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Natalie Regoli, CEO's Comments

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At 9:19am on December 4, 2009, Jean Purcell said…
Hi, Natalie, I just left comments for you on Facebook.
At 9:08am on December 4, 2009, Karen Cioffi-Ventrice said…
Hi, Natalie,

Yes, I'm on Linkedin:
(under Karen Cioffi-Ventrice) and face book.

I'm not sure of the id for facebook, I have to check and get back to you or I'll try to connect to you there.

I'm also on Twitter:

Thanks for asking, I'd love to connect.

At 8:50am on December 4, 2009, Shelley Seale said…
Hi Natalie,
Yes! Thanks for asking.
Here is my facebook fan page:

And I am on LinkedIn:

And Twitter:

At 8:46am on December 4, 2009, Elizabeth Bennett said…
Hi Natalie, its great to meet you. Thanks for stopping by. I have sent you a Linked In request and joined your fan page on Facebook. I am always looking to connect with others myself. I invite you to visit my site at and connect with me on the various networks I am involved in. I am so sorry you had breast cancer and hope you are okay now. Have a great weekend...

Take Care,
The Social Justice Guru
At 8:26am on December 4, 2009, Daniel P. McGinley said…
Thanks for connecting, Natalie. You're an amazing person, and an inspiration to all.
At 8:18am on December 4, 2009, Launa McNeilly said…
Hi Natalie, I have added you on Linkedin. I am on facebook as well. Thank you for getting in touch. Best Regards, Launa McNeilly
At 8:05am on December 4, 2009, Sherlyn Powell said…
Hi Natalie,
Thank you for contacting me. I beleive you are a strong woman. I have had people in my family and friends go through cancer and I know it's not an easy battle. It also takes courage and prayer. God Bless you, yes you can invite me to be your friend on facebook.
At 8:04am on December 4, 2009, Charles Lightwalker said…
At 7:58am on December 4, 2009, Hunter Gray [John R Salter Jr] said…
Dear Natalie Regoli:

I am very sorry indeed to learn of your medical challenge. I sense that you are a fighter -- and that is, in my opinion, one of the most important things of all. I cannot emphasize that enough.
Some years ago, I was hit with an extremely serious version of systemic lupus, often a deadly disease. At its outset, I almost died three times and was in ICU at each point. I am a fighter and I fought back. And I pulled out of that demise. Plenty of rest, good food, certain vitamins [C, E, and D], support from family and friends, and my careful and selective use of appropriate medicines, all combined to carry me to a point where I am essentially functional. You can and you will make it through this challenge just fine. Never, never fall into an emotional malaise -- focus, as much as you can, on your significant work and helping others. [I now have a long list of Lupus people to whom I write regularly with encouragement.] Keep in touch -- I am not on Facebook or Twitter -- but my e address is hunterbadbear@ , We are with you! Solidarity, Hunter Gray [Hunter Bear]
At 7:38am on December 4, 2009, Vicki M. Taylor said…
I'll connect to you on Facebook! you're a wonderful inspiration!
At 7:35am on December 4, 2009, Kathryn E. Eriksen said…
Natalie -

I just joined your FB page and Linked In. Thanks for reaching out -

At 7:33am on December 4, 2009, Chase von said…
Hey Nat and I'm on both sites as well. I've requested your friendship on each and lovely picture of you and the little one:)

Stay strong

Chase Von
At 7:23am on December 4, 2009, Gabriel Gherasim said…
God Bless Natalie!
Believe in the on-going regeneration of the human organism.
My best thoughts with you and your loved ones!
At 7:17am on December 4, 2009, Kathy Stemke said…
I'm on both sites. You're an inspiration.
At 7:17am on December 4, 2009, albertasequeira said…
I'm on both Facebook and Linkedin
At 7:13am on December 4, 2009, Beth Shriver said…
Yes, Natalie, I am on both of those sites. God bless you!
At 7:06am on December 4, 2009, Dyan Garris said…
Hi Natalie: Yes, I'd love to connect with you other places. My facebook is:

Blessings to you!
At 7:04am on December 4, 2009, Kim Mitchell said…
When things seem like their not going our way, we should seek out stories of others, like yours, to keep us grounded in how fortunate we are. Your strength & courage is humbling. My heart, tears and prayers go out to you and your family. Keep us updated. God bless.
At 7:02am on December 4, 2009, Timothy J. Desmond said…
Hi. Yes, I am on Facebook, but not on Linked. Best wishes, Tim
At 6:49am on December 4, 2009, Ted Jordan said…
Hi Natalie, nothing tells a story like a nice video which is what I do for more info and samples, contact me at and we can talk more. Thanks.

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