret Blake

    Thank you,Nadia, nice to talk to you. I look forward to exchanging views and ideas in he future.

    Kind regards, Margaret.
  • Shayla V. McClellon

    Hey gal,
    Just wanted to wish you a wonderful weekend!
  • Rev. L.A. Artis

    Just stopping through to say hello to a GENIUS!

    Rev. Artis
  • Rev. L.A. Artis

    Hi Nadia: My book is called "Dark Blessing - The Power, Joy & Blessings that are Released BECAUSE of The Dark Times in Your Life". It is a Christian inspirational book to encourage those who are going through horrific trials but live to tell the story. My family's story -- my children's terrible struggles and life-threatening illnesses are chronicled in the book as well. It is very personal. I am very proud of it. Thank you for asking.

    Your friend,
    Rev. L.A. Artis
  • Dennis Leppanen

    Hi Nadia,

    Thanks so much for the invitation. I'm going to check out unscrambled eggs...
  • Sandra Dutton

    Dear Nadia,
    Thank you for your invitation. Happy to accept
  • Le Keisha N. Ruffin

    Hi Nadia!

    Thanks for the friend request! I look forward to getting to know you better!
  • Graham Odenyo

  • Le Keisha N. Ruffin

    Same here! Thank you!.....I look forward to reading some of your work.
  • Lori

    Thank you Nadia for inviting me here!
  • Jennifer Mattern

    Thanks for the kind welcome Nadia.
  • Dana E. Thomas

    Hi Nadia, nice to meet you. What is the url to your site?

  • Yasmin Coleman

    Thanks for the request.
  • Lillian

    Thanks for the request. It's funny. You're the reson I signed up w/ bookmarket. I came across your author promotion site, and am very interested in what it has to offer. I look forward to getting to know you, and my fellow authors in the community.

  • Anita

    hi Nadia, do you have stats for sales via your book promotion avenue? Or is it for the purpose of awareness raising?
  • Barbara

    Hi Nadia,

    I wanted to stop by and congratulate you on all of your awards. You make us proud!
  • Malcolm R. Campbell

    Nice place you've set up here!

  • Anita

    Great! I'll certainly think about it -- I have another "baby" going on the printing press this week actually... this one's a lot of fun - here's the back cover blurb:

    No matter whether you’re a pouting priestess, boardroom babe, feathery fairy, earth mother or warrior woman, there comes a time when every goddess gal needs to hold up her sword and claim her right to be true to her authentic self.

    This is exactly what Anita Revel has been doing over the last 10 years. Tired of being a fizzled out corporate stress-chick, she made a sea change from Sydney to Margaret River in search of her Diver Dan. What she found instead was a brown-eyed calf named Missy Moo and 52 archetypal goddesses with life lessons to share.

    Anita wrote about her lessons for her column with United Press International. Sometimes poignant, infinitely insightful, but mostly snort-your-milk hilarious, Anita’s journey has led her to successfully ‘out’ her goddess within.
  • Barbara

    You're most welcome Nadia! I'd love to have that info. I do write poetry and would love to give them a try. And, I do plan on contacting Mrs. Simmons the first chance I get.
  • Tina Rhodes

    Thanks for the request...Hope all is well with you, and your family...
    God bless you.......
  • Tina Rhodes

    You are so welcome, and when ever you are ready to network lets do this... cause I am full of ideas, and more...
    'I am a creative GEMIN'I...
  • Jakaylah Paperback Publishing

    Thanks for the add. I look forward to networking with you.
  • Ken K. Chartrand

    You are a great poet. Keep up the fantastic work!
  • albertasequeira

    Hi Nadia,
    I'll check that out now. Thanks!
  • Susan Comeaux

    Thank You for being my friend. I also was a member of Lakewood Church for 12 years under John Osten. My book is in the process of being published. I decated my book to Pastor Osten. He will always be my pastor. My book will be about leason's from the Word to help abused women to grow in their faith and live a triumph life. I too have never been trained in writing but the Lord would talk to me and sometimes even wake me up at night and I would just have to start writing as fast as I could to keep up with the teaching He was giving me. Thanks again. I really don't know how to accept your invitation, but I do. I look foward to reading your book. Susan
  • Lutishia Lovely

    Hi Nadia: thanks for the friend add. Your book sounds of the days, well actually next year when I can finally take a break from writing :) I can't wait to catch up on all the good books out there. Yours sounds like one. All the best...

    Bestselling Author, Lutishia Lovely
  • Kris Williams


    No problem. I thoroughly enjoyed reading "Unscrambled Eggs." I wish you the best. Thank you for all the help you have given me. I'll let you know when the libraries around here order your book.
  • George Wilder Jr.

    I sure will check her out. Thanks for the info.
  • Tena Fanning

    Would happen to know of any churches in your area that might like to use The Playdate Kids book series as an aide for children in their congregations? Thank you ever so much and have a very nice day.
  • Lori

    Thank you for the invite!