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T. Robert Yani
  • Male
  • Davenport, FL
  • United States
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Book Sales Book Sales Book Sales??????
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I've written two books, The Santa Louise Kid - Murder and The Santa Louise Kid - warcry, and the sales have been less than I hoped for. The response from people who have read my books have been very…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by 39mvfj418xgxa Aug 11, 2011.

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Something About Me and My Book:
My third book, 1930 - St. Louie Browns - A Fantasy, is available on Amazon. It's a fantasy about 1930 baseball, gangsters, prohibition, love, witchcraft, and the Nazi Party. Characters - Babe Ruth, Al Capone, Lucky Luciano, Isabol DeMolay (a witch, Adolf Hitler, Tommy Cahill

New Review - 04-01-10

1930 - St. Louie Browns - A Fantasy

T. Robert Yani

St. Louis - Sportsman's Park – April 5 1930

Office of Philip De Catesby Ball – Owner of the St. Louis Browns – American League

The door to the cozy office opened and Jane Moore (62) Mister Ball’s secretary of 40 years announced, “Mr. Ball, your two o’clock appointment is here.”

William Flynn (45) strolled into the office and walked over to the awards wall which contained oil paintings of George Sisler, Ken Williams, Jack Tobin, and Baby Doll Jacobson and a photograph of the 1922 St. Louie team.

Flynn turned to Ball (65) and said, “You almost won it that year.”

Ball mumbled, “Damn Yankees.”

Ball stood up and walked around his massive desk. He put his large hand out and shook Flynn’s hand. “How can I help you Mister Flynn.”

Flynn felt all his knuckles mashing into one.  Flynn smiled the smile of a man who never earned an honest dollar in all his life. “Mister Ball I represent an acquaintance of yours, Mister Edward Hogan.”

“Yes, I’m well acquainted with Jellyroll, what does he want?”

“His nephew, Tommy Cahill, would like to play third base for the Browns.”


“I don’t know, I told him he would be better off playing for the Cardinals. At least they have a chance of winning the pennant.”

“Not why he’d want to play for the Browns. Why would you think I would add an untested player to my professional baseball team?”

Flynn looked into Ball’s eyes, “I’ll give you two good reasons. One: the Browns are predicted to come in last place in the American League and last in attendance this year. So putting Tommy at third base for this team doesn’t make much difference. Second: Associates of Mister Hogan will make it very difficult for you and your family members to see the end of the season. Do I make myself clear?”

Ball wiped the sweat from his brow and smiled, “I guess we have a new third baseman.”

Flynn smiled, “You made a very smart decision Mister Ball. Tommy will be here Monday morning.” Flynn scanned the trophy wall as he walked out the door.

Ball kicked his garbage can across the office. He screamed into the intercom, “Jane, send Killefer and McEvoy up here now!”

Jane opened the office door ten minutes later, “Bill and LC are here Mister Ball.”

“Thank you Jane, send them in.”

The new manager and the general manager of the Browns walked into the office. Ball pointed at the chairs in front of his desk. Ball took his time lighting a Cuban cigar. He looked at Killefer, “Who’s scheduled to play third this year?”

“Frank O’Rourke.”

“We may have a problem with Mister O’Rourke playing third this year.”

“What problem?”

“Have you ever heard of a player named Tommy Cahill?”

Bill Killefer (42) rubbed his unshaven chin, “I can’t recall a player with that moniker.”  He looked at LC, “You ever hear of him?”

McEvoy (48) shook his bald head, “Not in our farm system.”

“Well it doesn’t make any difference if you’ve heard of him or not. He’s your new third baseman.”

Killefer and McEvoy stared at Phil Ball, finally Killefer said, “Why?”

“Because Jellyroll Hogan sent his scum lawyer here and threatened my life and my family’s lives if this Tommy Cahill isn’t playing third on opening day.” Phil took a drag on his cigar and started choking. Killefer and LC started to get up but Ball raised his hand for them to sit back down. He put his cigar out in an ashtray.  “Doctor says these things will kill me.”

LC asked, “Can’t we report this to the law.”

Ball laughed, “Hogan owns the law in Saint Louie.” He asked Bill, “Bill, you managed the Chicago Cubs for a few years. Do you know anyone who can persuade Hogan that his nephew shouldn’t play for the Browns?”

“I stayed away from those people especially after the Black Sox scandal. I do know a lawyer who’s a big baseball fan and rumors are that he has some connections.”

“Call him now!”

Killefer pulled a small note pad out of his back pocket. “I think I have his number in here.” He flipped through a couple of pages, “Yeah, here it is.”

Ball handed Killefer the handset of his Model 102 telephone.

Killefer dialed the number.

A female voice answered, “Law office of Louis Piquet.  How may I help you?”

“Hello, this is Bill Killefer ex-manager of the Chicago Cubs. I would like to talk to Mister Piquet for a few minutes.”

The phone went dead for about thirty seconds. “Bill, how can I help my favorite Cubs manager?”

“Louie, I’m managing the Browns this year and some local hood by the name of Jellyroll Hogan is strong arming my boss to put his nephew on our team as the regular third baseman. I was hoping you knew someone who could talk Hogan out of it.”

“What’s the kid’s name?”

“Tommy Cahill.”

“Let me give you some friendly advice. If you like your kneecaps the way they are you have a new third baseman. The kids protected.”

The phone went dead.

LC asked, “What did he say?”

Killefer turned his crimson face towards Ball, “We have a new third baseman.”


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The Santa Louise Kid - Murder by T. Robert Yani - page 1

The Santa Louise Kid – Murder by T. Robert Yani

Chapter 1 –…


Posted on April 12, 2010 at 12:10pm

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