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~ “Three Laws Safe” ~

Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.

“Do Robots Dream?”

“Do They Have Souls?”

“Sorry…we cannot sell or pump gas at this time.” “The computers are down”, “we can’t get anything to work.” “Can you come back later?”

I can remember the words of Our Brother, ‘Marvin Gaye,’ “What’s Going On?” “Thing’s Ain’t What They Used To Be…Mercy, Mercy Me!”

Many of us have PC’s in our homes today. And there are many others who feel they are, and believe they are a step ahead while utilizing home-robots like “Alexa” or IBM’S “Watson” and a myriad of cloned devices that clean, monitor, and coordinate their daily lives or lifestyles.

Where’s your cell phone?

Do you remember the scene in the movie “Star Wars,” where the bar-tender shouts at ‘Luke Skywalker’ to get his droids out of his establishment?
That scene is a result of human prejudices against machines or robot-kind. Detroit, Michigan’s automobile industry and workforce is all but totally manned by robots (or robotics). Robots are doing major operations on humans and animals alike. Robots are preparing foods, packing and shipping items, driving cars, and diagnosing human ailments and diseases. Robots are answering telephones and redirecting calls. Robots are calling you on your telephones, reminding you of past due bills, appointments, prescription pick-ups, and making attempts at selling you goods and other services. Robots are building bridges, buildings, and homes. Robots are doing just about anything and everything a human or animal can and has been doing. Ask yourself…how many jobs have been lost and are being lost to robots?

“Many companies are using sentiment analysis to gauge the mood(s) on social networks and/or the web…but getting insight takes new tactics and skills,” said Doug Henschen of ‘Techweb.’

“A ‘Robot’ may not injure a ‘Human Being’ or, through inaction, allow a Human Being to come to harm.”

“A ‘Robot’ must obey orders given it by ‘Human Beings’ except where such orders would conflict with the first law.”

“A ‘Robot’ must protect its’ own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law.”

Technology is defined as the knowledge of tools and crafts. It is a broad view or concept that deals with human inventions, intervention, and the ability to adapt and control of a particular environment. The clock has a form of control over the way we react to time, i.e., cause and effect. Technology can also be construed as material objects in use by humans such as machines and devices that involve systems, techniques, and/or methods of organization. Do humans control computers or do computers control humans? Why is the question germane to this topic? View my article: “Device Machine Dependent!” (It has been removed from the EzineMagazine posting site)

But…where is the law in preventing a robot from taking a human’s job; replacing human kind?

Robotics are everywhere these days…they are in the operating room, the automobile industry, the restaurants, the hotels, communications – pick up a telephone and see if you are speaking with a human or robot…they control the flow of Internet operations, traffic, trains, and many forms of transportation, i.e., air travel…flights coming and going; albeit, human flight engineers are still needed as supervisional controllers…

If you haven’t been able to read the article which was originally posted to the magazine site, It is re-posted to this posting for your edification…as well as it not disappearing from existence altogether:

“Device Machine Dependent”

“Sorry…we cannot sell or pump gas at this time.” “The computers are down”, “we can’t get anything to work.” “Can you come back later?”

Haven’t we all, at one time or another, experienced waiting in line at retail, wholesale, and/or any given checkout counter where everything stops when the computers fail? Didn’t you wish the operators of these devices could use a (for those who can remember) portable calculator, abacus, or something that will get the line moving and allow you to leave with your purchase? How about using a plain ole pencil and paper?

“Sorry…We can’t write you a receipt, the computer knows all of the prices and keeps inventory as well as who I am, the date, time, transaction number, my station number, and the store location number.” We are at the mercy and dependence of computers and machines that do all and most of what we used to do, as well as the things that we don’t do.

