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All Blog Posts Tagged 'writing' (615)

Records may break

What a difference a month makes for my sales. From a lackluster July to a booming August. Sales of DROP OUT have skyrocketed over the last week as well as my other adult books. Right now I’m on par to break my all time sales month of last January. Strangely though, my sci-fi/fantasy books are not selling well this month. Perhaps, kids are gearing up for school and losing interest in spending their ‘endless summer’ reading fiction. I don’t know. I do know that more and more people are buying…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 12, 2012 at 11:51am — No Comments

Saying goodbye

As I say goodbye to KDP Select, I must say that it has been a good ride. My last two free promotions yielded a combined 5,764 books given away that resulted in a surge of paid sales that is still running with momentum. I am now down to the wire with giveaways because I only have one book left that still has promotion days and only two others that are still on KDP Select, and they are about to expire. One the flip side, Smashwords just announced a huge deal with libraries that will allow…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 9, 2012 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Chi-Chi and Gitch

Alot of people ask me about these two characters in my novel, "The Long Road from Perdition".  Namely, if these two personalities really exist.  I have to say though, that I have known some guys that gave me inspiration for their personalities.  Go to any gay bar and you will likely see waitstaff that could easily be Gitch or Chi-Chi.…


Added by JR Stone on August 8, 2012 at 1:13pm — No Comments

Agent – yes or no?

I was recently contacted by a prominent NY literary agency who shall remain nameless at this point about possible representation. They got wind of me because of my constant promotional efforts and then explored a little deeper into the kinds of books I write. They have not said they will definitely represent me but want to see more samples of my writing and my future projects. I am having a tough time trying to decide what to do about this sudden interest in me so I’ve listed the pros and…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 3, 2012 at 12:38pm — No Comments

What next?

I finally finished putting my hardcopy corrections of IMAGINATION onto the file version. It was a grueling seventeen hours of nothing but eyestrain and sore back and fingers, but alas, it was all worth it. Now, it’s smooth sailing until the manuscript is complete. I have four chapters that are outlined but need to be written and I have two characters that I have to flesh out their backgrounds a little more, but otherwise the basic book is done. It always feels strange to me when I’m nearing…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 2, 2012 at 10:00am — No Comments

Secret of the Big Easy Just Released

The second book in my series can be purchased at:

Amazon paperback:


Barnes & Noble Nook:…


Added by Robin Murphy on July 30, 2012 at 5:47pm — No Comments


The free promotion for DEGENERATES has ended and here are the results. Copies given away to U.S. and Canadian customers is 1,678. Copies given away to U.K. Kindle owners is: 586. Copies given away to all other countries that can purchase from Amazon: 48. Of my other seven books that are for sale right now, during the four day free promotion period I saw sales increase by an average of thirty-five percent. All in all, I’d say it was a successful promotion. Between that promotion and the…


Added by Neil Ostroff on July 30, 2012 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Heightening My Senses

Added by Robin Murphy on July 30, 2012 at 9:13am — No Comments


I’m in the midst of another free giveaway promotion, this time it’s for DEGENERATES. This is the first time I’ve given away one of my thrillers and you know what? It’s flying off the shelves. It’s only the second day and the promotion goes until Sunday and I’ve already given away almost a thousand books. I’m happy to do it too, because I have two other thrillers FROSTPROOF and PULP that are written in the…


Added by Neil Ostroff on July 27, 2012 at 12:47pm — No Comments

Need help with some short paragraphs? Advertising? Marketing?

