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~“FAIRMOUNT” The Series: The Willis Samuel Investigations Part 8: “A Reckoning Is A Coming”~


The Series:

The Willis Samuel Investigations

Part 8:

“A Reckoning Is A Coming”


Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.

Part 8:
“A Reckoning Is A Coming”

“How am I supposed to feel when shit like this hits the fan nearly each and every fuckin day!?”  Samuel thought aloud while alone in his office…

“Damn, investigations; committees and committees over them. The senseless onslaught of killing continues. On top of all that, another law enforcement oversight committee is considering legislation measures that could bring police conduct under control.” Willis thought to himself as he sat down behind his large paper and file cluttered desk; in his large overstuffed high-backed leather chair.

Giancarlo Miller, a Black Congressman, made an announcement that made reference to or as “The Law Enforcement and Integrity Act” in the House of State Representatives the other day. The inclusion of one measure in ‘Philly’ would ensure the appointment of city commissioners with the approval of City Council and State House Reps.

The Chairman of the Black, Puerto Rican, Asian, and Hispanic/Latino Caucus in the state assembly, announced an upcoming meeting which will introduce new legislation to be known as “The Africanus Diallo Amani Law,” which analyses an outlines police reform(s) nationwide.
This new law would require city police to be bona-fide residents of the city in which they serve. The law also includes diversity training while removing the rule allowing officers not to speak about their actions forty (40) hours after a police involved event has occurred.

The National Black Alliance Network,” headed by the Reverend Lemuel Sharsman, is also considering legislative measures…introducing legislation at local, state, and federal levels to “check all acts of police brutality across the nation, let alone here in our own city.”
One such act was committed by four white officers who are accused of brutality when they shot to death an unarmed Black Man in the doorway of his apartment building a little while back. Sharsmanurged Black Legislators to understand that “Africa is their continent and that Africans in the United States who number more than five million in our city, would and will stand together to fight for justice against injustice and the “blind eye(s) that aids it!”
He also said that he was assured that ambassadors from African Nations such as “Sierra Leone,” in the U.S. will also join in the support for the fight for justice.

Everyone seemed to agree that the law would tackle problems like racial profiling, death while in police custody, and drug testing among other related issues.

Another endorsement came from the Reverend James Jackson Matthews. He is also the head of an organization involved in the struggle known as “The Southern Council For Civil Rights” (SCFCF). They want all of the participants in the struggle to completely understand that the “White Nation” views our fight for justice as some sort of a sport or game…a contest guaranteeing a difficult episode…guaranteeing that all players will surely come out soiled and dirty.
The killing of “Diallo Amani” has opened a massive golden window…an opportunity for people of color to make an effective demand for change as observed by another Black Congressman, ‘Owen Majors.’

“This killing – This brutal murder has united our people and people across racial and religious divides. This development should be used as a means of coming together – uniting us one and all in this intrepid yet indefatigable pursuit of justice!”

Congressman Majors continued to suggest that a week in April be declared “A Week of Outrage!” He says this action should be organized all across the country, bringing cities to their knees, making a very strong case for change.
The congressman reminded people of the 1992 beating of a Black Man…‘Rodney King.’ He was beaten by White Los Angeles Cops.

“Fifty-five people died protesting against a jury verdict that acquitted the cops involved in the attack which was captured on video tape…on film!
Did it matter? Did it matter to law enforcement? This beating…this shooting…this practice is simply only one part of a pattern of American authority designed to oppress Blackmen…to keep “Them/Us” in our place!”
The congressman cited figures and statistics backing up his statements. He said, at the same time that states across the country have reduced education budgets while increasing funds for the prison industry.

The trial of the acquitted cops was closely followed by people of color across the globe. The cops contended they all fired in self-defense after ‘Amani’ reached for what they said was a gun. The object in question was the young Man’s wallet. He was shot and struck by bullets more than nineteen times. It was reported that the young Black Man died in a barrage of forty-one bullets…police bullets!

Willis’s thoughts were interrupted with an unsuspecting knock upon the door.

“A nickel for your thoughts Captain? …I thought I’d up the anti from a penny.” Sally smiled, he didn’t.

“Just remembering some shit I’d like to forget.”

Sally replied, “I hear ya Bro. It’s like a bad dream that never goes away or stops biting on ya.”

Willis stood up and stretched. A man who was much larger than his visitor who weighed in at about one-hundred and sixty pounds sopping wet. Willis carried an older two-hundred and forty-two pounds – a healthy lean six foot individual floating around in his late fifties.

“I can’t get over this case of the African Brother who was killed by police…a case of pure over-kill.

This young brother simply believed this place was a place that he could come to and be free and safe…where police are your protector; your friend, where justice could be done.
This brother came from a place where human rights are constantly violated, arbitrary arrests and tortures are committed on a daily basis, extra judicial killings remain common placed, entire families often times disappear where many are never seen again. 
The city had to put out big bucks in over-time when the marches and demonstrations took place…many people got hurt – Black People!

