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Who is it that you are looking at?

"Who was is it that you were looking at

Could It have possible be an Angel?

Do you really know who it was that you have been looking down on?

Do you know who it was, that only needed a kind word, and you wouldn’t take the time to call them on the phone?

Do you know who it was that you left standing in the rain all alone?

Do you know who it was that was hungry, and you wouldn’t offer a piece of meat, moreless a bone?

Do you know who it was that only… Continue

Added by Barbara Hart on September 16, 2009 at 10:52am — No Comments

"You are so special my dear" You are so very special my dear. I pray that you don’t allow my words to go past your ear. There is a blessing in my words for you to hear. If you should happen to break…

"You are so special my dear"

You are so very special my dear.

I pray that you don’t allow my words to go past your ear.

There is a blessing in my words for you to hear.

If you should happen to break down and cry,

I pray that my words will dry up your every tear.

I pray that God will be with you so you’ll have nothing to fear.

I pray that this is your due season and that you’ll be blessed this year.

Walk in the front, there’s no need to linger… Continue

Added by Barbara Hart on September 16, 2009 at 10:45am — No Comments

Never give up

Keep the faith

When all of the trials of this old world seem to come upon you like a mighty rushing wind, don’t give up, don’t lose hope, get up, brush the dust off of yourself and try again. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. What doesn’t kill you gives you the means to become stronger and better at the next test that you should be faced… Continue

Added by Barbara Hart on September 16, 2009 at 10:42am — No Comments

The case scenario of abuse

"The Biggest Case Scenario to the continuation of “The Lives of Abused and Battered Women"

Men have gotten by with abusing women for centuries. When the first man got by with it I feel that it gave the other men the nerve to abuse their women also. If the men had been judged, or condemned for their actions this would never have lasted this long. At the first sign of abuse, if we women would have stood up for our rights, or did what ever it took to show the men that they… Continue

Added by Barbara Hart on September 16, 2009 at 7:11am — 2 Comments

Poem: Fragile, Flawed and Easily Broken

Despite imperfections of this body,

my shell is an earthen clay jar

that's fragile, flawed and easily broken,

letting the Light of Christ shine.

Though not pretty on the outside,

I won't be mistaken

for a white-washed tomb -

God can use my weakness

to display His greatness.

I've chosen to be submitted

to His Will and Plan for my life.

In spite of exterior chips, dings and nicks,

Christ looks inwardly at my… Continue

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on September 16, 2009 at 6:28am — No Comments

Poem: New Age Spirituality

Why settle for a counterfeit

when you can have the genuine thing?

For the purpose of "new age" spirituality

is replacing God with the Human Being.

Working from a false assumption

that Man is essentially good,

will lead us down destruction's path

as History has taught us, as it would.

The fight for supremacy

of our human souls

is still being waged by the Devil

under his planetary control.

Humanism has its… Continue

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on September 16, 2009 at 6:27am — No Comments

Day 3 ~ Yankee Romance Reviewers!

The 12 Days of A CHRISTMAS BALL Blog Tour rolls on and today we're visiting Yankee Romance Reviewers. There's a fun interview with USA Today BestSeller Jennifer Ashley, Alissa Johnson and me. PLUS EXCLUSIVE EXCERPTS of all our stories from… Continue

Added by Emily Bryan on September 16, 2009 at 6:24am — No Comments

Off To See The Wizard...

Somewhere over the rainbow is an enchanted realm full of mystery and magic that has captured the hearts and inspired the imagination of millions throughout the world. Published in 1900, L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz provided a much needed escape for many lonely dreamers at a difficult and troubled time. It's no different today, and obviously... it was no different for me. While I'll freely admit that I always enjoyed watching the… Continue

Added by Azodnem on September 15, 2009 at 1:19pm — No Comments

The Ladies Divine Series

The success of The Starlight Zodiac Series has inspired me to take its design and look a step or two further... beyond the stars and into the heavens! The Ladies Divine is an art nouveau collection of multi-cultural Goddesses modernized into fierce fashion divas with an "Azodnem" flair! The collection currently contains: Athena, Bast, Hecate, Isis, Oshun, Quan Yin, Sekhmet and Yemaya. Eventual additions to the series include: Gaea,… Continue

Added by Azodnem on September 15, 2009 at 1:18pm — No Comments

Starlight Starbright (book)

The power of the Zodiac has influenced the destinies of woman and man, since the first starlight twinkle shown down upon a silent Earth. Gay, Cuban, artist and author and witch, Roberto Mendoza proudly presents his own unique interpretation of the Zodiac to help illuminate the way for all those seeking wisdom from the heavens.

