david b mclaughlin

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Something About Me and My Book:
Shortly after my thirty-ninth birthday I started thinking about turning forty. I was driving down the road listening to the radio when I heard about a woman who after turning fifty made a list of the fifty most important things she had learned in life. The only one I remember is, “When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.” You cannot argue with logic like that.

That caused me to start thinking…which is dangerous. What are the forty most important things I have learned in my forty years on planet Earth? So I began to make a list.

After the first few, the list is not in order of importance. I wanted to do a countdown to the most important; but it just did not work. Everything I firmly believe flows from the first two so they had to be first.

I then decided to write a short explanation of each point, put them in a small book, and give it to my kids as a keepsake. As I talked about it to people, many of them said they would be interested in reading it, so I started a blog that eventually became the rough draft for the book.

Here it is. The 40 Book. The forty most important things I have learned in my forty years on planet Earth. Maybe these truths will guide you as they have guided me. This is why I believe these are Forty Things You Should Know By Forty.

Blog at http://fortyblog.blogspot.com

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  • david b mclaughlin

    Please help me name my book (if you have not already)!

    Vote here:

    Thanks in advance,
    David B. McLaughlin
  • Karen L. Alaniz

    Hi David- Is there a synopsis of your book somewhere? I looked at the titles you are considering but it's difficult to vote without knowing what the premise is. I think I need a little more info. in order to give it my best shot.

  • Karen L. Alaniz

    And what is the market you're thinking of? Christian? A few of the titles reference Christian themes, so I think that too will make a difference.

    Also, I just tried sending all my "friends" a question, but I don't think I did it correctly. Is there a way to send a note to everyone at once?


  • Karen L. Alaniz

    I just hit the share button at the top left. I was able to use the address book and send a message but I don't know if it got anywhere where people will read it. Oh brother. Trial and error I guess.

    Your book sounds good. I wrote "100 Things I Believe" one year, just for fun. It was an interesting thing to do.

    My book started with me transcribing the letters in order to give each of my kids a copy. But the more questions I had, the more intrigued I became with this man who was "just my dad."

  • Michael J Carnevale

    Hey David:
    I was very impressed by your blog...it was insightful. As for the title/vote for your book...not really crazy about about any of those listed...Honestly, I believe that just: "40" works! It works well on many levels (simple, easy to remember, mysterous, open/accessible).
    Good luck,
  • Jill Ronsley - SUN Editing and Book Design

    Hi David,

    Thanks for the message asking me to vote. I voted. I am curious to see what you decide.

    All the best,

    SUN Editing & Book Design
  • Tamara Johnson

    Hi, David.
    Thanks for inviting me to comment on your book title. I think it's a lot of fun to come up with catchy titles!
    Since you open by talking about the relative nature of truth, why don't you call it
    "The TRUTH"
    With the following subtitle: "according to David"
    Could be catchy because it invites humor and an investigation of truth - as any given reader might view truth.
    Good luck!
  • Alicia Hill Jones

    Hi David,

    Someone suggested the title "40" and I like it. It's simple, yet totally encompasses the theme of your book. I looked at the other titles in your poll and feel "40" (which is not listed) fits best. You can even take it up a notch by adding a subtitle to summarize what the book is about (which could be one of the titles on your poll). Just my two cents...

    God Bless and much success with your project!
    Alicia Hill Jones,
    Author of "Blessings of Purpose"
  • Denise Fleischer

    I like "40 Years On Earth"
  • Mark David Gerson

    I'm always in the minority...sigh. (I voted and, based on the numbers, mine won't be the title!)

    Best of luck,
    Mark David
  • Mark David Gerson

    I picked what I thought was the snappiest title...
  • Kathryne Kennedy

    My suggestion: your description. The Forty Most Important Things I've learned in My Forty Years on Planet Earth.
  • Terry Whalin

    Hello David,

    I've titled a lot of books in my years in publishing. It's more than simply a vote but what's going to resonate with the audience the best. I've picked some winners and I've had some losers. It's hard work and nothing that I can do in an instant for you. I would encourage you to pick a killer title--because it can make or break your sales. Lulu has a Lulu Titlescorer and that may give you some insight. I've not worked with it much bit it's another resource.