While perusing through some tech articles, mags, and reports of several major tech info media, I came across an advertisement that I could not ignore. It depicted a giant or larger than man-sized robot. This robot was seated like the statue of “The Thinking Man”; one of Auguste Rodin’s most famous sculptures, the “Thinker Statue.” The Thinker was part of a commission by the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris to sculpt a monumental door based on The Divine Comedy of Dante (Dante’s Inferno). The image of the robot was an advertisement for anti-virus software protection. Remember the “Good Book?” Remember the first book of “Moses”, (the “King James Version”) called “GENESIS”, chp.1, para.26; “and GOD said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”

The image of the robot was man-like. Albeit, the image appeared to personify a particular type of person or a particular race of human being; should it have? The robot had blue eyes; a pointed elongated nose, a broad and deep eye-socketed brow, and the physical characteristics of a long and lean structure. The similarities were unmistakably that of the European Caucasian male. I wondered why. The word power entered my mind; “Let us make things in our image, after our likeness.”

ESET NOD32 Antivirus’ advertisement reminded me of a story written by Isaac Asimov. The anti-virus caption stated “we’ve been told only the most knowledgeable IT managers have heard of us”. Mr. Asomov’s story, “I ROBOT”, is probably recently known by the 2004, movie by 20th Century Fox. The story was also depicted in the 1960’s TV series “The Twilight Zone”, created and narrated by Mr. Rod Serling. Albeit, the TV show starred several “persons of color” This practice is not out of the norm for many moviemakers. Some believe that people of color either weren’t thought of or the existence is or will be non-existent. Why is that? The perceived non-contribution to science and the world economy by people of color is questionable as well. i.e., the movie “Logan’s’ Run.”

Many robot images in science fiction stories and movies are depicted with expressionless, non-human-like features; even though many of them are crafted with eyes and mouths. It could be assumed the representation of eyes, ears, and mouths are a comfort-zone interface designed to allow human beings the benefit of comradery with these service-provider machines. But why is it

we characterize or model the seemingly most intelligent-looking centralized robot appear to be copied after the image of one particular race of people? Is it the intention to “create in the image of its creator?” Was it not the Asian Scientists that created, produced, and perfected the first humanoid robot? Was it not recorded as such? Do you ever wonder, which came first, the chicken or the egg?

What would you do or how have you reacted when you realized that you’d left your cell-phone at home; or worse, you’ve lost it? How about the crashing of your computer? Your TV doesn’t work because the computer component of something or other on its’ motherboard went capluwie? Oh no! The cable-TV system is down! The computerized micro-wave stopped working, the computerized washing machine and dryer stopped working, the computerized automobile stopped working, the computerized radio isn’t working and you can’t get the news, the MAC machine doesn’t work and you can’t access your funds for cash purposes and/or transactions, the telephone doesn’t work, the lights and heat stopped working, and what ever else relies on computer controlled operations or power?

Have you ever seen “Colossus,The Forbin Project?” It’s a movie where a master computer and its on-line rival compute and eventually control the future and demise of mankind. And heaven-forbid that we lose the Internet! What would you do? How do we function? Do we go back to the old fashioned, simpler way of life? Are we willing to barter or trade? Are we willing to re-learn to use paper and pen, the abacus (how many of us know how to use it?), and/or are we ready willing and able to utilize our financial reports by way of the hand-written ledger again?

The next time that you’re standing in line awaiting purchase checkout; with all of the devices, instruments, and all of the technological tools at our disposure, remember, we will still face the inevitable confrontation of “Sorry…we cannot sell or pump gas at this time.” “The computers are down, we can’t get anything to work.” “Can you come back later?”


Now, what about the television system(s), streaming, the rating process? How many shows have been broadcast regarding killer robots or robotics, and the movies…how many times have you gone out to view movies about robots and/or androids, i.e., “Alien,” “I Robot,” “Colossus,The Forbin Project,” and the latest movie(s) about renegade machines run amok, “The Drone,” “The Transformers,” or “Mr. Robot?”

They are taking away the pleasure and ability to drive our cars…the automobile industry seems to love that – remedy!?

Is it possible that robots can cure the sexual desires of the sexual predators who walk amongst us? Can they cure the common cold…are robots delivering our babies in the delivery room…would you be comfortable with a robot giving you a physical; Looking down you throat or up your anus during a physical exam? They have been pretty popular among those men who desire the companionship of women, who for whatever reason can’t or simply do not want or desire the difficulties or challenges of the human woman…would they replace the woman as they appear to be replacing the man in his ever changing attitude(s) toward utter and complete power.