Artist's Personal Note: The book features two unique Zodiac designs. The Whimsical series was created… Continue

Added by Azodnem on September 15, 2009 at 1:18pm — No Comments

Wonderful Review for 'Legacy of The Ripper'

Following their very positive review of A Study in Red, Sonar 4 Publications have also carried out a review of 'Legacy of the Ripper'. This is what they had to say:

Legacy of the Ripper by Brian L. Porter starts with the story of Jack Reid the nephew of Robert Cavendish who upon Robert’s death has inherited the mysterious ‘Jack the Ripper’… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on September 15, 2009 at 11:34am — No Comments

Day 2-Where the heck are we?

Even though I'm blogging at Love is an Exploding Cigar today for the 2nd day of the 12 Days of A CHRISTMAS BALL blog tour (be sure to pop over for some great giveaways!), I wanted to continue offering my readers interesting things at my blog as well.…


Added by Emily Bryan on September 15, 2009 at 9:32am — No Comments

Poem: Immortality

Ahhh... Immortality.

After the death of my earthly flesh,
my spirit will fully embrace it.
For I'm truly made
in my Creator's Image
and filled with His Divine presence.
How can anyone doubt...
The premise of my logic?

Ahhh... Immortality.

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on September 15, 2009 at 6:14am — No Comments

Poem: Show of Hands

Despite the differences of skin color

and our cultural upbringings,

we're more than brothers of Mankind -

Technically, we're kin.

Go to the mountain

preserved by ice and snow

where the revelation of Ararat's secret

is available for everyone to know.

For the ark's existence

proves the global flood story is true

and being our brother's keeper...

Is still a right thing to do.

Descended from Noah

are the many races… Continue

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on September 15, 2009 at 6:13am — No Comments

Book Review: When You Went Away, by Michael Baron

~~"Touching, tender and gentle, the moments between father and son in When You Went Away pull at the heartstrings and the tear ducts."

Gerry is our unlikely hero in When You Went Away, a novel by Michael Baron, published by The Story Plant, a relatively new and different sort of publisher, operated by publishing industry veterans. I received an advanced… Continue

Added by Michelle L Devon (Michy) on September 15, 2009 at 5:42am — No Comments

Post 15 is Up: Who Killed Emmett Till?, FREE Blog Book

A small lake outside of Greenville, Mississippi. Photo by Susan Klopfer.

THROUGHOUT HER LIFE, Emmett Till’s mother, carried a frightening story close to her heart – a story she often replayed in her mind. She didn’t have to own the story, since her family had left Mississippi and its inherent meanness when she was just a baby – like many black Mississippians, they moved to Argo, on the outskirts of Chicago, to escape the misery of… Continue

Added by Susan Klopfer on September 14, 2009 at 11:15pm — No Comments



Many people have been have used and in many cases abused by one of the the many company's set up by Robert M. Fletcher, who over a period of time...

"Over time, Fletcher used over ten names for publishing operations under the umbrella of the AEG Publishing Group. Basically, Fletcher and LAG… Continue

Added by Storyheart on September 14, 2009 at 7:36pm — No Comments

Your summer time achievements and Fall goals

Join in the open discussion: "Your summer time achievements and Fall goals" at

To get the ball rolling I'll start:

For one I had grand summer plans for writing each and every day. However, it did not pan out the way I planned....

I look forward to this lively discussion.

Have a great day!


Added by Donna McDine on September 14, 2009 at 10:26am — 1 Comment

Another Great, and unexpected review of 'A Study in Red'

I was delighted to be informed that Sonar4 Publications have reviewed A Study in Red - The Secret Journal of Jack the Ripper' and have placed the review on their site at

Here's what they had to say:

By Brian L. Porter

Published by Double Dragon Publishing

ISBN: 978-1554045273

Review Posted: 9/12/2009

A Study in Red by Brian L. Porter and published By Double Dragon… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on September 14, 2009 at 10:19am — No Comments

Good morning

Does anyone have any connections for getting a book to a movie? I have two novels that I want to send in for possible movies but I have zero connections in that industry. I just though someone might have experience in this area.

Thanks and have a great day

John Hachmann

Added by John Hachmann on September 14, 2009 at 9:18am — No Comments

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