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Survival is an inherent human trait. If we are willing to accept this premise as truth, then what can be the reasoning for humans to seemingly be so intent on destroying themselves? The validity of this observation is made apparent each time a cigarette smoker lights up.

When eating at a buffet style restaurant, do we go back for seconds? Do we love Chinese food laced with MSG. That particular ‘seasoning’ is referred to in certain quarters of the medical community as “cancer manure.”

During the winter, do we enjoy the fresh produce at the grocery store? At least some of us do because the stores sell cases of it every day. The next question has to be, do we care what Mexico, Chile, and others are spraying on these products?

Apparently not, because the stores sell it regularly. It doesn’t seem to bother us that these counties are using chemicals banned years ago in the U.S.A. We as Americans sure made a fuss about them when they were being used in this country. Can we say that as long as it is used in another country, we really don’t care? The facts speak for themselves.

Since we are looking at produce, what about genetic engineering? What is being woven into the fabric of the food we eat? Do we know? Certainly it can’t be true that scientist are introducing parts of plants listed as pesticides into our food.

Argi-business must care more for our health then the almighty buck, wouldn’t you think? Is there a smile on your face because you know that statement isn’t true? Exactly how much of their chemicals do we ingest every year?

Certainly the reports offered by morticians are not true. The human body cannot be lasting longer after death because of the level of preservatives it contains, can it? We’ve all heard the expression, “You are what you eat.” Now, that’s pretty scary, don’t you think?

What about addicts? Speed, meth, smack are just a few. Alcohol abuse is on the rise. With all the press about the evils of smoking, can you think of any reason anybody would want to smoke? I can’t. I work around licensed nurses who smoke. They treat cancer patients all the time. One would think the nurses could connect the dots. Obviously not all nurses smoke. But a lot do.

It would not be a great mental stretch for each of us to think of at least one thing humans do in an attempt to kill themselves. Enjoyably, of course. We are a highly educated country. Information is readily available to anybody desiring it.

Let’s look at the big picture. Why do certain countries, and/or terrorist groups busy themselves with planning the downfall of the western world? Was 911 good for our country? That question does not deserve any thought. Why do these people want to kill us? And why aren’t we as a country committed to protecting ourselves from them? Are we prepared to go the distance when push comes to shove, as it certainly will.

The question was asked, “What is my opinion of self help books?” That is the title of this article, after all. Exactly who would be reading these books? Not the same people who are busy trying to kill themselves, I’m sure.

Do the authors of these books actually think they are bringing lasting change to men and women around the world? How many books are out there on dieting? I’m certainly am not trying to single out dieting, but everybody knows of at least a dozen different diet plans. The shelves are packed with diet books, Now, don't get upset and think I'm picking on dieters. I'm simply using it as an example.

How many of us have completely changed the way we eat – and stuck to it? It’s one thing to read some inspiring diet book and start following it to the letter. It’s a horse of a different color to stick with it. There have been so many diets religiously followed by so many people that if they all stood in line, it would stretch right to the bakery because that’s where we all wind up. Garfield the cat said he was quitting his diet for health reasons, because he was sick of it.

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Comment by Pastor Sharon Billington on October 19, 2007 at 10:18am
Paidra, God has given us a limited ability to change, and some self help books can be useful in these cases. Willpower goes only so far. The truth is, there are many things we may want to change but cannot of ourselves. That's where we can go to God for help, which He will surely give us in His perfect timing and plan for our life.

God gave us the ability to make choices, and sometimes we make bad ones. The great news is that we don't necessarily have to be stuck in the consequences and choices we have made. There is help available if we will only turn to Him who can give it.

Warmly, with all blessings,
Pastor Sharon Billington
Transforming lives through developing balanced, emotionally helathy relationships with God, others and self
Comment by padma narayanswamy on October 18, 2007 at 11:07pm
cant say self help books is not useful while we are down and upset if we read a self -help book we will definitely feel better this is my observation

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