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I was both surprised (shocked is more like it!) and thrilled last night to discover my novel, The Ezekiel Code (, is listed among the "Best Sellers" in 3 categories!

Kindle/Occult, #17

Kindle/Religious Fiction, #49

Paperback/Occult, #76

Book sales fluctuating as they do you never know how long it will last. Guess I'll treat myself to a steak dinner and a bottle of wine while the news is still good. LOL

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Thanks, sheila. It was yummy! LOL
Congratulations on your success
Thank you sir! I read that you appear in period costume when presenting your historical fiction book at public venues. What a great idea. Do any other authors of historical fiction do this?

Congradulations dude!!!!! I'll drink a glass of wine in toast to this sucess of yours. Hope to be joing you soon in the ranks.

Hey Blake! Thanks! I'm sure there's a position on the top 100 "best seller" list with your name on it. Heck, the title, "Six Toes", should be enough to draw attention to it all by itself! LOL
Hi Gary, That is something to celebrate!! I think we all should have a glass and raise it to you in a toast to your success!!
Thanks Launa! The drinks are on me. Yeah, like I could afford that. Well, maybe when the royalty check rolls in. Oh, wait. No, I still have to pay the electric bill. Sheesh! ;-)


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