    Best wishes with it. I've got some articles about titles in my blog entries--use the search tool in the right hand column,

    The Writing Life
  • Philip Harris

    I agree with Kathryne
  • Alicia Hill Jones

    Duh...I didn't realize "40" is currently the title :o) Pardon my oversight. Anyway, as the saying goes "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". "40" and a subtitle has my vote.
  • Tamara Johnson

    You are welcome! Glad you like it!

  • Pat McDonough

    I just received you email. Please tell me the 25 word blurb so I know what you book is about. I can tell you that when I asked the same question at Publisher's University 12 years ago they told me that a book title with a number in it sold better. Also put as many key words up front to make computerized searches work for you.
    There is a limit to how many words will show up in most book title lists, so short and catchy is better than erudite and wordy.

    copyedit@cfl.rr.com or books4you@cfl.rr.com
    Pat McDonough
    Terra Sancta Press (publisher) & McDONOUGH CONSULTING (copyediting, writing & publishing coach)
  • Ginger Marks

    As a web designer for authors, a Copy Editor and an author myself I know the title needs to capture the readers attention. It is second only in importance to the cover design. I put my two cents in but highly recommend you keep your thinking cap on.
    Best of luck,
    Ginger Marks
  • Kathryne Kennedy

    You're welcome.:}
  • Anita

    hi David, I voted for your book title... I tend to go for titles that are self-explanatory, so while all your titles are intriguing and good ideas, I've gone with the one that sums up what I can expect to read in the book.
  • John Fielder

    Hi David,
    I must admit to being an amatuer in this field. I do though, agree with Kathryn who says "My suggestion: your description. The Forty Most Important Things I've learned in My Forty Years on Planet Earth.
  • David Hancock

    I'd say... Forty Things You Should Know by Forty
  • Alan Smith

    Titles are the keystone of book marketing so you're right to spend so much time on it. It took me months to find the right brand for my book. Remember to think ahead, what brand do you really want for your book? 40/40 Hindsight is the best branding title you've got so far but I think you can come up with something better if you give it time. Good luck!
  • Pat McDonough

    A suggested title: 40 Big Insights to Thrive at 40.
  • YvonJCormier

    You invited me to "vote" on what to name your book. That's very generous of you. Since you asked, I'll think about it.

    Most likely keeping it simple is best. If you write down questions as to what's most important about your book.....like are these "40" things what helped me survive to age 40? Or, Are these patent isms we all need to know to reach 40 years of age? REALLY, what is it you want the book to focus on. THIS is what the title should allude to, or encapsulate:)

    Hope this helped,

  • Peter Bowerman

    Thanks David,

    And I wish you the best with your book. I'll ponder the title request... What I DO suggest (in my book on publishing), as an overarching suggestion, is that with non-fiction how-to books, which I think yours would classify as, you should make the title a promise: Let the readers know what's in it for them; tell them why it's worth picking up.

    Examples of promises in titles: Chicken Soup for the Soul, The One-Minute Manager, The Well-Fed Writer (my first, of course), The Fix-it-and-Forget-It Cookbook (best-seller in 2002), etc. Just some thoughts... All the best.

  • YvonJCormier

    Hi David,

    In your reply you restated almost verbatim what you wrote in the "About Me and My Book:" section of your page. Maybe even though you're not comfortable with, "40 most important things I have learned in my forty years on Planet Earth," you secretly want this as your title. It might be the one:)

    I gave you questions that you could ask yourself so as to tease out the best title for your book. Obviously you know what your book is about. The most poignant question to ask is what are the "Things"? If there's another word for them, that might be a key word in your title as well.

    The best word choice for title on your page so far
    was from Pat McDonough; 40 Big Insights to Thrive at 40.

    Again, hope this line of thought helps you this time around:)

  • david b mclaughlin

    Thanks so much for all of your comments. If anybody comes back and reads this page I thought I would update you on what I am currently thinking.

    I have actually decided to make two books. I had one section of my book that was going to be a list of 40 Things You Should Do At 40. I have now decided to make that a whole book.

    So since I am going to do two books, I want to make them look like companion books, which they will be.

