Pastor Sharon Billington


Williams, Arizona

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
My husband George and I are ordained and serve as Christian Counselors who are passionate about helping hurting seekers and believers recover emotionally. We were inspired to develop a truly unique and effective counseling tool that we use in our sessions that can also be used privately in self help situations. It's an emotional recovery workbook called Encouraging Words for Christian Emotional Recovery. It's easy to follow, it's simply written, and it's transformed many lives. We pray it ministers to you and those you care about.

We distribute the book, so email us for ordering details.

Warmly, with all love and blessings
Pastor Sharon Billington
Providing Godly encouragement for life's tough times

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  • Donna Pampalone

    Hi Sharon,
    I enjoy reading the things on your page. May the "Sonshine"' upon you always. Blessings, Donna
  • Michelle Larks

    Hi Sharon,

    I will definetely visit the site. Thanks for welcoming me.

    God Bless You,

  • N.W. Smith

    Thank you for the invitation, it is a blessing to fellowship and to get to know you.

    God Bless
  • Susan Comeaux

    Thanks for the invitation. I look foward to knowing you and reading your matterial. Have a blessed day.

  • Susan Comeaux

    Thank you so much fro yor response and the encourgement that you gave me and to others who read the blog. I have click several times and it does nothing. I think something is wrong with my sight. But I do except every one as a friend.

    A daughter of the King and in His service
  • Susan Comeaux

    MY story is so long. The doctors told me two years ago in December that I only had two years to live. I beleive God has healed me, for I am getting stronger every day. I have been diagnosed, by my doctors, with cardiomyopathy, which is a diseased of the heart muscle, that lead to Congested Heart Failure. The doctors have placed an Implantable Cardioverter Defiberillator (ICD) in my chest to keep me “ticking”.They also told me that I have "Sudden cardio death syndrom". Last January I was to sick and weak to go the Ladies Retreat but I did have my Husband to take me for a little while and while I was there I sing with the praise group that I sing with and after we finished the Lord spoke to me that if I would anoint all the other ladies there and pray for them that He would heal me. So I did and many receive a miricle in their bodies and a revival broke out amoung our women. Since that time I have gotten better and better. My doctors have told me that my heart is getting better instead of degerating. I give the Lord Jesus all the praise. Also now I am beleive that I will receive healing form the Lord Jesus for my eyes. The doctor tells me that I have glacoma other eye problems. I know that I don't see and well as I am going to see. Also we are close to the same age (59) I finnaly found a wonderful man and have been married for only two years. (Had some very abuses marriages) I got called into the ministry as a young child but I am just now entering into He calling. I am learning more about computers everyday. Well, I could go on and on, but I know that God is good and He will accoumplish His plan in me. I want to teach women, espicality abused women, that God is still in the saving business, that His work is complete. He is still healing today, He is still setting us free. That we can be overcomers here in this life and live eternaly with Him.
  • Susan Comeaux

    Thanks, How do I joinChristian Emotional Recovery? I stil can't add or accept friend on my page. I have not been able to personalize my page either. But I will try to figure out how to add from your page. I am so thankful and excited about meeting so many wonderful friends here. I want to be a blessing to everyone.
    Susan Delete Comment
  • Andielle

    3 John 14

    Thanks for the invite.

    -May you stay safe and protected
  • Tiva Wallon

    Thanks! I'm looking forward to getting to know you too! Through a good friend of mine who has become my spiritual teacher, I have started my journey. My children's book, Finding God was my first attempt. That prompted me to do another.
    Bless you both
  • Andielle

    Hi Sharon,

    Hope your new day is going well so far. I kept trying to accept the invite but I'm not getting there.

    -May you stay safe and protected
  • Le Keisha N. Ruffin

    Hi Sharon!

