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I recently contacted 5 local bookstores and 3 have agreed to sell some of my books. One of them will take the book on consignment. Has anyone had any problems with this type of there any other way? The other two stores are owned by friends so there isn't an issue.

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Hi Cindy,

I have had mixed experience with consignment. Some pay, some loose track of what they owe, and don't keep good records, one actually lost the book and then refused to pay, blaming it on me! But others have been very postive. I think it just depends on the store. It might be a good idea to keep really good records, and get receipts from them so you can prove they have your book. My publisher has discouraged me from using them, so I have only used a few.

You need to keep accurate records and check your records with their records. I am the owner of a bookstore and we tend to avoid consignment agreements as it can be time consuming keeping up with records. So glad you have 3 who have agreed. Make sure every thing is in writing with proper signatures. Congratulations!
Have you had any experience with ebook distribution? What about online distribution of hard copies?
Yeah, thanks . . . am on several indie bookseller sites and all of the online bookseller sites . . . e-book still under consideration. Jack
Yes, there is another way to reach a large audience base you can also opt for a book marketing and a book promotion company. They certainly have an edge over the conventional way of marketing your work. You just have to register with them and for a very low cost your work will be showcased in national and international book fairs and book exhibits. In reference to that I would like to recommend a website that will help to display your work on a global level. The name of the website is Combined Book Exhibit and they have a very good reputation in the publishing community.
Depends on who your publisher is. Some won't accept returns, so bookstores are not likely to run the risk of getting stuck with a pile of books that they can't sell.
Skeeze Whitlow
4317 N. 16th Street
Arl. VA 22207
240 – 271 - 7569

Dear Bookstore Sellers,
As a former U.S. Capitol attendant, I offer you Senate Parking. A 90 K word novel about a multicultural crew of parking lot attendants who operate an escort service from the Senate lots. A good look at the underbelly of our law making process. Senate Parking can be listened to at
“Hill Intros” is the brainstorm of attendants unable to obtain employment within the confines of the Capitol. Senate Parking is the story of power structures, on a personal and national level. Done from the perspective of workers who see themselves without much chance of ‘making it’ in a culture of power drivers, Washington’s backdrop provides a tension all its own.
This book concerns every kind of shady deal for which the political arena is famous. Senate Parking is full of anecdotes which let freedom ring. I can provide you with a synopsis or with the complete manuscript – whatever you like. Either way, I’ll be in touch.

Skeeze Whitlow

My second novel is now audio – like old time radio. All you have to do is listen. It’ll make you laff. Go to www.NewFiction,com

Choose ‘Senate Parking’

Skeeze Whitlow
I have been wondering myself on how am I going to get my book
into bookstores when it comes out this month.
If you have suggestions please let me know.

Molested at age 8, run over by a train at age 9,My teen and adult years I was addicted to drugs and alcohol. I wrote this book "My Tragedy My Life My Testimony" praying that it will help or save someone else's life. or 3016951707: Written by: Mary Louise Clark
You are fortunate to have local (Mom & Pop stores) agree to carry your book. I have one local store that did carry my book for about 6 mos. (on consignment) - but then the owner only wanted to carry books that they got through a distributor. Most major book store chains won't carry it either unless they can get it through Ingram or some other major supplier. I did have the Family Christian store manager tell me he'd allow me to have a "book signing".
I did, early on, put my self-published book with a distributor in New York. The setup fees were reasonable, and they take orders through Ingram/Spring Arbor.
I have also submitted product packages to Lifeway Christian, Family Christian, Berean Christian, and others. In
addition, I've mailed out several books for review. We'll see where it all goes. My next step is some reved-up
promotion online.

Thank you so very much for that insightful info.
I will definitely try and do that.
I've contacted some bookstores, one said that they would have to make sure that the book was appropriate to sell in their store, which I'm still waiting to hear from them. Another agreed to take the book, but has not yet taken it, and agreed to let me do a signing, but I've not heard from a date yet. We worked out a deal, (which I can do because I self-publish) to where they get 40% of the sales money, and I get to keep 60%. He told me that he usually works with the publisher on these issues, though. So far, my book has not seen the inside of a store, I'm still waiting. Good luck with your book, though. Maybe it's just a matter of time. I should say, too that if your book has a upc barcode, then stores will be more willing to take it. I spent the money to have one on my back cover. That way, stores can easily add the book to the computer system, so that the cashier can ring it up easier.


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