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It was suggested to me that I sign up for to get more exposure for my books. Has anyone signed up and had success or generated exposure with goodreads? If so, what did you do to connect with people or show your expertise?

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Hi Alison,

No one can say what works and what doesn't. Goodreads is just like any other networking site if you approach it the right way. The ticket is not to go there specifically just to sell books. You must be willing to interact and become a valued member of the community. People look down on authors who only try to sell their books but don't participate in other things. You can do many things on GR. You can post a blog, join groups, create a group, etc. But the key is interaction or nothing's gonna work no matter what site you're on.

I'm on all types of sites, GR included but lately I'm finding it's easier to get the word out about books on Facebook than anywhere else. I was surprised but it really is interesting how FB gets the word out. The same thing applies there though. You gotta actually participate in the Facebook community and show you're not there just to sell books. It only turns people off when authors constantly mention their books.

Best Wishes!

A sadistic admirer has been stalking Detective Brianna Morris for months and now her friend Cheyenne Wilson has been beaten and left for dead:
Giving Up The Ghost Coming 2011
Hi Stacy,
Thanks for the feedback. I'll try FB over the next few weeks.
I just joined GR this week. So far I have 3 friends and I have just been talking to people about their books. My perspective is more to build relationships that may lead to speaking engagements. As well as insight from other authors. Maybe at some point they will recommend my books.

That's the downside to book related sites like Shelfari and Goodreads. So many authors on their trying to sell books and they often don't stop to learn about anyone else's. I think more general sites are better for getting the word out.

Best Wishes!
Thanks for the feedback. I guess I hadn't looked far enough into goodreads & shelfari to find the social communication part of the sites; I just saw where to list the books (this is why I was confused as to why they were called social sites). I'll have to spend some time exploring the websites.

I'm on GoodReads, and I must say, it is one of the best sites to generate interest. I have great interaction on group discussions, made networking contacts, gotten good tips for marketing, blog followers, FB friends.


Stacy is right about not going there to sell, but in interact and become know. I been on other sites like Shelfari, LibraryThing, but GR has been by far the best. I look forward to discussions.


Shawn Lamb

Author of Allon


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