    Thank you for stopping by! I look forward to getting to know you, and the networking opportunity! Please have a great day!
  • BiblioScribe

    Yes Sharon,

    I am James Ward from BiblioScribe. I look to help Authors market their work using available free tools at

  • Rev. Dr. Kandi Smith

    Grace and Peace, Pastor Sharon. Hello! February 23, 2004, my first born child, a son - Henry - died of AIDS related complications. God told me, as he lay dying in front of me to write about it. I haven't. I need your prayers. I need your help. I currently counsel persons infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS through a faith based program my son began 2 years before he went home to be with the Lord entitled AIDS Is In The Church. I additionally teach Pastors and Leaders how to fight the demon of AIDS. I've been successful speaking about it. Writing about it....? One thing I'm sure of. God would not have told me to do a thing that He was not going to empower me to do. I trust Him.... just need some earthly guidance. May I pick your brain and tap your anointed expertise? I'm grateful for the contact. Thank you for being obediently in place. Love, Because of Calvary - Pastor
  • Carole Whang Schutter

    I've been through tough times and my friend and I were just talking about how impossible it would be to go through without faith in our Lord. Bless your ministry. My website is By the way, I have been angry at God. Thank goodness He forgives me for having my own private pity parties.
  • Carole Whang Schutter

    Thank you for your invitation, I will certainly look up your website. I do know that our God is such a loving God that He forgives us over and over again and understands our anger, our pain, our sorrow. I am learning to put everything on the altar and leave it there. Blessings.
  • Margie Scott

    Nice to meet you Sharon. How nice you live in Flagstaff. I haven't been up there yet, but hoping to before the year ends. I just moved here a year ago.
    My little friend/companion is, Sassy. A basset hound that is 5 years old.
    It's late, but I will be looking forward to reading more tomorrow about your ministry.
    God bless, and have a good night.

  • Dr. Marlena Corcoran

    Thank you for your welcome message, and may your ministry flourish!
  • Helen Wisocki

    Thanks for the invite, Sharon. You have a very interesting website, and I wish you the best with your ministry.
  • Helen Wisocki

    Because of my book's subject, I hear from victims of clergy misconduct, and I was wondering if you have experience in counseling those abused by their minister?
  • Helen Wisocki

    Thankfully, I have not been a victim of spiritual abuse. My co-author has, however, and we've written a book based on his experiences as well as others that we've met along the way in our fight to get help from the church responsible. The abuse from a trusted pastor and the resulting betrayal of a church is a pain like no other, as we've documented in our book. We hope our book will offer awareness, hope and healing to those deceived in this manner.
  • Helen Wisocki

    Thanks for your prayers and kind words. We're just beginning our promotions of the book and trying to make others aware that this possibility exists so that they're watchful of the "signs" before they get engulfed in a bad situation that they didn't see coming.
  • Elizabeth Alan

    Hi nice to meet you, I too am a Christian. Still learning my way around the sites.

    Have a good one.

  • Rosemary Morris

    Thank you for asking me to be your friend.

    I admire your mission,

    God bless you and keep you,

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  • Michael J Lawrence

    Hi Sharon,
    Greetings from the UK. How kind of you to invite me and for your equally kind comments. Yes, serious illness either serves to completely deflate you and send you into chronic depression, or you take a positive stance and 'get on with your life' even though the illness will have an effect on you one way or the other. I was angry and went through all of the 'why me....again!' syndrome (I also lost an identical twin son to leaukemia when he was 9 years of age) so, yes, I did feel angry - mighty angry! Then I distinctly remember feeling 'Is this the best you can do?' and from that moment on I decided to adopt a very positive approach to life. You have obviously had your share of problems also, so no doubt you will understand what it is like more than most.
    Anyway, thanks again, and all the very best with your book.

    Speak again soon no doubt.


  • anitadavisdefoe

    Thank you so much for your welcome. May divine blessings be yours. Anita Davis-DeFoe
  • April Lorier

    Thanks Sharon! (If I knew how to upload a small photo of my book cover, I would.) I agree: we tend to be afraid of the unknown, so we keep "safe" with what-we-know. That's a tool of the enemy, and Jesus can and will take us out of the pit!
  • Carole Whang Schutter

    I don't know if I commented back, but thank you for all your comments. Don't know if I'll be in Arizona any time soon but will shout at you if I do. Blessings to your needed ministry. Carole Whang Schutter, author and screenwriter of September Dawn
  • Laura Beth

