The Book Marketing Network

For book/ebook authors, publishers, & self-publishers

I'd like to start a new forum where people can talk about what's working for you right now in marketing your book.

I think this will help other authors to prioritize their activities if they can find out what's working for other people. This would be especially valuable to new authors.

I've share the hottest tool that I'm using right now. And that's Twitter. As you will note on the main page of this Book Marketing Network website, both my website and this network have been rising in Alexa ranks (and visits) because of my use of Twitter.

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Thank you Steve!
How many partners did you have? How many actual sales did you make?

Hi John,


  There were approx. 40 or so partners that included grass roots people that shared word of mouth and others who posted on social media accounts and others with legit businesses online that made announcements in their newsletters. I set a 30 day goal for the launch and reached out to alot of folks in that time period but also had to tend to alot of other details in preparation including building the landing page myself, the bonus gift page, writing copy for FB & Twitter, Newsletters and working with the partners etc.


  This was largely social media driven.


  I do not know the actual sales yet. 


Thank you for your questions,


Scott M. Shafer



John, as a follow up, many of Scott's joint venture partners came from the John 3:16 Marketing Network. So far, in the few months we have been in existence, now with over eighty partners, we have launched six authors to best-seller status on Amazon.

We have a video that I produced  that will be available in three weeks. Lisa Lickels' Reflections blog has exclusive rights to its initial launch, as well as two articles that I have written, but once they are posted on her blog, I will link here for anyone who is interested in learning more. For now, information for joining can be found at: 


We also have a blog with all the authors listed at and can be found on Facebook at




Thank you for writing that Lorilyn,


  If I would have had my wits about me I would have taken more time last night to describe in detail the partners and the significance of the John 3:16 Marketing Network which played a vital role in the success of the campaign for What Every Dream Means. It was late, and I was tired.


  I sincerely highly recommend to Christian authors to get involved with the network. The support of everyone that participated in my launch was incredibly important to me and to the success and reach of the event!


  There was wonderful bonus gifts offered, blogging, social media awareness, interviews and very supportive help throughout the campaign and after by the John 3:16 Marketing Network.


Scott M. Shafer



Thanks, Steve. Personal testimonies are helpful for anyone who is skeptical, and these days, most of us are:)


Hey Lorilyn and Scott,


I agree about skeptical...even heartbroken a couple of times, careful...but ever hopeful...I've contacted your site. Thanks so much for this great idea!



Jeanne, if you are interested in learning more about the John 3:16 Marketing Network, of which Scott is also a part, you can go to:


Kind regards,

Lorilyn Roberts

Yes, I went to the's a terrific idea...and I emailed my name and site to you as per the instructions...

Hi, Scott,

  I have looked at your site. And I am impressed with your results. Did you set up a webpage just for this promotion? I am curious as to how to do this.   Thanks, Alice D.

Hi Alice,


  Thanks for checking it out! Yes there is a a page devoted to the offer itself and a second page that lists sponsors and the bonus gifts with links to everyone.


  If you are interested in I am offering a new service to offer support and coaching to authors preparing a best seller launch. Contact me by email: for more details!


Scott M. Shafer

Best Selling Author of What Every Dream Means

Tonight is my first author chat. 

5pm PST / 6pm MST / 7pm CST / 8 EST | Most Last Around an hour


Would love to have some company if anyone is inclined! 


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