I recently posted a video on YouTube on how for only $5 you can fix 150 words you have written by hiring me to make these words turn into pearls of prose.  Check out my vid: Here is the link

I have been working in the Creative Design field for over 35 years making people and packages look great for sales presentations, marketing campaigns and in…


Added by JP Denyer on July 23, 2012 at 8:27pm — No Comments


As I checked my email this morning I was pleasantly surprised to find out that my novel. DROP OUT has won today’s Indie Book of the Day award. . I’m not too familiar with the website but it seems like it has a lot of followers. I’m also not sure who nominated the book but if that person or persons reads this blog I’d like to say…


Added by Neil Ostroff on July 23, 2012 at 11:30am — No Comments

Author freedom

I got another one of those terrifying e-mails from Kindle Direct publishing saying they have discovered INSECTLAND for sale at other online booksellers. And as anyone who publishes through this promotion knows, you have to be exclusive to for 90 days. Violating this can lead to the expulsion of your book not only from the promotion but also from Amazon and Kindle. That would be a huge blow to my market audience of Kindle and Kindle Fire owners. Worried I might lose this book, I…


Added by Neil Ostroff on July 22, 2012 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Guest Post: Marissa Carmel, author of iFeel

First-time author Marissa Carmel debuted last month with her YA fantasy iFeel ( As she continues on her blog tour, see what she has to say about the expectations of being a writer and a mother.…


Added by Mark Miller on July 22, 2012 at 7:08am — No Comments

We all die. But what happens after?

Now you can find out for free! For the next two days AFTER is absolutely free on! Thanks and enjoy.


When Nick Murray dies mysteriously he enters an afterlife like nothing he had ever imagined. There are rules, regulations, and beings in positions of great power. The devil craves this power and will do anything to attain it, even use his evil influence to start a global war on Earth. The devil intends to collect billions of human souls and turn them into a…


Added by Neil Ostroff on July 19, 2012 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Organizing the chapters

So begins one of my favorite aspects of writing a novel; organizing the chapters. This is when I take each separate character and their plotline and read it all in one string instead of being spaced out in the book. This allows me to flush out any inconsistencies and make sure the story stays true and along the proper path. I first did this when I wrote DEGENERATES That book has so many characters and…


Added by Neil Ostroff on July 16, 2012 at 12:53pm — No Comments

Some of my Favorite Characters in "The Long Road from Perdition"

In my interview with Linda Della Donna, we discussed alot of topics, but due to space and time constraints, she had to pare down my interview somewhat.  She asked me an interesting question that made me have cause to pause as they say.

Who were some of your favorite characters in the book and why?  The first one that came to mind was obviously,…


Added by JR Stone on July 14, 2012 at 12:29pm — No Comments


Okay, so here we are entering the second week of July and my sales have remained relatively stagnant since the Fourth of July. I’ve explored all the free promotion sites, and forums and threads. I’ve placed sponsorships with Kindle Nation Daily, Kindle Fire Department, Kindle Boards, and various smaller indie websites. I’ve manage to write on average three blog posts a week and have over 170 followers (thanks everyone) and almost 200,000 hits. I’m active on Authors Den, Goodreads, Shelfari,…


Added by Neil Ostroff on July 11, 2012 at 1:10pm — No Comments

The future

Lately, I’ve been contemplating the future of writers in today’s high technology society. What will become of us and the books we write? Will the paperback go the way of the compact disk? Will publishing houses disappear the way most record labels have? Will the paperback book become a lost art? I don’t know, but one thing I do know is that there will always be writers and there will always be stories to tell. What is uncertain, is what medium will sell those stories. I have several theories…


Added by Neil Ostroff on July 8, 2012 at 12:02pm — No Comments

Who Cares: Have Fun Selling Your Book from Your Home Base

The biggest challenge an author faces is how to be a seller. By starting close to home, I found it was an unexpected amount of fun.

I wrote my memoir A Book of Kells in 2003 to get my life together in a broad perspective that would interest all people of all time. If I had any talent it was with a pen.


My parents had left behind tantalizing remnants of…


Added by Margaret Kell Virany on July 8, 2012 at 11:04am — No Comments

Spread the Word

That has to be the best way to give a book steam once it's released.  A publisher can send a truckload of novels to Barnes & Noble or and give it the best marketing blurb in the world.  But, unless the reader picks up the book and is moved enough to suggest it to a friend or acquaintance, that book will more than likely sit on the proverbial shelf and collect dust.…


Added by JR Stone on July 5, 2012 at 9:41pm — No Comments

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