The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

All Blog Posts Tagged 'marketing' (460)

Author and Book Event Center Opening soon-Join FREE!

In case you hadn't heard, there is a great new site opening soon to book buyers. Authors can add their page and interact with book lovers on a personal note--sell more books! This is a great site--getting better each day! Authors, come join us and SELL some books! It's free of course! Visit

Please note: This is not a writer or publisher site, it is strictly related to books and authors.

Added by Author101 on November 26, 2008 at 10:08am — 1 Comment

PROMO DAY! Saturday 9th May 2009

Call for Moderators and Workshop Hosts

PROMO DAY! is an all day international online event for people in the writing industry. There are lots of new features for the 2009 event including workshops by experts in the industry.

I'm looking for moderators for both the workshops and the PROMO chatroom.

As a moderator of the PROMO chatroom you will be required to monitor the PROMO chatroom and make sure everyone is behaving themselves and try to keep 'conversation'… Continue

Added by Jo Linsdell on November 25, 2008 at 3:50am — No Comments

Call for Submissions

I just finalized a contract with the publisher for my next book about business growth, due out in fall 2009. As with my previous books, the new book will include interviews with those who have achieved success. I am looking for compelling stories about business growth - those who overcame challenges, have a unique story to tell and who have crossed over into a bigger level of business success. If this sounds like you, please send me an e-mail… Continue

Added by Stephanie Chandler on November 20, 2008 at 12:40am — No Comments

A Book Inside Final "Special Interview" with Yvonne Perry

It’s finally here! A Book Inside Blog last “special interview” for 2008. Our final guest will be Yvonne Perry, creator of Writer’s In The Sky. Yvonne will be discussing the importance of marketing and her latest release.

Join us on November 20 for this informative discussion. The post will remain for a few days so if you can’t make it on the 20th, stop by as soon as you can. Don’t forget to leave us a comment or “Digg” us!

Visit… Continue

Added by Author101 on November 19, 2008 at 1:00am — 3 Comments

A great new marketing tool

I've just started a new Ning site to help authors connect with book lovers. You can list your books, reviews, and events there, and eventually, even chat with book buyers. Once we establish a good number of authors and books available, I will be promoting this new site to book lovers all over.

Please keep your listings tight. I want you all to have a great opportunity to promote your work, but please don't "overload" any sections. For instance, an event listed for each individual day… Continue

Added by Author101 on November 18, 2008 at 8:50am — 1 Comment

Other Writing and Author Forums and Networks

A lot of us are on various online social networks and writing forums. These are great resources not only for helping you develop your writing craft, but for also networking and learning the ins and outs of writing, publishing, and marketing. I've put together a list of such sites that I visit regularly, and that I have found to be useful. Hope to see some of you on the other sites soon...

List of Author Social… Continue

Added by Peter N. Jones on November 16, 2008 at 9:30am — No Comments

The Twelve Days of Christmas for Writers, Authors, Poets, and Readers

As a special holiday gift from A Book Inside Blog, I offer you “The Twelve Days of Christmas for Writers, Authors, Poets, and Readers”

The best of the best in undiscovered book review Websites, best places to buy and sell books, best resources for writers and authors, and lots more goodies to help you buy, write, market, and sell books!

Visit and please “Digg it” or leave a comment while you’re… Continue

Added by Author101 on November 15, 2008 at 6:30am — 2 Comments

How to Organize a Virtual Book Tour

Since I started my virtual book touring agency, I’ve had lots of friends ask me to put their tours together for them. Well I do have a problem charging friends my full fee for book tour organizing, yet it’s hard to say no and stick to my guns, my time is so limited. So I decided to make touring available to everyone for as reasonable a price at possible.

How to Organize a Virtual Book Tour E-book is now finished and available! The… Continue

Added by Author101 on November 13, 2008 at 8:03am — No Comments

Seven Favorite Ways to Promote Your Video Book Trailer

If you created a book trailer for your book (and if you haven't, you should!), you need to maximize its exposure. I recently wrote an article, Seven Favorite Ways to Promote Your Video Book Trailer, that provides lots of ideas for free publicity. Also check out my own trailer, Book Promotion 2.0, posted here on the Book Marketing Network.

Added by Patrice-Anne Rutledge on November 12, 2008 at 5:27pm — No Comments

Have YOUR review featured in the hardcover edition to Proud Souls

This is your chance to have YOUR review featured in the hardcover edition of Proud Souls!!!

In the hardcover edition of my book PROUD SOULS I am going to feature READER REVIEWS in the opening pages. Just as you open a best-selling novel with feature reviews written by major presses and magazines, I am going to feature the same manner. So, if you want to see your name and your thoughts of my novel in the opening pages of this new edition, please,… Continue

Added by Bobby Ozuna on November 7, 2008 at 11:09am — No Comments

I need YOUR advice for the new hardcover image...

Hey everyone. I am excited to announce the (very soon to release) new formats for my novel: Proud Souls. I waited a while to release the eBook because I didn't want to go the Amazon route, where you simply upload your original .PDF and let the Kindle world have at it. The US ISBN agency states [that] every format MUST have its own accompanying ISBN number… Continue

Added by Bobby Ozuna on November 5, 2008 at 9:16am — 2 Comments

One-time Special Interview With Danny O Snow

Para Publishings Dan Poynter's co-author Danny O Snow will be guest for this one-time interview post on A Book Inside on Saturday, November 1.
Dan will offer valuable book publishing and marketing information. You won't want to miss this!


Added by Author101 on November 1, 2008 at 1:00am — No Comments

Press Releases for Book Marketing

Sending out press releases concerning your writing and book are key to successfully promoting it to a wider audience. You can write a press release about anything that is newsworthy: the release of your book, a book signing, its release in a different format, reprinting your book, etc. The key is to make it newsworthy. Once you have your press release, send it out over the various press release wires. I've put together a list of press release sites that all have free options so you don't have… Continue

Added by Peter N. Jones on October 28, 2008 at 6:19am — 2 Comments

More Marketing Tips

As many of you already know, I'm self-published and currently have three books "out there". I posted this on my good friend and book reviewer Geri Ahearn's blog a little while ago...

Writing your book is definitely the easy part of an author's journey... once you have the book in your hands, getting it out to the readers, especially if you're self-published, is probably the biggest challenge that we as authors have never really thought about (I know I DEFINITELY… Continue

Added by MJ Allaire on October 23, 2008 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Tips on Marketing your Books in the Fall

Well, Halloween is almost here, and before we know it we'll be stuffing ourselves with turkey, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie, among many other delectable treats, I'm sure. Then, if you're like me, as I sit with my family sharing the end of the Thanksgiving holiday, the realization will hit me (like it always does) that Christmas is ONLY four weeks away...

If you're an author, you're probably always looking for places to market your books. For me, I'm lucky enough to have chosen a… Continue

Added by MJ Allaire on October 22, 2008 at 4:43pm — No Comments

Join us for a free book marekting teleseminar

What a great response we had to our seminar last night about book marketing! We had so much fun and so many questions from our listeners, Suzanne Lieurance and I are offering a second free teleseminar tonight (Wednesday October 22)!

The call starts at 7:00 Central Time. Suzanne will be presenting Build Your Business Write Program, but she has graciously set aside 30 minutes for me to answer the questions we don't get to last night.

Use the link below to sign up and get the… Continue

Added by Yvonne Perry on October 22, 2008 at 3:34pm — No Comments

Learn or offer feedback for effective online book promotion...

I have shared some content from Chris Brogan's string: "Promoting Your Book Online." There is some great feedback, ideas and collaborating (still) going on...

If you wish to learn more about effective book promotion online...or you have information which can be useful to others...this blog post is where you need to be...

Click here for more… Continue

Added by Bobby Ozuna on October 22, 2008 at 10:11am — No Comments

Valkyrie Publishing Receives Praise from Authors, Publishers and PR Firms

Valkyrie Publishing Receives Praise from Authors, Publishers and PR Firms

Traverse City-Valkyrie Publishing offers cost effective video production services for not only books but also other products and services. With the increasing number of sites, which offer video placement, online marketing and promotion is now available no matter how small of a budget.

Book trailers, also called book videos, are the wave of the future when it comes to book marketing and… Continue

Added by Theresa Chaze on October 21, 2008 at 9:34pm — No Comments

NEW Proud Souls Review on

NEW Proud Souls Review on

I want to thank Jessie O., of Goose Creek, South Carolina for her wonderful review!

Click here to read the latest updates and if you have read Proud Souls, please, I encourage you to get out there and share your criticisms of my work--good or bad--I accept your review for what it is: Your time in my… Continue

Added by Bobby Ozuna on October 20, 2008 at 7:13pm — No Comments

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