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Giovanni Gelati's Blog – September 2011 Archive (60)

Lisa Taylor “The Invention” Vol.1 of the “Shana Black” series

The birth of a heroine, I love it. A brand new series by Lisa Taylor that takes us into a duel world: West Point Cadet and CIA operative. The author is a graduate of West Point, so we are getting the real deal here, and she provides us with a total gung-ho attitude with Shana Black. The universe she creates is a very unique one, the plotline and narrative very fresh for this genre, and overall it is a very nice, kick-a#@ read. If you are looking for action, suspense, thrills and a can do…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 11, 2011 at 2:37pm — No Comments

One of Monday's Guests on The G-ZONE- Brian Goins

Tomorrow, Monday Sept. 12th, ,I have two guests on my blogtalk radio show : Brian Goins and Vincent Hobbes author of “Endlands”.The show starts at 12m EST. Here is what Brian Goins will be discussing”

“Playing Hurt: A Guy's Strategy for a Winning Marriage  is every man's biblical playbook for marriage. Like a coach shouting from the sidelines, author Brian Goins demonstrates a never-give-up attitude that will motivate men to action and show what it means to "play hurt" so…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 11, 2011 at 7:36am — No Comments

Cookbooks, yeah we have them!

Check it out; coming in September will be the first of many cookbooks that Trestle Press will be producing. The first one will be a mixture of just about everything from a wide variety of authors who have penned stories with Trestle Press. To let you in on what is to come, the game plan is to have one for each and every season (fall, winter, spring, summer) plus special editions.

To give you an example of what you can expect, some of my recipes are called” The G-Man’s Chrome Bocce…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 10, 2011 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Brett Battles "The Pull of Gravity"


I have to admit, I was a little surprised once I started to read this. I believe I have read everything Brett Battles has written thus far, and I must say,if you are a fan of his work, this is a departure from anything he has done. Is that bad? No, how could anything this author turns out be considered anything but excellent? He really goes deep, really deep into the heart and soul of the matter in “The Pull of Gravity”. I was really drawn to the stark honesty of his characters…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 10, 2011 at 9:11am — No Comments

Sandra Ruttan "Harvest of Ruins"

Eerie looking cover, and more of that on the inside pages. This was my first read on a work penned by Sandra Ruttan, and it definitely will not be my last. “Harvest of Ruins” is one of those multi-layered works that is haunting, highly emotional, and engrossing. Ruttan handles a very tense subject well, and carries us the reader through a journey of pain with a very deft guiding hand. Generally I try to stay away from novels with material that is too heavy; reading for me is fun, and so…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 9, 2011 at 11:25am — No Comments

MIchelle Vasquez " 'Til Death Do Us Part"


In the last month Michelle Vasquez has released two digital short stories: “Second Hand Bookstore” and now “Til Death Do Us Part”. Some may say they are shocked by this, me, well, I knew she had it in her. The quick success she has attained is a testament to her hard work and ability. The thing that catches my eye about her work though is that both stories are polar opposites, one is a nice, warm and cuddly tale, the other is a hard core suspense/thriller/horror…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 9, 2011 at 7:48am — No Comments

Don't You Forget About ME!

I have found that in this new e-book age that anything that was released a month or so ago seems out of sight out mind. I have news for you; a good read is a good read no matter the age or when it was released. Just because an author doesn’t pump something out on a monthly basis and decides to wait a few months between his or her work doesn’t mean they have fallen off a cliff or into a raging volcano.

My point is this: dig a little for your next read. Look hard, look long, and enjoy…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 9, 2011 at 7:00am — No Comments

“12 Steps” Mark Miller’s “One” series by De Miller

I have purposely put two posts in total opposite together today; I like themes, and these are extremes. Let me stop right there before I break out into my cover of a Billy Joel song. From the first words I have read of this series, “One”, I was pretty much sucked into it. Why? I love the genuineness of it, the feelings laid bare, the core and essence of it. I have come to understand the intent and the desire of the creator of this series, Mark Miller. He has no desire to bring anyone in that…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 8, 2011 at 10:54am — No Comments

Mark Cooper "INFECTION"

Looking for a good zombie/horror story to have burned into your brain? Look no further, download this undead tale and enjoy. Mark Cooper steps up to the plate and puts his mark on zombies in a big way in “Infection”. Vivid images of rotting flesh, decomposing bodies, and limbless creatures wandering around aimlessly are the norm in the story. Sounds like fun doesn’t it? It is, really, in a very deep, zombie kind of way. I have to warn you though; the images he creates are very stark, very…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 8, 2011 at 6:12am — No Comments

Irene Hannon “Deadly Pursuit” and a return visit to The G-ZONE Friday Sept. 9

I am a big fan of Irene Hannon’s work and I am not going to try to hide it; no, instead I am just going to gush a bit here. On Friday, Sept.9th, I am fortunate to interview her again on my blogtalk show The G-ZONE . I am really looking forward to it. I will put the link below right before the synopsis of the novel. I have a ton of questions for her but if you have any, just email or message me and I will be happy to add them to the list. Better yet, why not call in and ask…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 7, 2011 at 5:30pm — No Comments


Have you been keeping an eye on this series? Have you read any of the amazing installments? Did you know that each one has been penned by a different author? Did you know the main character was a Private investigator that is also a werewolf? Did you know that Paul D. Brazill created the series and that Julia Madeleine, Paul Leverone, and now B.R. Stateham have penned installments for it? One last question: if you haven’t read any of the four, WHY NOT?

