Jim Misko


United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I've been an author for fifty years with articles, books, and newspaper writing behind me. Now it is on to the next 8 books on my list to write. The first novel FOR WHAT HE COULD BECOME was followed by THE MOST EXPENSIVE MISTRESS IN JEFFERSON COUNTY and it has gotten excellent reviews. I founded the Alaska Writers Guild in May 2007 with a start group of twelve writers. We now have 260 and I'm hoping for 400 before I get back from the desert in April. I also founded the Alaska Writers Conference in August of 2007.
We have about 120 people for three days of authors, editors, agents, publishers, and marketing gurus. THE CUT OF PRIDE will be out March 15, 2012 and my goal is to sell 1,000 copies before then. Several book clubs signed up for their copies as well as signing dates with Barnes & Noble, Costco, and a few independents hither, thither, and yon. The second novel won second prize in a national independent press contest for fiction. See you amongst the bookshelves. Jim www.JimMisko.com

Comment Wall:

  • John Kremer

    Where is your tie? Welcome to the network. Post a blog entry about the Alaska Writers Workshop in a few weeks.
  • Rachel

    Well, to answer your question, yes, I'd lend you money, but unfortunately, I don't have any. I'd sell your books on the corner too if I had a corner book stand, or even a couple of your books to sell. There are various kinds of friendships in this world, and I'm glad to be your online, social network kind of friend.
  • Judi Lake

    Thanks jim for the heads up re: todd communications -- i hate to loose connections with special people and alden todd indeed is one special person --
  • Jim Misko

    Had a BLAST at the Palm Springs Air Museum Book Fair this past weekend (April 14-15) A lot of WWII guys there who flew hot airplanes, two top aces, Colonels and ranks, and a guy who had escaped from the Bataan Death March. My novel had just enough about WWII to qualify so I sneeked in and touted my books. Picked up 7 new readers, sold books, and made some good friends. I'm heading back to Alaska this week so I'll change my picture to the Northland.
  • Lorne Epstein

    Cool, really just cool.
  • Jim Misko

    The Alaska Writers Guild is off and running. Formation meeting was attended by 20 folk and 12 joined on the spot with others committing to join this month.
    The Workshop scheduled for August 10-12 has a bunch of sign ups and outsides coming from California, Texas, and Wisconson so far. Great novelists, editors, publishers, agents and our own John Kremer will be the hosted talents for the three days in Anchorage, Alaska.
    Plan to come up NOW while the price is still a low $275.
    Go to our web site at www.alaskawritersworkshop.com
    to see the whole story.
    May it go well with you. Alaska Jim
  • Jim Misko

    Hi Klaudia. Are you keeping stuff in the mail to agents, publishers, editors? It takes persistence even though postage rates are up. Keep the stories and books moving around. Acquisition editors change as often as jockeys on a race horse, so keep sending to different editors at same house.
    And come to our Alaska Writers Workshop where authors, agents, publishers, editors, and marketing guru John Kremer will be working individually with the attendees. Canada isn't that far from Alaska.
    May it go well with you. Alaska Jim
  • Jim Misko

    Had a book signing at Borders Books and Music in Anchorage on Saturday. Unfortunately, Saturday was one of those beautiful summer days that Alaskan's wait all winter for. Nineteen hours of delicious sunshine, warm, no wind and they didn't want to shop in a book store. Sold only five books in two hours--got two new names and e-mails for my next novel. Anybody know how to contact book clubs in the US???
  • Max Elliot Anderson

    Thanks, Jim. I've only stopped over in Alaska a few times, while flying on to a filming assignment, but I don't have to tell you, you live in a beautiful area.

    Our son's name is also Jim
  • david b mclaughlin

    Please help me name my book (if you have not already)!

    Vote here:

    Thanks in advance,
    David B. McLaughlin
  • Kathryne Kennedy

    Oh, Jim, congrats on forming the Alaska Writers Guild...that's awesome! And send me an email when your book is released. Love to learn more about it!
    My best,
  • Sherri Knight

    Hello Jim,
    Wow, Alaska! Your latest book title is intriguing. What is it about? I've only finished my first book length manuscript! Good luck with the writers' guild!
  • Jim Misko

    Founded the Alaska Writers Guild with 12 members on May 13th. Now have 35 and rising fast to 50. Founded the first Alaska Writers Workshop in August and had 100 people participating. John Kremer was one of the faculty and make new friends and converts, including a mother moose and twins who came by for the party. Have a giant book signing coming up at Barnes & Noble Sept 23rd, with reading, signings, and sales. Will be giving a brief talk about FOR WHAT HE COULD BECOME and then reading from my novel that will be available in November, THE MOST EXPENSIVE MISTRESS IN JEFFERSON COUNTY. My next novel, THE CUT OF PRIDE is riding the shelf waiting to get in line.
  • Lakishia Smith

    Thank you so much for the comment Jim. I really appreciate your words of encouragement. Hey check out my website and the reviews. If you've never read urban fiction then check out my novel because I think it would be a great experience for you. It's a fiction, nonfiction story of life on the rough side of the tracks.

    Thanks again Jim!!!!

    Lakishia Smith
  • Leeanne Marie Stephenson

  • John Kremer

    Hi, friend. Hope the desert is hot enough for you.
  • P. M. Morris

    I will purchase the book ASAP!

  • P. M. Morris

    I will contact you as soon as I get the particulars out of the way for advise on which is the best route to take. Although, I am leaning towards printing a large run of copies.

    I just received a check from my publisher. I sold seven additional books for the month and the check was for $3.02 after taxes. POD is becoming less and less attractive these days.

    It was okay for starters when I was trying to get into the game. But now that I am in, I am playing to win. I will keep you posted of my progress.

    As always, thanking you in advance for your continued support!

    Happy Reading!
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Jim,

    Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I visited your website and enjoyed my stay. I would love to advertise any one of your books. Let me know if you are interested.

  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Jim,

    Go to www.author-promotion.com and click on the authors page. From there, you can read the guidelines and submit your information.

    Let me know if you are interested.

  • Jim Misko

    WOW...looks neat Nadia. Do you have any figures for visitors to this site or sales from it? One can spend an eternity roving the internet and landing on sites that do not produce much for the author. Kinda like to know what sort of action is taking place on this site. Thanks for the reference. I'm interested--just want more info. Jim Misko
  • E.J. Samadhi Whitehouse

    Hi there! Great fun looking at your site and ALL that you have done, are doing, and plan on doing...busy guy but clearly happy!! BRAVO for your accomplishments; something I aspire to and your successes only give fire to the flame so, for that, THANKS!! When you have time {ha-ha}, I'd love to know how to get my book to book clubS! That is something I feel is a perfect fit for reading Circles in the Sand and sharing and healing. Sadly, the "creator" of Canada's book clubs read my book, completely missed the plot, and seemed to write from ego rather than from heart and was stuck on "chakras" although my book is not about chakras. It was one of the oddest reviews I've seen for anyone and it's the only "bad" review I've had. And she's the head so that seems to have closed a Canadian door. I was going to contact her but it felt like I needed to not engage... I think I'm telling way too much information, considering you asked a simply question--"Hey, wanna be a friend?" {ha-ha again and sorry for the explosion of WORDS}!