Elysabeth Eldering

62, Female

upper state South Carolin

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Ms. Eldering is an award winning author. Her stories "Train of Clues", "The Proposal", "Tulip Kiss", "Butterfly Halves", and "Zombies Amuck" have placed in a variety of contests. Her story "Bride-and-Seek" was selected for the South Carolina Writers' Workshop (SCWW) anthology, the Petigru Review. Her story "Train of Clues" is the predecessor to the Junior Geography Detective Squad, 50-state, mystery, trivia series. Ms. Eldering makes her home in upper state South Carolina and loves to travel, read, cross stitch and crochet. When she's not busy working her full-time job as a medical transcriptionist or participating in virtual classroom visits, she can be found at various homeschool or book events. Working with the sixth grade class via the internet, Ms. Eldering has been given license to teach the point-of-view lessons, incorporating the fractured fairy tales. She has also done several writing workshops on writing at various homeschool conferences and school librarian conferences.

Elysabeth was asked to create and edit a storyline for the Magazine of Unbelievable Stories (now defunct) with past issues still available through amazon.com.

In 2007, Elysabeth volunteered to judge mid length stories submitted for the Derringers Awards.

Comment Wall:

  • Angela Wilson

    Thanks for the add! And be sure to send your work to www.PopSyndicate.com for review. We take all genres for all ages.

    Angela Wilson
  • Brian L Porter

    Great page Elysabeth,

    Glad you could join us here.

    BRian (The creepy cool one)
  • Jo Fulkerson

    Your premise for the Junior Geography Detective Squad book sounds very intriguing. I would think that it would sell if you reach the right people. Or do you plan to self-publish?
  • Eva Sabiniano

    ..I'm a Christian Artist. I got invited to join in this site to share about my ministry. Thank you for the warning. I always careful using computers and i always ask my dad. Please pray for me and to my ministry. Check my music video..God bless!!!
  • Chau Van Truong

    I love mysteries..

    Get your copy of THE NAISA MAFIA: Chronicle OF The Godfather deliver to your home/bookstore by calling 1-800-431-1579.. Visit http://www.NAISAMAFIA.COM to read the scripts... Watch clip - NAISA, SECRETS KEPT'S PITCH, RELENTLESS PURSUIT, THE EXCHANGE @ google video. Join me at http://www.myspace.com/naisamafia , http://chauvantruong.blogspot.com/ , http://bookmarket.ning.com/profile/ChauVanTruong ..
    Fans can also read at http://www.novelmaker.com/ …. SECRETS KEPT script .. http://novelmaker.com/readCommentRate.php?m=295&s=0a13623de77a7051ccaadbfbc6e8e7cc , A KILLING STAR script.. http://novelmaker.com/readCommentRate.php?m=297&s=0a13623de77a7051ccaadbfbc6e8e7cc , THE NAISA MAFIA - 8 chapters.. http://novelmaker.com/readCommentRate.php?m=292&s=0a13623de77a7051ccaadbfbc6e8e7cc ..

    Listen to JUDYTH PIAZZA interviewed CHAU VAN TRUONG (author/filmmaker).. link at Interview on the American Perspective Radio Program or http://thesop.org/article.php?id=7224 . THE NAISA MAFIA: Chronicle OF The Godfather can also buy it at http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0974793507/qid=1100292074/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/102-4638388-1864109?v=glance&s=books on http://www.amazon.com , on the recommended list at http://www.bookwire.com , http://www.tuluc.com , and other venues. The Naisa Mafia: Chronicle of the Godfather can also be requested at your local bookstore.
  • Chau Van Truong

  • Dyan Garris

    Hi Elysabeth. That's a great spelling for your name too. Yes, mine is pronounced "Diane." Thank you for the friendship. :-)
  • Beverly J. Thompson

    Hi Elysabeth! I, too, am living in the upstate, in Greenville. This site is new to me and I posted my profile just yesterday. I love your idea of the Junior Geography Detective Squad Series,. It certainly will help people (children and adults alike) connect to all geographical areas in the U.S. by having a deeper understanding of those areas. The best to you.
  • Beverly J. Thompson

    Thank you for your quick reply. I will check out www.myscww.org. My book is at The Open Book in the section New Age. My book is not classified as a "literary classic" because of its contents. However, it will be nice meeting other authors in this area, something I have yet to do. I am sure we will meet.
  • Faye Tollison

    Hi, E! I love your site. Thanks for your support. I'm excited about your book and wish you luck with it. See you tonight at SinC.
  • Linda L Wagner

    I did the only thing I knew how to do. The book cover is under the heading "Lady Flatterley". I know I should make a blog just for that book. My son who is a computer geek is going to try and teach me how to make blogs over the phone this weekend so I can go ahead and try and make one. I really need to change the other one because of the coloring alone. Some people have said it is difficult to read so I need to change to a different template. If you go to the side and find Lady Flatterley, and click on it, the book cover will come up, or click on children's books on top then click on Lady Flatterley You mentioned about making a direct link to the page. That is one of the things that I hope my son will be able to teach me. He was one the one that built my blog. I'm just a nurse that needs to learn all the tricks of this trade. I'm tired of feeling helpless. It's time to learn.
  • Linda L Wagner

    Wish you could see the rest of it. The pictures are so cute. I have 36 pages and the pictures are all in pdf format with bleed still on them so when it is sent to the PH, they will be able to cut off the bleed. Sending them would crash your computer!!!! I keep on hitting the wrong comment button, and it comes back to me. Go figure.
  • Elysabeth Eldering

    I wish I could see the inside as well. But maybe one day it will be published and I will see the inside. Who did your illustrations? Because most publishers use their own illustrators and most books don't even get sent to a publisher illustrated but hey, you are one step ahead of the game. Good luck. E :)
  • Linda L Wagner

    I have read a lot on the self publishing and many of them are goin with POD. I was surprised that the manager at the bookstore said they worked with some of the self publishing companies that were said in this book that were not ood.

    I looked at what 4RV is looking for and my book would fall under their guideline, so I will contact them. Thanks for the info. I am lucky that I have an illustrator that lives in my town and I was able to help from inception build the characters. I even designed the main character and helped with coloring. My layout person is here in town also and does the layout on books for other people. Many expenses with making a book and some that could have been avoided if I had done my homework.
  • Linda L Wagner

    Dear Elysabeth, I received a google alert that mentioned your page and talked about my book, Lady Flatterley. I looked on your page and couldn't find it. Did they make a mistake?

    My book was published on 9/19. Had errors on the book from the printing comapny so had to send my books back. What an adventure I have been on. I know have my book showing on Facebook. Now I need to figure out how to do it on my page here. I just wanted you to know that somehow Googld is sending out alerts to your blog about my book.

    Google Web Alert for: Lady Flatterley

    Elysabeth Eldering's Page - Book Marketing Network
    The book cover is under the heading "Lady Flatterley". ... If you go to the side and find Lady Flatterley, and click on it, the book cover will come up, ...

    Linda Wagner