“Insatiable” takes the “Drunk on…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 7, 2011 at 1:45pm — No Comments

Six Author’s, Six Incredible Stories, One Intense Giveaway!!!

Hi, me again, Trestle Press and some of their authors have put together what I think is one intense giveaway. Each author covers a different genre, has a different style, but they all share one common goal: They love to satisfy readers, and they would to hear from you in one way or another. What do I mean by that? Well you can follow their blogs, email them, and become their friend on any of the social websites you can find them (Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Reverb, Edgy Christian…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 6, 2011 at 2:58pm — No Comments

Are you an avid reader or a blogger? Trestle Press wants you!

Are you a blogger or avid reader? I bet you are, and if you are then I would really like to have a discussion with you. Why? Well let me say that we have plenty for you to read and we have many benefits for participating. The fun stuff we do and have done. In my opinion is pretty different from just throwing a free read at you. We are looking for inclusion, your input, and sincere involvement in all that we do. The authors themselves are pretty pumped with the feedback they get and are more…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 6, 2011 at 11:17am — No Comments


And the accolades continue to roll in for one of our Trestle Press authors. Alexandrea Weis has won the Gold Medal in the Reader's Favorite Book Awards for her romantic suspense novel Recovery. Set against the backdrop of post-Katrina New Orleans, Recovery has been receiving rave reviews. Alexandrea is becoming known as a New Orleans author and her NOLA Gumbo series with Trestle Press is also creating a lot…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 6, 2011 at 7:23am — No Comments

Stuart Gustafson "Missing in Mexico"

To read or not to read, that is the question here. I mean Mexico; it is used many times in many ways in novels and not all of them good. I had trepidation and was a bit uneasy. Stuart Gustafson put that all aside very quickly for me. How? Why? I mean, really? Yes to all three. As you will see in the synopsis Stuart is a world traveler, has seen most of the globe, has flown many,many, many miles. My point is he was able to put that in print. He was able to convey to me what he saw while he…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 3, 2011 at 11:55am — No Comments

Jim Butcher "Ghost Stories"

I count myself among the many fans of Jim Butcher. I love Harry and missed him quite a bit, constantly wondering when the next piece of him was coming out, when was my need to read going to be met. Finally I was lucky enough to get this novel in my hands and I burned right through it, devouring every page, enjoying each and every one. I am not going to bore you with platitudes of this author’s ability, many of millions already have. I am just going to add my voice to the thunder he deserves…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 3, 2011 at 8:14am — No Comments

David Levien "13 Million Dollar Pop"

When I finished reading this I heard “Welcome to the Jungle” by Guns and Roses blaring on my XM/Sirius boombox, very fitting. This was my first read on a David Levien novel and it will not be my last. The character he has created in Frank Behr is nothing short of amazing and satisfying. He is fractured yet looking to seal the cracks kind of hero that had me enthralled the entire read. The code of ethics that Levien has instilled in him is simple, strong and unbreakable. It seems nothing…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 2, 2011 at 2:32pm — No Comments

Thad Brown "Lights Out"

A new installment of Thad Brown’s “Smoking Gun Sisterhood” is out and it is a doozy. Thus far there have been five installments in the series and this one is such a great addition to the other titles; they just seem to get better and better as I follow along. Thad Brown knows how to write; he just flat out has a way with the written word and has made me want to read the next one in the series as soon as I finish the one I just downloaded. The installments are well thought out, the characters…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 2, 2011 at 1:02pm — No Comments

Steven James "The Queen"

I was lucky enough to receive this between an earthquake and a hurricane and tornado. Fun right. I basically got to read this using various forms of light also: sunlight, light bulbs when they worked, and I really went oldschool for a while, candlelight. I was also supposed to interview Steven James on Monday at 1pm, but I had emailed them last week ,on Friday, and explained that we were in the path of the hurricane and may not be able to have him on as a guest Monday because I didn’t know…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 1, 2011 at 11:08am — No Comments

Debtor's Chip Aurora H.R. Toye

If you have seen my exploits at all, you have seen lately I have been off of the grid due to something insignificant and small like a hurricane passing through our neighborhood. Besides getting to spend quality time with my family and enjoying playing a variety of board games with everybody I decided since the only thing I could use the computer for was to get into Word documents I was going to scroll through and see if maybe there were a few things I have read but never posted on. Low and…


Added by Giovanni Gelati on September 1, 2011 at 5:02am — No Comments

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