Amanis’ family seemed very appreciative for the support of the people – there was irony where the department was concerned though…they defended the exonerated cops who were responsible for the death while offering a half-baked apology! 
His parents told Me of the shared dream of coming to America. Now he is remembered as a shy young man, devoted to his Mother and Father, his studies, his relatives, and friends.
Now, he is another symbol, a statistic of police brutality and/or racial stereotyping in the annals of justice, I should say non-justice.
His father said they will put tiles on his grave when they bury him next to his Grandfather in Africa. Y’know that man was the first man in his village of two-hundred people who made the trek to ‘Mecca.’ His mother and father told Me that when I visited. I couldn’t help but notice how close and tight the “Holy Qur’an” was held by his father. 

I have gone over this event over and over again in my mind…I can’t get it out of my head; my heart and soul aches for him and all the other Young Black Men who have perished by the hands…the bullets of police in this country. But for the life of Me Sally, I simply can’t…the one major thing – the question that keeps coming back in my mind is why? Why shoot this kid over forty-one times? Sometimes Brother, it gets really hard to hold the line on where your loyalties should be...”Human Rights, Democracy, it’s for whites only – or at least for those with the means to afford it…being able to defend themselves whether innocent or being guilty as hell.”

Yeah Cap, I feel ya.”

The Philadelphia Sunny Globe Newspaper Reporter, Salestion Michaels,  sat down in the chair in front of Willis’ desk with a large sigh of sadness and despair. His face darkened his high-brown-complection (some identify his skin color as “High-Yellow” or “Red-Bone”) with the weight of sorrow.

I kind of hate to lay this on you Captain Samuel, especially at a time like this…”

The captain trained a listening eye on the newspaper reporter.

“It’s apparent that you haven’t been apprised…haven’t gotten the report, the call yet.” said Sally.

“Okay, spill it dude, I’ve got things to do…”

“Remember that ole’ case I was working on awhile back…the report that I did on the “Kelpians” and their society, the cult out in the “Chestnut Hill” area?”


“Well I’m here to tell ya, not only did the case not go away, it never resulted in a closing… The missing kids were never found. I never let the story go, I stayed on it even when it went cold…two more kids went missing. I got this just an hour ago. They vanished into thin air! 
The kids were waiting at the school bus stop. They were waiting for the school bus to the “Y.M.C.A.‘s after school activities and programs. Their parents called ‘The Y’ to confirm their arrival, just like they’ve always done… The kids were not there. They did not check in! They weren’t on the bus…some of their classmates stated they saw them get into a blue Ford Maxi-van that had “YMCA” markings on it.
The ‘Y’ people said they have no such van…only the bus.

Where are these missing kids?”

Til Next Time…




Part 9:
“The Games Afoot!”


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Comment by Gregory V. Boulware on August 26, 2019 at 7:17pm


...For Your Edification:

All Ten Chapters of "FAIRMOUNT" The Series:

~"FAIRMOUNT" – The Series~

Pt. 1: ‘Strawberry Mansion’

Pt. 2: “Smith Playground In North Philly”~

Pt. 3: ‘A Sweet Briar License’

Pt. 4: ‘A Pillar of Salt’

Pt. 5: ‘The Myrtlewood Street Funeral’~

Pt. 6: “Physical Alterations”

Pt. 7: ‘That Damned River’

Pt. 8: ‘The Rush’ of “34th St. and Girard Avenue”

Pt. 9: “Captains – Philly Style!”

Pt. 10: ~‘A Tacony Civilian Affair’~


All Eight Chapters of "FAIRMOUNT" The Willis Samuel Investigations:

'Willis Samuel Investigations, The Series'
~ “A Four Cornered Phling” ~
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.


'Willis Samuel Investigations, The Series'
~ "The AR-15 Incident" ~
Willis Samuel Investigations: 'Fairmount'
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.


'Willis Samuel Investigations, The Series'
~ "Bus Drivers Do It At Their Stops!" ~
Willis Samuel Investigations: 'Fairmount'
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.


'Willis Samuel Investigations, The Series'
~ "Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold!" ~
Willis Samuel Investigations: 'Fairmount'
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.


'Willis Samuel Investigations, The Series'
(Pt. 5)
~ "A Career Voiding Dance of Tomorrow" ~
Willis Samuel Investigations: 'Fairmount'
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.


"Fairmount" - 'Willis Samuel Investigations, The Series'
(Pt. 6)
~ "Without A Trace" ~
Willis Samuel Investigations: 'Fairmount'
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.


Fairmount: 'Willis Samuel Investigations, The Series'
(Pt. 7)
~ "Loose Ends!" ~
Willis Samuel Investigations: 'Fairmount'
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.


Fairmount: 'Willis Samuel Investigations, The Series'
(Part 8)
“A Reckoning Is A Coming”
Willis Samuel Investigations: 'Fairmount'
Gregory V. Boulware, Esq.


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