    So my latest idea is to name them thusly:

    40 Things You Should Know By 40
    40 Things You Should Do At 40

    So whaddayathink?
  • Adrienne Zurub

    I like the first one!
  • R. C. BECKOM

    Why not just call it something like: "MY FORTY YEARS ON PLANET EARTH," just keeping it simple.. glad to be aboard
  • Mspiderman

    Hi David. I stopped by your blog and love #30...Brilliant! I'm going to TATOO IT TO MY HEAD, ARMS AND FEET...WISH I WOULD HAVE THUNK THAT ONE UP MYSELF!!! IT'S BRILLIANT!!!

    And I voted...great job on the book. I love it...I really do!!!
  • Mspiderman

    David, I just read your blog post and I agree...you gotta think marketing and titles sell. I spend years doing due diligence before I do anything and the title will sell the book.
    So I would go with...40 Things you should know by 40!
    Then the next book...40 things you should do by 40!
  • Satis Shroff Lecturer, Writer

    Hi Dave! Is forty a magical number
  • Cheril Vendetti


    I'm so bad at naming things but I had to write and tell you that I think it's great what you're doin'.
    Plus your name is David and that was my brothers name.

  • Annie Lawrence

    Hi David,
    Love, Life and Miracles and 40 of the things you must do by age 40. How is the book coming?
    My new book Love's Secret Live Your Life In Love is complete and I get my first copies tomorrow. Anyone out there got some secrets for getting good reviews??
  • Annie Lawrence

    Hi David,
    Thanks for answering my post. I am picking up galleys tomorrow. And the next step is to get copies on Amazon and to get my website set up for accepting orders.
    How about yours is it on Amazon yet?
  • Jane Castillo

    Voted. Let me know how it goes!
  • Satis Shroff Lecturer, Writer

    Hi David! You're right. It reminds me of a German guy who was 40 or so, and had a real midlife crisis. He'd realised that life was
  • david b mclaughlin

    HUGE NEWS on the Book Title! Thanks for all your input. We had almost 100 people vote.

    To see the title and probable cover, visit:
  • Barbara

    Dave your book sounds interesting indeed! Being in my forty's and trying to promote my work I can say I've definitly learned one important thing for sure, to be patient! Congratulations on your work!
  • Marion James

    Hi David

    Thanks for your nice compliments on my reply to Cindy's forum. As a bookstore manager I am delighted with the name you have chosen. It will catch people's eye, and that will make them pick up the book to look inside. That is half the battle. Glad you avoided folksy or jokey titles, as they don't really attract the book browser.

    Now.. just try to work on more of a "pick me up and look inside" cover. I'm not sure if the wave will do it. The image has been overdone before.

    BEST OF LUCK. I enjoyed the first chapter about your grandpa and the moon, and think you have a lot of good things to say.
  • GoalGuru

    Hi David

    Thank you for being a friend.

  • Barbara

  • david b mclaughlin

    It is now official! You can go to http://www.davidbmclaughlin.com and purchase your copy of The 40 Book: Forty Things You Should Know By Forty.

    Or, you can show up at the Birthday Party/Book Signing between 6 pm and 8 pm January 24th, and pick one up in person and save shipping costs! (I have been asked if we are having it if the weather gets bad. According to the news it is not supposed to get bad until Friday morning so we are on.)

    The book signing is in the Newchurch Atrium, 9201 N. Rockwell, Oklahoma City. Everyone is invited. Directions here:

    Oh yeah-feel free to tell all your friends and neighbors!

    Love & Mercy,
    David McLaughlin
  • david b mclaughlin

  • Barbara

    Congratulations David! You should be proud!
  • Louise Lewis

    Let me add my congrats! A great accomplishment! I look forward to reading it...but a bit afraid...Now that I'm a sneeze away from turning 50, what if I haven't learned what I should have in my 40s? Oh, the horror!
    Much $uccess!
  • Revvell

    Congratulations David!!! Yayyy for you!

    HAH to Louise! :D

  • R. C. BECKOM

    Lol.! welcome aboard, this title will catch a lot of eyes and minds.
  • david b mclaughlin

    Enjoy photos from the signing:
