Kathryne Kennedy

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I write magical romances that will sweep you away to new worlds of passion and adventure.

Comment Wall:

  • Paidra Delayno

    With so much to read by so many people on this site, I can only content myself to be patient and get to everything in due time.
    Warm Regards,
    Paidra Delayno
  • Kathryne Kennedy

    I didn't read any of your blog, Bradley...I'll have to go back and take a look. Oh, and 'friend' you too.:} Nice to meet you~
  • Eugene R. White

    Dear Kathryne, thank you so very much for reading my blog and wanting to be a friend of mine. You can nerver have to many friends. Please check out my other blog and my author web site, for I am an established author as well. www.erwhite.blogspot.com, also www.outskirtspress.com/eternallove.
  • Mark David Gerson

    Sounds like a great story! Thanks for the invitation.

    Mark David
  • Philip Harris

    Hello Kathryne!
  • Jim Potter

    Congrats on another book with mystery and romance.
    Peace out,
  • Lucy A Cain

    Hello...and thank you for the friend invitation! Good luck with your new book! If you know any military families, point them to securethefort.blogspot.com!
    Lucy Cain, Author/military mom
  • Jen Blackert

    Congrats on your new book. What a great comment you received. I will check out your website.

    Thanks for the invite.
  • Sandra Dutton

    Hi Kathryne,
    Your book looks exciting.
    Happy to accept.
    Sandra Dutton

    Hi Kathryne,
    Looks we have some things in common, I look forward to chatting with you on a more personal note. Best of luck with your fantasy books.
    PK Silver
  • N.W. Smith

    Thank you for the invitation, I am looking forward to learning more.
  • Anita

    wow, I looked at your hair and thought, "historical romance" - you certainly "look the part" :-)
  • Lola Rainey

    Thanks for the invite. You appear to have a distinctive voice and vision. Good luck with your books.
  • Dan Bessie

    Glad to accept the invite, Kathryne. Best of good fortune with your work. Sounds like the kind of writing that should do quite well. Please check out our website too, bluelupinpress.com

    Our best, Dan and Jeanne
  • Hugh Rosen

    HI, Kathryne. Thanks for the invitation. You have an "enchanting" web site. You seemed to lead a rather well balanced life. Good luck with your future writing endeavors.

    If you visit my web site, you'll find my novel, "Silent Battlefields" to be of quite a different order than your works, but perhaps of interest to you, nevertheless.


  • Donna Gunter

    Hi Kathryne--

    Thanks for the invitation. I look forward to getting to know you better.

    Online Biz Resource Queen (TM)
  • Cherie Rohn

    I deal in the stark reality of true crime and you in the enchanting world of historical fantasy, Kathryne. But I believe we have much in common: a love for weaving a great yarn.

    Thank you for the invitation.

  • Frances Hunter

    Thanks for the invitation! I look forward to networking with you.

    Liz Clare
    co-author, To the Ends of the Earth: The Last Journey of Lewis and Clark
    Silver Medalist, 2007 Independent Publisher Book Awards
    website: http://frances-hunter.com
    book trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLNf3nalkbA
  • Joan Cerio

    Hi Kathryne,
    Yes, it has been HOT here in sunny Arizona! Your books sound interesting. Thank you for the invitation.
  • Peggy Collins

    Thanks for asking me and I look forward to our helping one another.
    Love your cover! bet the inside is wonderful too!
  • Luis Baudry Simon

    Hello Kathryne
    Thanks for the invite.
  • Reecy Aresty

    Hello Kathryne!

    Thanks for contacting me.

    I’m Reecy Aresty, a financial advisor since 1977, creator of The High School Blog.com, The College Blog.com, and author of How To Pay For College Without Going Broke, an invaluable, critically-acclaimed, parent/student manual. Presented in two parts (admissions & paying for college), it is the only book of its kind also available in Spanish.

    My e-books, reports, and consulting services offer students, parents and grandparents of high school and/or college students (a niche market in the10’s of millions), time-tested techniques to get into the college of their choice, and legal strategies to pay less than they ever dreamed possible.

    Unless your list is mainly the under 40 crowd, I definitely have something to offer you - commissions as high as 50%! Please visit my website, www.paylessforcollege.com. To sign-up as an Affiliate, go to www.thecollegeblog.com/jamaffiliates, and we’d sure appreciate your passing this on to any of your affiliates you think may be interested. We pay overrides on two levels of commissions.

    Next week we will have the official launching of www.TheHighShoolblog.com and www.TheCollegeBlog.com

    Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to discussing this with you in greater detail.


    Reecy Aresty
  • James R. Olson

    Hi Kathryne,

    I hope your novels have even a small part of the success the Harry Potter series enjoyed. I've always believed one of the virtues of writing fiction is presenting the world as you would like it to be. How much more fun it must be to create an entirely new fantasy world.

    I love Arizona and have spent time in the area around Tucson researching two of my novels.
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    Thank you for the invitation to be your friend. As the author of The Frugal Book Promoter, I have to tell you that your picture, gorgeous curly hair, is absolutely great branding for a romance author. Way to go!

    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
    A series of book for writers
  • Jack Elias

    Thanks for asking to be my friend! If you would like to receive my free ezine, Finding True Magic Hypno Tips, please go to my homepage, www.FindingTrueMagic.com, and subscribe.

  • judy cullins

    Hi Kathryne,

    Thanks for being my friend. I see you write fiction an it's good marketing with a contest.
    Me, I only write non-fiction-self help in health, now business for book authors, and all others who want to market their businesses. My favorite kind of marketing is article writing and submittig articles. Brings me 5000 visitors a day usually. And easy because you take the articles from the chapters.

    Tell me more about markeing you fiction,

  • The Voice

    Thanks for the invite Kathryne. Nice hair by the way.

    For your next Audio Book...remember "The Voice".

    I look forward to networking and possibly working together with you someday. Aside from that though, I look forward to getting to know you...my new friend.

    Eric H Hollaway Sr
  • Stephanie Gunning

    Nice to meet you Kathryne.
    Congratulations on your new book!
    Stephanie Gunning
  • Maria Peagler

    Thanks for the invite. You've got some great cover art, and that's a big piece of the puzzle in marketing and sales. I'm excited about being part of the Book Marketing Network and getting to know you better!
  • William R. Patterson

    Hi Kathryne,

    Thanks for the invite and congrats on the new book!

    As my compliments, here are four FREE wealth-building gifts valued at $297 - http://www.baronseries.com/freegifts.htm

    With every good wish,
    William R. Patterson
    Award-Winning Lecturer
    Bestselling Co-author of The Baron Son

  • judy cullins

    Hi Katheryn,

    You asked about articles and how to to use them for marketing. I thought I'd just include one of my 260 articles here to make it convenient for you, but you can read all of these at my www.bookcoaching.com site with link "free articles."
    Happy Reading,

    Top Ten Reasons to Write Articles to Publicize your Book or Business

    If you have spent time and money down the drain waiting for "word of mouth" to kick in, or multiple hours on networking meetings, you may want to investigate this number one way to publicize your web site, book, or service. Beginners welcome. And, once you learn the skills, you can delegate it all to your office assistant.

    Here's the Top Ten Reasons to Write Articles:

    1. It's free.

    Top web sites and article directories want your articles. They don't charge you to submit your article. Thousands of daily visitors come to find out more about different topics. They appreciate your knowledge and unique approach to it. They get the articles free. You get to include your powerful web bio or signature file that attracts new people to your web site where your sales letters for your seminars, products, and service are.

    2. You can reach from 10,000 to 500,000 of your targeted audience each day that you submit an article.

    These people surf the top sites in their fields and article directories to get free information. When your articles get published, you will be at the top of well-known online business people who provide a great service. Remember Bill Gates' prediction: After 2000, you either take your business online, or you won't have one.

    3. You will spend far less time promoting online than more traditional ways.

    When you spend only a one hour a week to write one article to submit to multiple web sites. Your article will be 300-900 words. And, you can delegate the submissions to your virtual or in-office computer assistant. Total time promoting? Less than six hours a week. This is the best marketing investment because your articles show your audience that you are the savvy expert in your field, and you will become a household name. The more articles you write related to your book or businesss, the more Online exposure you will get with links back to your web site.

    4. Submitting articles is seven times as effective as any other promotion because when you submit many articles, you become well known, and your market will flock to your web site.

    After you write ten articles, you can leerage them to many other articles with a different angle or audience. This outstanding viral marketing technique will bring many new opportunities because many of the people who read them will contact you to publish on their site, be interviewed as the expert, and be featured in their book. See how the good word spreads?

    5. You can raise your own ezine subscribers from 10-25 every day you submit an article to multiple high-traffic web sites and article directories.

    If you submit four or five articles a month to 20 web sites, after six months of regular submissions, you'll get 1000’s of links to your site. When you up level your signature file to send with each submission, readers will click to your URL and your sales will roll on endlessly.

    After reading six or seven of your ezines, your targeted audience who came to you through these articles, trusts you more, believes in you, and eventually becomes a client or customer.

    6. You reach your targeted audience for your service

    Let's say you are a career coach. You write articles that relate to that topic. You send them to top web sites or article directories each week. Your audience visits these sites because they want and need your information. They notice your fabulous web bio and go for your free offer. That's far better than article blasting services because you directly hit your targeted audience--wanting what you have to offer.

    7. Your book brands your business.

    Once thousands of people have read your articles, they will share your information with their friends and associates. They will visit your web site to check out your book's sales letter. This branding works for speakers, consultants and coaches, solo professionals, and other small businesses.

    It's not who you know. It's who knows you. The Internet changes your promotion game in ways you'll appreciate, because you will not have to spend much time or money promoting.

    8. You can promote straight from your home or office.

    Right now, I'm looking out my office window to trees, birds, and sunny skies. Yes, it's San Diego. You too can enjoy promotion more because you don't have to go out to sell or tell. With just a little mentoring on how to write these articles fast and powerfully, you'll be creating them like you would a new recipe. Your creativity will expand, and you'll feel good you promote the easy, fun way.

    Adapt my life motto "If it isn't easy and fun, I just won't do it." Why should promotion be such a struggle? It's natural to share about our book, but it's easier when we are relaxed in our own setting. Sure, phone conversations and networking are good, but not always as productive for the time and money spent as writing and submitting articles are.

    9. This number one promotion technique is viral marketing at its best.

    In the beginning months, all ten of my articles got published. Friendly people from all over emailed me asking permission to use my articles on their sites or in their ezines. Thrilled, I kept track of their email address after asking permission to send my new articles straight to their email door. They opted into my Article Directory email group, which grew from the initial 10 to over 750 names. Now, all of these people receive my newest, fresh articles each week, and they in turn, send them to others who like my subject area of writing books, sales letters, and article marketing. Web masters returned to my site over and over to get new articles Like me, maybe you are a small business, but can look like a large one.

    When you keep submitting articles to high-traffic web sites you can get that high Google rating, and more importantly, attract your preferred audience to your web site. So you can build your data base and collect three, four, and more times your present income.

    The amazing thing is as a newbie and a non-techie, who started in fear of the net, yet with the help of a few mentors, books and teleclasses, I figured out how to play and succeed. You can too.

    10. Just the key words you use in your article titles and copy can put you in the top 20 Web sites.

    Your key words will include your full name, your business category, your city, and other phrases that people will type into Google.com to find out more about your topic. When a Web master wanted me to use Overture or Google to buy key words to optimize my Web site's position, I wondered why? Articles do the job better, naturally, and don't cost a dime

    This list could go on, because as one person sees your articles, they make offers you can't refuse. You will get published in other author's books such as the shameless promoter, Debbie Allen's new Online Promotion one, in print magazines, get new teleclass guest appearances, and even get asked to contribute a column on related sites.

    Most web site owners don't write their own articles; they are constantly looking for your how-to articles to post daily on their web sites.You can be published in thousands of them!

    Start writing short articles now, and see how this great exposure to eager online readers and web surfers in your field will bring your book and business big success.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

    Judy Cullins
  • judy cullins

    Taking your articles from self-help chapters works well. In fiction, you can take a small scene showing the character's beliefs, or feature a town or place. Just add introductory material and a conclusion. This is doable, but many fiction writers don't see it. It's a bit harder than the how to articles.

    There's a lot to read on my site for help. Just click "free articles."


  • Lorne Epstein

    Nice Book covers and thanks for the friend request. Lorne
  • david b mclaughlin

    Please help me name my book (if you have not already)!

    Vote here:

    Thanks in advance,
    David B. McLaughlin
  • david b mclaughlin

    Thanks Kathryne! I appreciate you taking the time to vote.
  • The Voice

    You're quite welcome.

  • Patricia Dischler

    Kathryne, beautiful book covers! Thanks for the invite, best of luck with your new book!
    My new book is my first children's book - "The Patty Cake Kids & The Lost Imagination Cap" and will be out in 2 weeks! It's the only book set in a child care home, and it has the most fantastic illustrations! Check it out at www.patriciadischler.com.

    Best to you,
    Patricia Dischler
  • Jim Misko

    Kathryne--I didn't even know what Speculative Fiction was all about until I started meeting with a group in Alaska who were writing and talking it. I don't write, talk or read it, but that group was the nucleus for my Alaska Writers Guild. We are now 23 strong and moving toward 100 by 12/31. Good luck with your work. Watch for my new novel coming out: THE MOST EXPENSIVE MISTRESS IN JEFFERSON COUNTY. A heap of trouble in N. Idaho with a $400 MILLION dollar real estate exchange.
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Kathryne,

    I like the "Enchanting the Lady, Relics of Merlin" book cover. I also like the storyline. I have a site for authors, and I wish you would consider having your book featured. Author & Book Promotion features books monthly for a small fee.

    I look forward to having more discussions with you.

  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Kathryne,

    Here is the link www.Author-Promotion.com. Let me know if you have any questions.

    Thank you,
  • Leeanne Marie Stephenson

  • Leeanne Marie Stephenson

    Thank you so much for your good wishes! Leeanne
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    I send you greetings of peace and love from the rest of the family. They, like I, are always with you and never leave or forsake you. The angels and the rest of us want you to know how precious you are to us.

    When I agreed to give up my divinity and be born in the flesh, I did so very willingly. I looked forward to the time when we, you and us, could all be together and share in everything that is. I looked forward to loving you, hugging you, comforting you and encouraging you so that, when your life gets tough, you will feel secure and supported enough to face whatever you have to face. I looked forward to being the one you could rely upon unconditionally for that strength, comfort and encouragement whenever and however you need it.

    Not only that, I looked forward to sharing with you that we created you to love you, and that we so hoped and desired that you would love us back. We want you in our life, and we love it when you want us in yours. It was so exciting when I could turn to my disciples and expand our relationship to include friendship and true fellowship. I offer that friendship and fellowship to you today as well, and I look forward to your inviting me into your life in that way.

    You can see there are many reasons why I came in the flesh so many years ago. There’s more! I also wanted to set you free from thoughts and behaviors that hurt you emotionally and spiritually. If you were hurt by people or experienced hard times in your life and lost things like your health, relationships, or your way of life because of disaster or unemployment, I wanted to give you the tips and tools as well as the encouragement to recover emotionally and spiritually from who or what hurt you so you could have the kind of life I want you to enjoy.

    Most of you understand why I sacrificed my life for you and what an act of love that was. It is my hope that this letter will help you understand how very much more my life and ministry were to accomplish. I look forward to expanding our relationship now and forever.

    Joyfully, Jesus

    Copyright Encouraging Words Ministries 2007, All Rights reserved
  • Jim Misko

    Happy New Year Kathryne. My novel is out but publication date is not until Feb. 15, 2008. No problem, you can read the first chapter on my web site www.jimmisko.com or you can send me $16.00 and I'll ship you a copy inscribed to you. I'll get my web guru to get the cover up on the web site. Its a dandy. George Foster, of Iowa did it. Grand job.
    Jim Misko, 51295 Avenida Diaz, La Quinta, CA 92253
  • Bert Martinez

    Hello, I'm Bert Martinez, I'm looking to network with success minded authors. If you would like my free report 30 Strategies for Selling More Books just fill out the form below. I look forward to networking with you and if there is anything that I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me.

    You Were Created to Succeed!

    Bert Martinez

    For Email Marketing you can trust