    HI Sharon, can you please tell me how you sent me an e-mail about your article recently? I would like to send a blanket announcment out to all of my friends here about my inspirational e-zine that is about to be launched, as well as a free drawing. Can you help me out on instructions as to how to achive this? Thanks so much.
    Blessings and Good Cheer,
    Laura Beth~
  • Feon Davis

    Praising childern of God are a blessing to be thankful and I am thanking God for blessings from others that are his children.
  • Laura Beth

    Thanks Sharon, I am also not technically inclined. I will go through the steps and give it a whirl. Regarding my e-zine, I will be offering articles that inspire, uplift, motivate and encourage. I am just completing the format, so I am unsure of submisions at this point. I am a writer so have lots to insert for now, but will aslo be requesting others for encouraging or good news stories to publish in the future. I am really excited about getting it launched.
    Your ministry has a very simular theme as mine, let's keep in touch and see where we may be of help to one another.
    Hugs back,
    Laura Beth~
  • SusieSunshine

    Hi, Sharon,

    We are now on each other's friends' list again. *smile* Thanks for re-asking me!

    Blessings from my spirit to your spirit!
  • Jean A Sturgill

    Hi Sharon!

    Praise the Lord for the work you are doing. A great need exists for emotional recovery.

    Often "sins of the father" are passed along. Hurt often breeds hurt. When that chain is broken, healing occurs, and great things can be accomplished for the Lord!

    I look forward to partnering with you too as the Lord leads.


    Jean Sturgill (for the grown-ups!)
  • Enspiren Press

    Thanks for your welcome, Sharon.
  • R. C. BECKOM

  • Shelagh Watkins

  • Efia Leatham

    Hi Sharon, thanks so much. I never knew about this until you told me. God is surely putting the right people in the right place to do the right plan which is His. Thank you so much for your advice and I will be coming to you for assistance if you don't mind. As this is the first time I have written works. I know this is of God because I never had this in my own sights. Enjoy your day and either way is fine for me.
  • Efia Leatham

    Just wanted to stop by and thank you again for this wonderful gift you shared with me. May He continue to bring healing to others through your hands, words and actions. Just as God loves you, I love you my sister in Christ. Have a wonderful and blessed day in Jesus' name.
  • Efia Leatham

    I didn't name them but their names are Coco and King respectively. Coco is a real diva and King is a charmer.
  • Lutishia Lovely

  • Ricky Fico

    Sharon, the best

    Monuments 4 Life
  • Ricky Fico

    Thank you. On September 11, 1992 I was reawakened after God saved me from doing what I had planned to do and ever since I had been provided the signs, the tools to help transition us into what I deem the "Golden Renaissance." The time is now, the transformation is taking place and I, too, have been called to offer my services...
  • Ricky Fico

    Go to my Network and read more:

    Monuments 4 Life
  • Andielle

    Hi Sharon,

    Hope that you enjoyed the birthday party and the new year brings great energy of rebirth.

    -May you stay safe and protected
  • Dr. Uche Akwuba, LCE

    Dear Mr. & Ms. You guys are doing great work. Please see It may add value.
  • Shirley Kiger Connolly

    Thank you and God Bless You!
  • albertasequeira

    Hi Sharon,
    I've been busy with my fingers on my new memoir, Please God, Not Two. I hope to have it completed by the end of 2008 or sooner. I'm leaving Feb 3rd to the 10th for Orlando, FL. I managed to get a book signing on my first memoir, A Healing Heart, at B&N in Orlando for the 8th, 6-9pm. I contacted the Orlando Sentinel and they will mention it in their paper. I hope it helps.
  • Cameron Chambers

    Hi, I just got your comment of December 22, and it is perfect. I have just come through an incredibly difficult time and I see the letter from Jesus is perfect and I thank you for it. There are no coindences in life. Everything has a reason and a purpose, and the timing of your letter was perfect and that I received it today was also perfect. Many people say often that this is not a perfect world, but I say it is. Everything in this world works to the end as it exactly should. God Bless!
  • R. C. BECKOM

    I'm always inspired when I visit here
  • Graham Odenyo