The truth is…there is nothing that we can do about this evolution, this new life form, this cure-all for Mankind. The robot has without a doubt, proven to be a most useful tool and asset to technology as it is…will there ever come a day when we would not have to do a damned thing for ourselves…would we loose the desire (or possibly, the ability) to do anything for ourselves in this fast approaching future; a future that is apparently NOW?

You have the ability to judge for yourself…for now.


…Til Next Time.



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Gregory V. Boulware@AuthorBoulwareG

"When Spider Webs Unite!"  #Christ #Yahshua #Yahweh #Hebrew #Islam #Religion #Torah #Quran #GoodvEvil #Maafa #Sankofa; background-size: cover;">

~“Maafa: Life After Conquest”~

“Maafa: Life After Conquest” The Ruin Of A Nation Begins In The Homes Of Its People By Gregory V. Boulware How – Where Is It possible For A Human Being To Have Peace Where There Is No Justice…




Marvin Gaye:

Isaac Asimov:
Aka, “Isaak Judah Ozimov” of Petrovichi
Shtetl, near Smolensk, Russia…

“AI” Of Human-Kind

“The Platform On The Cloud”

“Internet SOS – Save Our Systems”—Save-Our-Systems&id=4481594

“IT and BI”

“Device Machine Dependent”
(Previously posted to EzineArticles – for some reason, it has been removed, (5.19.8));_ylt=A0geK.ZmFlNclTsA6yNXNyoA;_ylu=...;?p=device+machine+dependent&pz=10&ei=UTF-8&fr=crmas&bct=0&b=1&pz=10&bct=0&xargs=0

Saturday, November 7, 2009
“Device Machine Dependent”
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.

“We the Matrix”

Search Results for “Device Machine Dependent”

~ “Device Machine Dependent” ~
“Sorry…we cannot sell or pump gas at this time.” “The computers are down”, “we can’t get anything to work.” “Can you come back later?” Haven’t we all, at one time or another, experienced waiting in line at ret…
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~ “AI”…of Human-kind ~

~ “AI”…of Human-kind ~ By Gregory V. Boulware, Esq. 

“Which Came First, The Chicken Or The Egg?” Several years ago, you may recall a publication …
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~ ‘Internet SOS’ – “Save Our Systems” ~
‘Internet SOS’ – “Save Our Systems” By Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.—Save-Our-Systems&id=4481594 June…
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“Craplets and Software Junk”
“Craplets and Software Junk” By Gregory V. Boulware 5.8.11 A poem danced around for a while in my mind…It said something about a tree. Is there nothing as lovely as a tree? While pondering and reminiscing my co…
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“The One Thing I Know is…How To Understand Information Technology?”

“Anthology of An Essayist” – Volume II: Total Comprehensive Compositions: Total Comprehensive Compositions (Volume 2)

“Robot Movies”;_ylt=AwrEzed7IlNcFO0AVS...


#Asimov #IRobot #AI #BoulwareBooks #MarvinGaye #Boulware #SciFi #Robotics #Employment #GhostInTheMachine #Soul #MachineLearning #BI #IT #Immigrants #Immigration #Disenfranchised #IAm #IAmHebrew #Dependency #Device #Freedom #Galaxy #Human #Machine #Matrix #Service #Technology #Universe #Universal #TheThreeLaws #Machines #ArtificialIntelligence #HumanKind #PC #AI #IoT #WhatsGoingOn #ThingsAintWhatTheyUsedToBe #ModernLife #BlackAmerica #BlackInAmerica #HBCU #CollegeLife #Universities #HigherLearning


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Comment by Gregory V. Boulware on February 2, 2019 at 5:23pm


~ “AI” Of Human-Kind ~

“AI”… of Human-kind!

“Which Came First, The Chicken Or The Egg?”

Article Source:…Of_Humankind_

~ ‘Artificial Intelligence! ~;_ylt=AwrJ6yhXMFZcB5oA4ohXNyoA;_ylu=...


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